使用带有包标题的 xltabular(横向)时未定义控制序列

使用带有包标题的 xltabular(横向)时未定义控制序列


编辑:这个错误只发生在我身上。我使用 TexMaker。只有当两个条件同时起作用时,它才会失败:1) 文档中有这个表格,2)\usepackage{caption}序言中有这个表格。当其中一个条件不满足时,文档可以毫无问题地编译。我删除了该.aux文件,并尝试使用新文档。结果相同。我该怎么办??


! 未定义控制序列。\LT@c@ption ...ndcsname }{#3}\LT@captionlistentry {#2} l.122 \end{xltabular} 错误消息顶行末尾的控制序列从未被 \def'ed。如果您拼错了(例如,\hobx'),请输入 I' 和正确的拼写(例如,`I\hbox')。否则请继续,我会忘记未定义的内容。


\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside]{report}
\usepackage[left=4cm,right=2cm,top=2.5cm,bottom=2.5cm]{geometry} % control the geometry of the page

\usepackage{xltabular} % long tabularx
\usepackage{caption} % it breaks xltabular



\setlength\LTcapwidth{\linewidth} % so that the caption spans the whole width of the table
\caption{table caption which has to be long to show that it does not break the line... so I just keep on typing a bit more that I would have.\label{table label}}\\
 A \newline \makecell[r]{\textit{B}} & \multirow{2}{\linewidth}{\centering 1} & \multirow{2}{\linewidth}{\centering 2} & \multirow{2}{\linewidth}{\centering 3} & \multirow{2}{\linewidth}{\centering 4} \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{1st thing} \\* \hline
 & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$ | $\Downarrow$} \\*
 1st A \newline \vspace{-4ex} \begin{flushright}\textit{1st B} \vspace{-3ex}\end{flushright} & \lipsum[23] & \lipsum[23] & \lipsum[23] & \lipsum[23] \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{2nd thing} \\* \hline
 & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$ | $\Downarrow$} \\*
 2nd A \newline \vspace{-4ex} \begin{flushright}\textit{2nd B} \vspace{-3ex}\end{flushright} & Blabla. & Bleble. & Blibli. & Bloblo. \\
\noalign{\break} % \\* does not work with \hline and \pagebreak gives an error
\multicolumn{5}{c}{3rd thing} \\* \hline
 & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$ | $\Downarrow$} \\*

 3rd A \newline \vspace{-4ex} \begin{flushright}\textit{3rd B} \vspace{-3ex}\end{flushright} & \lipsum[23] & \lipsum[23] & \lipsum[23] & \lipsum[23] \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{4th thing} \\* \hline
 & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$ | $\Downarrow$} \\*
 4th A \newline \vspace{-4ex} \begin{flushright}\textit{4th B} \vspace{-3ex}\end{flushright} & Blabla. & Bleble. & Blibli. & Bloblo. \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{5th thing} \\* \hline
 & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$} & \makecell[c]{$\Uparrow$ | $\Downarrow$} \\*
 5th A \newline \vspace{-4ex} \begin{flushright}\textit{5th B} \vspace{-3ex}\end{flushright} & Blabla. & Bleble. & Blibli. & Bloblo. \\
{\noindent Some comments below the table.\\ \par}




PD.\lipsum[23][2]导致后面\lipsum[23]跟着文本 [2],这就是为什么我不能将它用于lipsum较短的单元格。
