algorithmic 和 algorithm 包中的引用行不正确。所有内容均引用为行号 1

algorithmic 和 algorithm 包中的引用行不正确。所有内容均引用为行号 1

我正在使用algorithmalgorithmic包来编写算法的伪代码。但是当我引用算法内部定义的标签时,它总是显示为行1。我不知道如何解决这个问题。例如,在下面的例子中 \ref{line:lambda}会显示1


% partial rewrite of the LaTeX2e package for submissions to the
% Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS):
% - uses more LaTeX conventions
% - line numbers at submission time replaced with aligned numbers from
%   lineno package
% - \nipsfinalcopy replaced with [final] package option
% - automatically loads times package for authors
% - loads natbib automatically; this can be suppressed with the
%   [nonatbib] package option
% - adds foot line to first page identifying the conference
% - adds preprint option for submission to e.g. arXiv
% - conference acronym modified
% Roman Garnett ([email protected]) and the many authors of
% nips15submit_e.sty, including MK and drstrip@sandia
% last revision: January 2020

\ProvidesPackage{neurips_2020}[2020/01/31 NeurIPS 2020 submission/camera-ready style file]

% declare final option, which creates camera-ready copy

% declare nonatbib option, which does not load natbib in case of
% package clash (users can pass options to natbib via
% \PassOptionsToPackage)

% declare preprint option, which creates a preprint version ready for
% upload to, e.g., arXiv


% determine whether this is an anonymized submission

% fonts

% change this every year for notice string at bottom
\newcommand{\@neuripslocation}{Vancouver, Canada}

% acknowledgments
\newcommand{\acksection}{\section*{Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding}}

% handle tweaks for camera-ready copy vs. submission copy
    Preprint. Under review.%
      \@neuripsordinal\/ Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
      (NeurIPS \@neuripsyear), \@neuripslocation.%
      Submitted to \@neuripsordinal\/ Conference on Neural Information
      Processing Systems (NeurIPS \@neuripsyear). Do not distribute.%

    % hide the acknowledgements

    % line numbers for submission

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    % environments
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% create title
    % for perfect author name centering
    \renewcommand{\@makefnmark}{\hbox to \z@{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
    % The footnote-mark was overlapping the footnote-text,
    % added the following to fix this problem               (MK)
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% rules for title box at top of first page
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% create title (includes both anonymized and non-anonymized versions)
    \vskip 0.1in
    {\LARGE\bf \@title\par}
        Anonymous Author(s) \\
        Affiliation \\
        Address \\
        \texttt{email} \\
    \vskip 0.3in \@minus 0.1in

% add conference notice to bottom of first page
  % give a bit of extra room back to authors on first page

% abstract styling
  \vskip 0.075in%
  {\large\bf Abstract}%
  \vskip 1ex%

% \endinput

%%%%%%%%%%%%% haque added

%%%%%%%%  amsmath %%%%%%%%%%
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%\newenvironment{proof}{\emph{Proof. }}{ \hfill \QED}


\newtheoremstyle{anothertheoremstyle} % name
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% if you need to pass options to natbib, use, e.g.:
%     \PassOptionsToPackage{numbers, compress}{natbib}
% before loading neurips_2020

% ready for submission
% \usepackage{neurips_2020}

% to compile a preprint version, e.g., for submission to arXiv, add add the
% [preprint] option:
%     \usepackage[preprint]{neurips_2020}

% to compile a camera-ready version, add the [final] option, e.g.:
%     \usepackage[final]{neurips_2020}

% to avoid loading the natbib package, add option nonatbib:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % allow utf-8 input
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}    % use 8-bit T1 fonts
\usepackage{hyperref}       % hyperlinks
\usepackage{url}            % simple URL typesetting
\usepackage{booktabs}       % professional-quality tables
\usepackage{amsfonts}       % blackboard math symbols
\usepackage{nicefrac}       % compact symbols for 1/2, etc.
\usepackage{microtype}      % microtypography

%added by  



% \usepackage{algorithm,algpseudocode}

\usepackage{soul} %for strikethrough



% \usepackage[noabbrev,capitalize,nameinlink]{cleveref}
% \usepackage{cleveref}

     citecolor = blue,      


\def\E{{\mathbb E}}
%equation with text "def" above


\title{Provably }

  David S.~Hippocampus\thanks{Use footnote for providing further information
    about author (webpage, alternative address)---\emph{not} for acknowledging
    funding agencies.} \\
  Department of Computer Science\\
  Cranberry-Lemon University\\
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213 \\
  \texttt{[email protected]} \\




\STATE Initialize. \label{line:winit}
\STATE \hspace{0.05in} \textbf{For} step {$t=1, 2, \ldots, H$} \textbf{do} \hfill (improvement) \label{line:pis-start}

\STATE \hspace{0.13in} Update $\pi^k_t $ \label{line:policy-improvement}
\STATE \hspace{0.15in}  Observe reward $r^k_{t}(\cdot)$.  \label{line:pis-end}

\STATE \hspace{0.13in} $\Sigma^k_t $.\label{line:lambda}\vspace{0.054in}
\STATE \hspace{0.13in} $\hat{\theta}$. \label{line:theta-hat}
\STATE \hspace{0.13in} .\vspace{0.054in}\label{line:pes-end}

Here \ref{line:lambda} would say $1$.





% ALGORITHMIC STYLE -- Released 8 APRIL 1996
%    for LaTeX version 2e
% Copyright -- 1994 Peter Williams
% E-mail [email protected]
% Modified by Alex Smola (08/2000)
% E-mail [email protected]
\typeout{Document Style `algorithmic' - environment}
\newcommand{\algorithmicelsif}{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendif}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}
\newcommand{\algorithmicforall}{\textbf{for all}}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendfor}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfor}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendwhile}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicwhile}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendloop}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicloop}

%changed by alex smola
\newcommand{\algorithmicand}{\textbf{and\ }}
\newcommand{\algorithmicor}{\textbf{or\ }}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendfunction}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfunction}
\newcommand{\algorithmicendmain}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicmain}
%end changed by alex smola

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%changes by alex smola
%  \newcommand{\TRUE}{\algorithmictrue}
%  \newcommand{\FALSE}{\algorithmicfalse}
%end changes by alex smola
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{\end{ALC@if}\ALC@it\algorithmicelsif\ ##2\ \algorithmicthen%
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  \newcommand{\WHILE}[2][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicwhile\ ##2\ %
%changed by alex smola
  \newcommand{\FUNCTION}[2][default]{\ALC@it\algorithmicfunction\ ##2\ %
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%end changed by alex smola
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