Beamer 演示文稿中的表格

Beamer 演示文稿中的表格

我想在 beamer 演示文稿中创建下表,但命令不起作用。有人能帮我解决这个问题吗?也就是说,我应该使用其他软件包还是什么?

\tempdima=\dimexpr \textwidth/7 - 2\tabcolsep\relax
\begin{tabular}{lccccccc} \hline\hline 
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Sample window} & 
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Probability cutoff value} & 
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Crises correctly called (\%)} & 
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} & 
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Missed crises (\%)} & 
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{False alarm (\%)} &
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{TME}  \\ 


&&& \multicolumn{3}{p{\tempdima}}{In-sample}\\\addlinespace[0.75ex]

1970-2000 & 0.1  &  75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\

1970-2003 & 0.1  & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\

1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\

1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25\\

1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\

1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\ 


&&&  \multicolumn{3}{p{\tempdima}}{Out-of-sample}   \\

2001-2003 & 0.1 & 75 & 80.95 & 25.00 & 19.05 & 44.04 \\

2004-2006 & 0.1 & 33.33 & 91.86 & 66.67 & 8.14 & 74.80 \\

2007-2009 & 0.09 & 54.55 & 82.89 & 45.45 & 17.11 & 62.55 \\

2010-2012 & 0.09 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 &  27.59 & 27.59 \\

2013-2015 & 0.09 & 80.00 & 74.36 & 20.00 & 25.64 & 45.64 \\

2016-2018 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 87.21 & 33.33 & 12.79 & 46.12 \\  \hline

\caption{3-year ahead in- and out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: prediction}




  • 没有定义长度'\tempdima˙,
  • 忘记了\begin{table}
  • 忘记放桌子了frame
  • 忘记增加multicolumn单元格的宽度或使用c柱状胶带代替p{\tempdima}




\setlength\tempdima{\dimexpr \textwidth/7 - 2\tabcolsep\relax}
\begin{tabular}{lccccccc} \hline\hline
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Sample window} &
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Probability cutoff value} &
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{Missed crises (\%)} &
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{False alarm (\%)} &
\multicolumn{1}{p{\tempdima}}{TME}  \\
&&& \multicolumn{3}{c}{In-sample}   \\
1970-2000 & 0.1  &  75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1  & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25\\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\

&&&  \multicolumn{3}{c}{Out-of-sample}   \\
2001-2003 & 0.1 & 75 & 80.95 & 25.00 & 19.05 & 44.04 \\
2004-2006 & 0.1 & 33.33 & 91.86 & 66.67 & 8.14 & 74.80 \\
2007-2009 & 0.09 & 54.55 & 82.89 & 45.45 & 17.11 & 62.55 \\
2010-2012 & 0.09 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 &  27.59 & 27.59 \\
2013-2015 & 0.09 & 80.00 & 74.36 & 20.00 & 25.64 & 45.64 \\
2016-2018 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 87.21 & 33.33 & 12.79 & 46.12 \\  \hline
\caption{3-year ahead in- and out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: prediction}

附录: 您可以考虑使用包中定义的tabularx表和S列类型siunitx

\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}} 
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME}  \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample}   \\
1970-2000 & 0.1  &  75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1  & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25\\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\
&  \multicolumn{6}{c}{Out-of-sample}   \\
2001-2003 & 0.1 & 75 & 80.95 & 25.00 & 19.05 & 44.04 \\
2004-2006 & 0.1 & 33.33 & 91.86 & 66.67 & 8.14 & 74.80 \\
2007-2009 & 0.09 & 54.55 & 82.89 & 45.45 & 17.11 & 62.55 \\
2010-2012 & 0.09 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 &  27.59 & 27.59 \\
2013-2015 & 0.09 & 80.00 & 74.36 & 20.00 & 25.64 & 45.64 \\
2016-2018 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 87.21 & 33.33 & 12.79 & 46.12 \\  
\caption{3-year ahead in- and out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: prediction}


