





% 0----------------------------------------------------------
        \bf{Risk} & 
        \bf{Probability} & 
        \bf{Consequence} & 
        \bf{Risk Value} & 
        \bf{Preventive Measures} & 
        \bf{Corrective Actions} & 
        \bf{Responsible} \\ \hline
% Row 1------------------------------------------------------   
        Data not being validated correctly & 
        \\ 3 \\ \textcolor{red}{3} \\ \textcolor{green}{2}
        } & 
        \\ 5 \\ \textcolor{red}{5} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        \\ 15 \\ \textcolor{red}{10} \\ \textcolor{green}{10}
        } &
        Get validation rules clearly specified by the product owner. Testing validation logic &
        Redesign validation logic & 
        Entire group \\ \hline
% Row 2-------------------------------------------------------
        Cannot connect to Mainframe API & 
        \\ 2 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{2}
        } & 
        \\ 5 \\ \textcolor{red}{5} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        \\ 10 \\ \textcolor{red}{10} \\ \textcolor{green}{10}
        } &
        Ensure connection is possible &
        Notify responsible team that mainframe system is not working & 
        Mainframe Team \\ \hline
% Row 3---------------------------------------------------------
        Program crash while user is using it & 
        \\ 2 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{2}
        } & 
        \\ 5 \\ \textcolor{red}{5} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        \\ 10 \\ \textcolor{red}{10} \\ \textcolor{green}{10}
        } &
        Ensure to have exception handling &
        Making small backups of users progress & 
        System \\ \hline
% Row 4---------------------------------------------------------
        User not able to upload file to GFS Upload & 
        \\ 1 \\ \textcolor{red}{1} \\ \textcolor{green}{1}
        } & 
        \\ 5 \\ \textcolor{red}{5} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        \\ 5 \\ \textcolor{red}{5} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        Ensure GFS Upload can support every version of excel file and csv file. &
        Tell user which file types can be used to upload.
        Add contact information if the user is still not able to upload. & 
        User \\ \hline
% Row 5---------------------------------------------------------
        Not able to CRUD database & 
        \\ 3 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{1}
        } & 
        \\ 3 \\ \textcolor{red}{3} \\ \textcolor{green}{3}
        } &
        \\ 9 \\ \textcolor{red}{6} \\ \textcolor{green}{3}
        } &
        Ensure to have unit testing &
        Redesign repository logic & 
        Entire Group \\

    \begin{tabular}{|p{2.3cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|p{2cm}|} \hline
% Row 6---------------------------------------------------------
        External libraries will be outdated & 
        \\ 2 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{1}
        } & 
        \\ 4 \\ \textcolor{red}{3} \\ \textcolor{green}{3}
        } &
        \\ 8 \\ \textcolor{red}{6} \\ \textcolor{green}{3}
        } &
        Ensure to have libraries locally on project &
        Notify the developer responsible for the program and use logging to notify the problem for error handler & 
        GFS Upload responsible \\
% Row 7---------------------------------------------------------
        GFS Upload wrong data to Mainframe & 
        \\ 3 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{1}
        } & 
        \\ 5 \\ \textcolor{red}{5} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        \\ 15 \\ \textcolor{red}{10} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        Exception Handling when sending to host and log properly. &
        Notify the user that errors occurred and were not able to send to the host. & 
        System \\
% Row 8---------------------------------------------------------
        Authentication not working & 
        \\ 2 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{1}
        } & 
        \\ 3 \\ \textcolor{red}{3} \\ \textcolor{green}{3}
        } &
        \\ 6 \\ \textcolor{red}{6} \\ \textcolor{green}{3}
        } &
        Ensure there are no errors in code&
        Redesign authentication logic & 
        System \\
% Row 9---------------------------------------------------------
        Backend crashing & 
        \\ 2 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{2}
        } & 
        \\ 2 \\ \textcolor{red}{2} \\ \textcolor{green}{2}
        } &
        \\ 4 \\ \textcolor{red}{4} \\ \textcolor{green}{4}
        } &
        Logging and exception handling &
        Ensure data is backed up on backup database & 
        System \\
% Row 10--------------------------------------------------------
        Not able to deliver software on time & 
        \\ 4 \\ \textcolor{red}{3} \\ \textcolor{green}{1}
        } & 
        \\ 5 \\ \textcolor{red}{5} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        \\ 20 \\ \textcolor{red}{15} \\ \textcolor{green}{5}
        } &
        Use Release Planning and check weekly burndown chart &
        Ensure to make enough story points every sprint & 
        Entire Group \\





%       \hline
        \rot{Risk} &  \rot{Probability} & \rot{Consequence} & \rot{Risk Value} & \rot{Preventive Measures} & \rot{Corrective Measures} & \rot{Reponsibility}\\\toprule  
            \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={},]
                \item Data not being validated correctly
            \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
                \item 3
                \item 4
                \item 5
        \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
            \item 3
            \item 4
            \item 5
        \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
            \item 3
            \item 4
            \item 5
            \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
                \item Get validation rules clearly specified by the product owner. Testing validation logic
        \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
            \item Redesign validation logic
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
        \item Entire group




%       \hline
        \mc{Risk} &  \rot{Probability} & \rot{Consequence} & \rot{Risk Value} & \mc{Preventive Measures} & \mc{Corrective Measures} & \mc{Reponsibility}\\\toprule
            \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={},]
                \item Data not being validated correctly
            \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}, noitemsep]
                \item \textcolor{red}{3}
                \item \textcolor{green}{4}
                \item \textcolor{blue}{5}
        \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}, noitemsep]
            \item 3
            \item 4
            \item 5
        \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}, noitemsep]
            \item 3
            \item 4
            \item 5
            \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
                \item Get validation rules clearly specified by the product owner. Testing validation logic
        \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
            \item Redesign validation logic
    \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0em, label={}]
        \item Entire group
