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作者 2000。如何写一段话……


作者 2000. 如何写一段话……

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  ids = {bellTimeRequirementPollination2010},
  title = {Time {{Requirement}} from {{Pollination}} to {{Seed Maturity}} in {{Waterhemp}} ({{Amaranthus}} Tuberculatus)},
  author = {Bell, Michael S. and Tranel, Patrick J.},
  year = {2010},
  month = jun,
  volume = {58},
  pages = {167--173},
  issn = {0043-1745, 1550-2759},
  doi = {10/c547b8},
  abstract = {Experiments were conducted to determine the amount of time required for waterhemp to produce mature seeds after pollination. Female waterhemp plants were pollinated over a 24-h time period and then isolated from males. Two branches, each containing at least 500 flowers, were harvested from each female at the time of the initial pollination, designated as 0 d after pollination (DAP), as well as at multiple other times after pollination up to 62 DAP. One branch from each harvest was stored at 30 C for 48 h, while the other branch was stored at -20 C for 48 h. Branches were then stored at room temperature until all harvests were complete, at which time seeds from each branch at each time after pollination were collected, weighed, and stratified. Germination tests were then conducted to determine the time at which seeds become viable after pollination. Seeds that had not germinated by the end of the germination tests were subjected to tetrazolium testing for viability. Germination tests were also conducted on nonstratified seeds to investigate changes in seed dormancy that were expected to occur over the amount of time the seeds were allowed to remain on the plants. Seeds stored initially at 30 C postharvest became viable 7 to 9 DAP, whereas seeds stored initially at -20 C postharvest did not become mature until 11 DAP. Seed coat color was white soon after pollination and became dark brown to nearly black by 12 DAP, and seed weight increased until 12 DAP. Tetrazolium tests for seed viability correlated well with the germination tests. Germination tests on nonstratified seeds indicated that dormancy level was initially high in the population used, but began to decrease between 15 and 30 DAP. Results of this study have implications both for waterhemp management and research.},
  journal = {Weed Science},
  keywords = {Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer AMATU,Dormancy,germination,pollination,seed set,seed weight,Waterhemp},
  language = {en},
  number = {2}

  title = {Arid Zone Forestry: A Guide for Field Technicians},
  shorttitle = {Arid Zone Forestry},
  editor = {{Food {and} Agriculture Organization of the United Nations}},
  year = {1989},
  publisher = {{Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations}},
  address = {{Rome}},
  isbn = {978-92-5-102809-4},
  keywords = {Arid regions,Forestry extension,Forests and forestry,Handbooks; manuals; etc},
  lccn = {SD373 .A75 1989},
  number = {20},
  series = {{{FAO}} Conservation Guide}

  ids = {mohlerVerticalMovementWeed2006},
  title = {Vertical Movement of Weed Seed Surrogates by Tillage Implements and Natural Processes},
  author = {Mohler, Charles L. and Frisch, James C. and McCulloch, Charles E.},
  year = {2006},
  month = mar,
  volume = {86},
  pages = {110--122},
  issn = {0167-1987},
  doi = {10/cm85q3},
  abstract = {Vertical position of weed seeds in the soil column is one of the critical factors governing the density of emerged seedlings, but data on movement of subsurface seeds and seed surrogates by tillage are limited. In this experiment ceramic beads were seeded at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20cm using specially constructed equipment. Plots were then tilled at right angles to the bead slots with either a moldboard plow, a chisel plow with curved blades, a chisel plow with straight blades, heavy tandem disks, a rotary tiller, or left untilled. Soil was sampled to determine bead positions. The probability matrix describing movement of beads from each soil layer to any other was estimated for each tillage regimen by maximum likelihood. Movement patterns for moldboard plow, the two chisel plow treatments, and disk and rotary tillage differed significantly. The difference between disking and rotary tillage was only marginally significant (0.0580\% probability of remaining in at their original depth. Tillage by moldboard plow showed the expected soil inversion, but burial of surface beads was greater than return of buried beads to the surface. For example, the probability of a surface bead ending up below 10cm was over 77\% whereas the probability of a bead originally in the 14\textendash 18cm layer moving to the top 10cm was only 44\%. Sampling of the no tillage and moldboard plow treatments the following spring showed an upward movement of beads by natural causes for beads below 14cm. To allow flexibility in vertically structured population models, the movement probability matrices were fitted with a continuous model based on the beta distribution. The model showed that for a hypothetical uniformly distributed seed bank, 97\% of seeds in the top 4cm following moldboard plowing had arrived there from greater depths. In contrast, only about one third of seeds in the top 4cm of soil after tillage by chisel, disk or rotary tiller arrived from deeper layers.},
  journal = {Soil and Tillage Research},
  keywords = {Chisel plow,Disk,Moldboard plow,No-till,Probability model,Rotary tiller,Seed movement},
  number = {1}


鉴于上面发布的输出,我确信 Zotero 中的标题是标题大小写的,其中 Zotero 希望(英语)标题以句子大小写书写。

您可以右键单击 Zotero 中的标题将其转换为句子大小写,也可以在 Better BibTeX 中禁用大小写保护。这两种方法都可以解决问题,但我认为后者是一种解决方法,而不是解决方案。
