\documentclass[border=5mm] {standalone}\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
T myCol
1000 0.3
10000 0.4
ybar stacked, % Stacked horizontal bars
ymin=0, % Start x axis at 0
xtick=data, % Use as many tick labels as y coordinates
xticklabels from table={\loadedtable}{T}, % Get the labels from the Label column of the \datatable
\addplot [fill=blue] table [y=myCol, meta=T,x expr=\coordindex] {\loadedtable};
您可以使用ytick style={draw=none}
或ytick style={/pgfplots/major tick length=0pt}
\documentclass[border=5mm] {standalone}\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
T myCol
1000 0.3
10000 0.4
\begin{axis}[ytick style={draw=none},
%ytick style={/pgfplots/major tick length=0pt},%<-alternative
ybar stacked, % Stacked horizontal bars
ymin=0, % Start x axis at 0
xtick=data, % Use as many tick labels as y coordinates
xticklabels from table={\loadedtable}{T}, % Get the labels from the Label column of the \datatable
\addplot [fill=blue] table [y=myCol, meta=T,x expr=\coordindex] {\loadedtable};