

id=1我有一个文档模板,它使用带有/的项目列表id=0,并\begin{itemize}\onlyitems[none, include = 1]用作每个项目的显示/隐藏条件。现在我想在每个项目后添加项目符号(在列表中添加第二级)。


text 1

text 2









% A huge list of pgfkeys to be set up.  
    /onlyitems/.is family, /onlyitems,
    % Utility keys
    utility/store tag/.store in = \itemOptions,
    utility/store bool/.store in = \itemIf,
    utility/process true/.style = {process/#1 = \iftrue},
    utility/process false/.style = {process/#1 = \iffalse},%\fi
    utility/set store bool/.style 2 args = {#1/.style = {utility/store bool = #2}},
    utility/set select style/.style 2 args = {utility/set store bool = {select/#1}{#2}},
    utility/verdict/.style = {},
    utility/add to reset/.style = {
        reset/.prefix style = {select/#1/.style = {select/.unknown}}
    utility/current key/.estore in = \itemKey,
    % Nothing in the process family is ever set, so any selection option is set to store a boolean
    process/.unknown/.style = {
        utility/current key = \pgfkeyscurrentname,
        select/\itemKey/.style = {
            utility/set store bool = {utility/verdict}{#1}
        utility/add to reset/.expand once = \itemKey
    % For clearing the list of selected items (to support nested {itemize})
    reset/.style = {},
    reset/reset/.style = {reset/.style = {reset/reset, default}},
    % Here are the options you can actually pass.  These go to the {itemize}...
    include/.style = {utility/process true/.list  = {#1}},
    exclude/.style = {utility/process false/.list = {#1}},
    all/.style  = {utility/set select style = {.unknown}{\iftrue}},
    none/.style = {utility/set select style = {.unknown}{\iffalse}},%\fi
    default/.style = {all},
    % ...and these to the \item's
    tag/.style = {utility/store tag = {[#1]}},
    id/.style = {select/#1},

% Like tikzset, it sets a default key path
\newcommand\onlyitemsset[1]{\pgfkeys{/onlyitems, #1}}

% Have to use a \newcount because (ugh) the LaTeX \setcounter is a global assignment
    % The \egroup closes off any \vbox'es from the previously ignored \item.
    % The conditional \bgroup cancels it out when there aren't any.
    \advance\itemsSoFar by 1 %
    \onlyitemsset{utility/store tag = {}, utility/verdict/.style = {}, select/\the\itemsSoFar, #1, utility/verdict}%
    % The vbox is set and then discarded, effectively ignoring an entire \item.
    % This inner \itemLaTeX is necessary to avoid a glitch when we ignore the first \item of an itemize that itself contains a nested \itemize.  Don't ask, I don't know.

% \let\itemizeLaTeX=\itemize
% \let\enditemizeLaTeX=\enditemize
% \renewcommand\itemize[1][]{%
%  \let\itemIf=\iftrue
%  \itemsSoFar = 0 %
%  % We have to reset here so that the selections from an outer itemize don't conflict with an inner one.
%  \onlyitemsset{reset, #1}%
%  \itemizeLaTeX
% }
% \renewcommand\enditemize{%
%  % This closes off the last \vbox
%  \itemIf\bgroup\fi\egroup\enditemizeLaTeX
% }

    \itemsSoFar = 0 %
    % We have to reset here so that the selections from an outer itemize don't conflict with an inner one.
    \onlyitemsset{reset, #1}%
    % This closes off the last \vbox


    \item[id = 1] item 1 text
            \item point 1
            \item point 2
            \item point 3
    \item[id = 0] item 2 text
            \item point 1
            \item point 2
            \item point 3
    \item[id = 1] item 3 text
            \item point 1
            \item point 2
            \item point 3

\begin{itemize}\onlyitems[none, include = 1]
