- 如何正确对齐符号标签?
- 如何自动将标题置于图形中央?我猜标题位于条形图中央,而不是整个图形中央。(创建了一个简单的宏来设计边界框,以便更好地进行视觉检查)
- 如何在图例上放置 3 个点(\ldots 对我来说太宽了)?
这是一张图片和一个 MWE:
\newcommand{\SSSa}[0]{{Feeling active, vital, alert or wide awake}}
\newcommand{\SSSb}[0]{{Functioning at high levels, but not at peak; able to concentrate}}
\newcommand{\SSSc}[0]{{Awake, but relaxed; responsive but not fully alert}}
\newcommand{\SSSd}[0]{{Somewhat foggy, let down}}
\newcommand{\SSSe}[0]{{Foggy; losing interest in remaining awake; slowed down}}
\newcommand{\SSSf}[0]{{Sleepy, woozy, fighting sleep; prefer to lie down}}
\newcommand{\SSSg}[0]{{No longer fighting sleep, sleep onset soon; having dream-like thoughts}}
\newcommand{\myBoundingBox}[0]{(current bounding box.north east) -- (current bounding box.north west) -- (current bounding box.south west) -- (current bounding box.south east) -- cycle;}
\pgfplotsset{plot coordinates/math parser=false}
\begin{axis}[title = Degree of Sleepiness,
%every axis title/.style={below right,at={(0,1)}},
%title style={at={(1,0)}, anchor=},
y axis line style = {opacity=0,draw=none},
axis x line = none,
axis y line = right,
tickwidth = 0pt,
%bar width = 5pt,
%enlarge y limits = 0.2,
%enlarge x limits = 0.02,
symbolic y coords = {\SSSa,\SSSb,\SSSc,\SSSd,\SSSe,\SSSf},
ytick distance=1.1,
y tick label style={font=\footnotesize,text width=6cm,align=left},
nodes near coords,
legend cell align={right},
legend style={at={(0.2,0.925)}, anchor=north},
x dir=reverse,
every node near coord/.append style={shift={(axis direction cs:0.7,0)}}
\addplot coordinates{%
\addplot coordinates{%
\legend{Before experiment,After experiment}
\draw \myBoundingBox
\caption{Some caption.}
! Package pgfplots Error: Sorry, the input coordinate `0' has not been defined
with 'symbolic y coords={\SSSa ,\SSSb ,\SSSc ,\SSSd ,\SSSe ,\SSSf }... Maybe it
has been misspelled? Or did you mean something like [normalized]0?.
您使用了很多手动换档。所有这些都可以通过 避免ytick=data
。错误也通过这种方式得到修复。这解决了主要问题,即错误,以及您列表中的第 1 点。由于我是每个问题一个问题的粉丝,所以我就此打住,更重要的是,我认为 Torbjørn T. 在最近的一个答案中已经解决了第 2 点,我对此表示赞同,但再也找不到了。第 3 点我不明白,但我想请您将问题分开。
\newcommand{\SSSa}[0]{{Feeling active, vital, alert or wide awake}}
\newcommand{\SSSb}[0]{{Functioning at high levels, but not at peak; able to concentrate}}
\newcommand{\SSSc}[0]{{Awake, but relaxed; responsive but not fully alert}}
\newcommand{\SSSd}[0]{{Somewhat foggy, let down}}
\newcommand{\SSSe}[0]{{Foggy; losing interest in remaining awake; slowed down}}
\newcommand{\SSSf}[0]{{Sleepy, woozy, fighting sleep; prefer to lie down}}
\newcommand{\SSSg}[0]{{No longer fighting sleep, sleep onset soon; having dream-like thoughts}}
\newcommand{\myBoundingBox}[0]{(current bounding box.north east) -- (current bounding box.north west) -- (current bounding box.south west) -- (current bounding box.south east) -- cycle;}
%\pgfplotsset{plot coordinates/math parser=false}
\begin{axis}[title = Degree of Sleepiness,
y axis line style = {opacity=0,draw=none},
axis x line = none,
axis y line = right,
tickwidth = 0pt,
%bar width = 5pt,
%enlarge y limits = 0.2,
%enlarge x limits = 0.02,
symbolic y coords = {\SSSa,\SSSb,\SSSc,\SSSd,\SSSe,\SSSf},
ytick distance=1.1,
yticklabel style={font=\footnotesize,text width=6cm,align=left},
%point meta=rawx,
nodes near coords,
nodes near coords style={anchor=east},
legend cell align={right},
legend style={at={(0.2,1.02)}, anchor=north},
x dir=reverse,
%every node near coord/.append style={shift={(axis direction cs:0.7,0)}}
\addplot coordinates{(1,\SSSa)
\addplot coordinates{(1,\SSSa)
\legend{Before experiment,After experiment}
\draw \myBoundingBox
\caption{Some caption.}