\subsection{Predicting crises}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Predicting crises}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
1970-2000 & 0.1 & 75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1 & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25\\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{Out-of-sample} \\
2001-2003 & 0.1 & 75 & 80.95 & 25.00 & 19.05 & 44.04 \\
2004-2006 & 0.1 & 33.33 & 91.86 & 66.67 & 8.14 & 74.80 \\
2007-2009 & 0.09 & 54.55 & 82.89 & 45.45 & 17.11 & 62.55 \\
2010-2012 & 0.09 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 & 27.59 & 27.59 \\
2013-2015 & 0.09 & 80.00 & 74.36 & 20.00 & 25.64 & 45.64 \\
2016-2018 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 87.21 & 33.33 & 12.79 & 46.12 \\
\caption{3-year ahead in- and out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: 1yprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Actual crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{Missed crises} &
\mcx{Actual non-crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{False alarms} \\
2001-2003 & 4 & 3 & 1 & 84 & 68 & 16 \\
2004-2006 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 86 & 79 & 7 \\
2007-2009 & 11 & 6 & 5 & 76 & 63 & 13 \\
2010-2012 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 87 & 63 & 24 \\
2013-2015 & 10 & 8 & 2 & 78 & 58 & 20 \\
2016-2018 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 86 & 75 & 11 \\
Total & 31 & 20 & 11 & 497 & 406 & 91 \\
Percentage & 100\% & 64.52\% & 35.48\% & 100\% & 81.69\% & 18.31\% \\
\caption{3-year ahead overall out-of-sample performance}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
1970-2000 & 0.1 & 75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2001 & 0.09 & 80.77 & 64.11 & 19.23 & 35.89 & 55.11 \\
1970-2002 & 0.09 & 80.25 & 63.73 & 19.75 & 36.27 & 56.02 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1 & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2004 & 0.09 & 77.78 & 68.22 & 22.22 & 31.78 & 54 \\
1970-2005 & 0.07 & 86.9 & 57.77 & 13.1 & 42.23 & 55.32 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2007 & 0.07 & 84.52 & 61.41 & 15.48 & 38.59 & 54.06 \\
1970-2008 & 0.07 & 88.30 & 55.96 & 11.70 & 44.04 & 55.74 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25 \\
1970-2010 & 0.09 & 76.84 & 68.24 & 23.16 & 31.76 & 54.92 \\
1970-2011 & 0.07 & 86.32 & 59.02 & 13.68 & 40.98 & 54.66 \\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2013 & 0.08 & 79.59 & 66.1 & 20.41 & 33.9 & 54.30 \\
1970-2014 & 0.08 & 80.39 & 65.56 & 19.61 & 34.44 & 54.05 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\
1970-2016 & 0.09 & 77.36 & 71.24 & 22.64 & 28.76 & 51.39 \\
1970-2017 & 0.09 & 74.53 & 72.47 & 25.47 & 27.53 & 52.99 \\
\caption{1-year ahead in-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yisprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
1970-2000 & 0.1 & 75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2001 & 0.09 & 80.77 & 64.11 & 19.23 & 35.89 & 55.11 \\
1970-2002 & 0.09 & 80.25 & 63.73 & 19.75 & 36.27 & 56.02 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1 & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2004 & 0.09 & 77.78 & 68.22 & 22.22 & 31.78 & 54 \\
1970-2005 & 0.07 & 86.9 & 57.77 & 13.1 & 42.23 & 55.32 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2007 & 0.07 & 84.52 & 61.41 & 15.48 & 38.59 & 54.06 \\
1970-2008 & 0.07 & 88.30 & 55.96 & 11.70 & 44.04 & 55.74 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25 \\
1970-2010 & 0.09 & 76.84 & 68.24 & 23.16 & 31.76 & 54.92 \\
1970-2011 & 0.07 & 86.32 & 59.02 & 13.68 & 40.98 & 54.66 \\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2013 & 0.08 & 79.59 & 66.1 & 20.41 & 33.9 & 54.30 \\
1970-2014 & 0.08 & 80.39 & 65.56 & 19.61 & 34.44 & 54.05 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\
1970-2016 & 0.09 & 77.36 & 71.24 & 22.64 & 28.76 & 51.39 \\
1970-2017 & 0.09 & 74.53 & 72.47 & 25.47 & 27.53 & 52.99 \\
\caption{1-year ahead in-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yisprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
2001 & 0.1 & 100 & 82.14 & 0 & 17.86 & 17.85 \\
2002 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 73.08 & 33.33 & 26.92 & 60.25 \\
2003 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2004 & 0.1 & 0 & 90 & 0 & 10 & 10 \\
2005 & 0.09 & 33.33 & 96.3 & 66.67 & 3.7 & 70.37 \\
2006 & 0.07 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 & 27.59 & 27.59 \\
2007 & 0.09 & 0 & 89.66 & 0 & 10.34 & 10.34 \\
2008 & 0.07 & 50 & 100 & 50 & 0 & 50 \\
2009 & 0.07 & 100 & 35.71 & 0 & 64.29 & 64.29 \\
2010 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2011 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2012 & 0.07 & 0 & 62.07 & 0 & 37.93 & 37.93 \\
2013 & 0.09 & 100 & 80.77 & 0 & 19.23 & 19.23 \\
2014 & 0.08 & 100 & 64 & 0 & 36 & 36 \\
2015 & 0.08 & 66.67 & 59.26 & 33.33 & 40.74 & 74.07 \\
2016 & 0.09 & 100 & 86.21 & 0 & 13.79 & 13.79 \\
2017 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2018 & 0.09 & 50 & 92.59 & 50 & 7.41 & 57.40 \\
\caption{1-year ahead out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yosprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
2001 & 0.1 & 100 & 82.14 & 0 & 17.86 & 17.85 \\
2002 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 73.08 & 33.33 & 26.92 & 60.25 \\
2003 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2004 & 0.1 & 0 & 90 & 0 & 10 & 10 \\
2005 & 0.09 & 33.33 & 96.3 & 66.67 & 3.7 & 70.37 \\
2006 & 0.07 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 & 27.59 & 27.59 \\
2007 & 0.09 & 0 & 89.66 & 0 & 10.34 & 10.34 \\
2008 & 0.07 & 50 & 100 & 50 & 0 & 50 \\
2009 & 0.07 & 100 & 35.71 & 0 & 64.29 & 64.29 \\
2010 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2011 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2012 & 0.07 & 0 & 62.07 & 0 & 37.93 & 37.93 \\
2013 & 0.09 & 100 & 80.77 & 0 & 19.23 & 19.23 \\
2014 & 0.08 & 100 & 64 & 0 & 36 & 36 \\
2015 & 0.08 & 66.67 & 59.26 & 33.33 & 40.74 & 74.07 \\
2016 & 0.09 & 100 & 86.21 & 0 & 13.79 & 13.79 \\
2017 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2018 & 0.09 & 50 & 92.59 & 50 & 7.41 & 57.40 \\
\caption{1-year ahead out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yosprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Actual crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{Missed crises} &
\mcx{Actual non-crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{False alarms} \\
2001 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 28 & 23 & 5 \\
2002 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 26 & 19 & 7 \\
2003 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 30 & 25 & 5 \\
2004 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 30 & 27 & 3 \\
2005 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 27 & 26 & 1 \\
2006 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 21 & 8 \\
2007 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 26 & 3 \\
2008 & 10 & 5 & 5 & 19 & 19 & 0 \\
2009 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 28 & 10 & 18 \\
2010 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 22 & 7 \\
2011 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 22 & 7 \\
2012 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 18 & 11 \\
2013 & 3 & 3 & 0 & 26 & 21 & 5 \\
2014 & 4 & 4 & 0 & 25 & 16 & 9 \\
2015 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 27 & 16 & 11 \\
2016 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 29 & 25 & 4 \\
2017 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 30 & 25 & 5 \\
2018 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 27 & 25 & 2 \\
Total & 31 & 21 & 10 & 497 & 386 & 111 \\
Percentage & 100\% & 67.74\% & 32.26\% & 100\% & 77.67\% & 22.33\% \\
\end{tabularx} performance
\caption{1-year ahead overall out-of-sample performance}
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\subsection{Predicting crises}
\frametitle{Predicting crises}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
1970-2000 & 0.1 & 75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1 & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25 \\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{Out-of-sample} \\
2001-2003 & 0.1 & 75 & 80.95 & 25.00 & 19.05 & 44.04 \\
2004-2006 & 0.1 & 33.33 & 91.86 & 66.67 & 8.14 & 74.80 \\
2007-2009 & 0.09 & 54.55 & 82.89 & 45.45 & 17.11 & 62.55 \\
2010-2012 & 0.09 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 & 27.59 & 27.59 \\
2013-2015 & 0.09 & 80.00 & 74.36 & 20.00 & 25.64 & 45.64 \\
2016-2018 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 87.21 & 33.33 & 12.79 & 46.12 \\
\caption{3-year ahead in- and out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: 1yprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=3.2,
table-align-text-post=false]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Actual crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{Missed crises} &
\mcx{Actual non-crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{False alarms} \\
2001-2003 & 4 & 3 & 1 & 84 & 68 & 16 \\
2004-2006 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 86 & 79 & 7 \\
2007-2009 & 11 & 6 & 5 & 76 & 63 & 13 \\
2010-2012 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 87 & 63 & 24 \\
2013-2015 & 10 & 8 & 2 & 78 & 58 & 20 \\
2016-2018 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 86 & 75 & 11 \\
Total & 31 & 20 & 11 & 497 & 406 & 91 \\
Percentage & 100\% & 64.52\% & 35.48\% & 100\% & 81.69\% & 18.31\% \\
\caption{3-year ahead overall out-of-sample performance}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
1970-2000 & 0.1 & 75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2001 & 0.09 & 80.77 & 64.11 & 19.23 & 35.89 & 55.11 \\
1970-2002 & 0.09 & 80.25 & 63.73 & 19.75 & 36.27 & 56.02 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1 & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2004 & 0.09 & 77.78 & 68.22 & 22.22 & 31.78 & 54 \\
1970-2005 & 0.07 & 86.9 & 57.77 & 13.1 & 42.23 & 55.32 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2007 & 0.07 & 84.52 & 61.41 & 15.48 & 38.59 & 54.06 \\
1970-2008 & 0.07 & 88.30 & 55.96 & 11.70 & 44.04 & 55.74 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25 \\
1970-2010 & 0.09 & 76.84 & 68.24 & 23.16 & 31.76 & 54.92 \\
1970-2011 & 0.07 & 86.32 & 59.02 & 13.68 & 40.98 & 54.66 \\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2013 & 0.08 & 79.59 & 66.1 & 20.41 & 33.9 & 54.30 \\
1970-2014 & 0.08 & 80.39 & 65.56 & 19.61 & 34.44 & 54.05 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\
1970-2016 & 0.09 & 77.36 & 71.24 & 22.64 & 28.76 & 51.39 \\
1970-2017 & 0.09 & 74.53 & 72.47 & 25.47 & 27.53 & 52.99 \\
\caption{1-year ahead in-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yisprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
1970-2000 & 0.1 & 75.32 & 67.24 & 24.68 & 32.76 & 57.43 \\
1970-2001 & 0.09 & 80.77 & 64.11 & 19.23 & 35.89 & 55.11 \\
1970-2002 & 0.09 & 80.25 & 63.73 & 19.75 & 36.27 & 56.02 \\
1970-2003 & 0.1 & 74.07 & 71.05 & 25.93 & 28.95 & 54.87 \\
1970-2004 & 0.09 & 77.78 & 68.22 & 22.22 & 31.78 & 54 \\
1970-2005 & 0.07 & 86.9 & 57.77 & 13.1 & 42.23 & 55.32 \\
1970-2006 & 0.09 & 76.19 & 68.81 & 23.81 & 31.19 & 54.99 \\
1970-2007 & 0.07 & 84.52 & 61.41 & 15.48 & 38.59 & 54.06 \\
1970-2008 & 0.07 & 88.30 & 55.96 & 11.70 & 44.04 & 55.74 \\
1970-2009 & 0.09 & 77.89 & 66.86 & 22.11 & 33.14 & 55.25 \\
1970-2010 & 0.09 & 76.84 & 68.24 & 23.16 & 31.76 & 54.92 \\
1970-2011 & 0.07 & 86.32 & 59.02 & 13.68 & 40.98 & 54.66 \\
1970-2012 & 0.09 & 73.68 & 70.85 & 26.32 & 29.15 & 55.46 \\
1970-2013 & 0.08 & 79.59 & 66.1 & 20.41 & 33.9 & 54.30 \\
1970-2014 & 0.08 & 80.39 & 65.56 & 19.61 & 34.44 & 54.05 \\
1970-2015 & 0.09 & 77.14 & 70.45 & 22.86 & 29.55 & 52.40 \\
1970-2016 & 0.09 & 77.36 & 71.24 & 22.64 & 28.76 & 51.39 \\
1970-2017 & 0.09 & 74.53 & 72.47 & 25.47 & 27.53 & 52.99 \\
\caption{1-year ahead in-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yisprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
2001 & 0.1 & 100 & 82.14 & 0 & 17.86 & 17.85 \\
2002 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 73.08 & 33.33 & 26.92 & 60.25 \\
2003 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2004 & 0.1 & 0 & 90 & 0 & 10 & 10 \\
2005 & 0.09 & 33.33 & 96.3 & 66.67 & 3.7 & 70.37 \\
2006 & 0.07 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 & 27.59 & 27.59 \\
2007 & 0.09 & 0 & 89.66 & 0 & 10.34 & 10.34 \\
2008 & 0.07 & 50 & 100 & 50 & 0 & 50 \\
2009 & 0.07 & 100 & 35.71 & 0 & 64.29 & 64.29 \\
2010 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2011 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2012 & 0.07 & 0 & 62.07 & 0 & 37.93 & 37.93 \\
2013 & 0.09 & 100 & 80.77 & 0 & 19.23 & 19.23 \\
2014 & 0.08 & 100 & 64 & 0 & 36 & 36 \\
2015 & 0.08 & 66.67 & 59.26 & 33.33 & 40.74 & 74.07 \\
2016 & 0.09 & 100 & 86.21 & 0 & 13.79 & 13.79 \\
2017 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2018 & 0.09 & 50 & 92.59 & 50 & 7.41 & 57.40 \\
\caption{1-year ahead out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yosprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=2.2]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Probability cutoff value} &
\mcx{Crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Non-crises correctly called (\%)} &
\mcx{Missed crises (\%)} &
\mcx{False alarm (\%)} &
\mcx{TME} \\
& \multicolumn{6}{c}{In-sample} \\
2001 & 0.1 & 100 & 82.14 & 0 & 17.86 & 17.85 \\
2002 & 0.09 & 66.67 & 73.08 & 33.33 & 26.92 & 60.25 \\
2003 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2004 & 0.1 & 0 & 90 & 0 & 10 & 10 \\
2005 & 0.09 & 33.33 & 96.3 & 66.67 & 3.7 & 70.37 \\
2006 & 0.07 & 0 & 72.41 & 0 & 27.59 & 27.59 \\
2007 & 0.09 & 0 & 89.66 & 0 & 10.34 & 10.34 \\
2008 & 0.07 & 50 & 100 & 50 & 0 & 50 \\
2009 & 0.07 & 100 & 35.71 & 0 & 64.29 & 64.29 \\
2010 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2011 & 0.09 & 0 & 75.86 & 0 & 24.14 & 24.14 \\
2012 & 0.07 & 0 & 62.07 & 0 & 37.93 & 37.93 \\
2013 & 0.09 & 100 & 80.77 & 0 & 19.23 & 19.23 \\
2014 & 0.08 & 100 & 64 & 0 & 36 & 36 \\
2015 & 0.08 & 66.67 & 59.26 & 33.33 & 40.74 & 74.07 \\
2016 & 0.09 & 100 & 86.21 & 0 & 13.79 & 13.79 \\
2017 & 0.09 & 0 & 83.33 & 0 & 16.67 & 16.67 \\
2018 & 0.09 & 50 & 92.59 & 50 & 7.41 & 57.40 \\
\caption{1-year ahead out-of-sample prediction}
\label{table: 3yosprediction}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} l *{6}{S[table-format=3.2,
table-align-text-post=false]} @{}}
\mcx{Sample window} &
\mcx{Actual crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{Missed crises} &
\mcx{Actual non-crises} &
\mcx{Correctly predicted} &
\mcx{False alarms} \\
2001 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 28 & 23 & 5 \\
2002 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 26 & 19 & 7 \\
2003 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 30 & 25 & 5 \\
2004 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 30 & 27 & 3 \\
2005 & 3 & 1 & 2 & 27 & 26 & 1 \\
2006 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 21 & 8 \\
2007 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 26 & 3 \\
2008 & 10 & 5 & 5 & 19 & 19 & 0 \\
2009 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 28 & 10 & 18 \\
2010 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 22 & 7 \\
2011 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 22 & 7 \\
2012 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 29 & 18 & 11 \\
2013 & 3 & 3 & 0 & 26 & 21 & 5 \\
2014 & 4 & 4 & 0 & 25 & 16 & 9 \\
2015 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 27 & 16 & 11 \\
2016 & 1 & 1 & 0 & 29 & 25 & 4 \\
2017 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 30 & 25 & 5 \\
2018 & 2 & 1 & 1 & 27 & 25 & 2 \\
Total & 31 & 21 & 10 & 497 & 386 & 111 \\
Percentage & 100\% & 67.74\% & 32.26\% & 100\% & 77.67\% & 22.33\% \\
\caption{1-year ahead overall out-of-sample performance}