

很抱歉,我还有更多问题,但你们似乎都比我更了解 LaTeX!所以我的参考书目有几个问题 - 虽然不是什么大问题,但它让我很烦恼。

1 - 参考书目第一页的页码位于底部中央,而其余页面的页码位于右下角。在我的其他章节中,我设法通过在第一页中包含 \thispagestyle{style2},然后在其余页面中包含 \pagestyle{style1} 来解决这个问题(这可能有些多余,但我发现这种方法很有效,可以让第一页没有页眉,底部右侧有页码,其余页面有页眉和底部右侧有页码)。但是,这对参考书目不起作用,因为它没有被归类为章节 - 所以有人知道我该怎么做吗?[ 问题引证]






    title = {{Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: second update 2018}},
    year = {2019},
    journal = {Archives of Virology},
    author = {Maes, Piet and Adkins, Scott and Alkhovsky, Sergey V. and Av{\v{s}}i{\v{c}}-{\v{Z}}upanc, Tatjana and Ballinger, Matthew J. and Bente, Dennis A. and Beer, Martin and Bergeron, Éric and Blair, Carol D. and Briese, Thomas and Buchmeier, Michael J. and Burt, Felicity J. and Calisher, Charles H. and Charrel, Rémi N. and Choi, Il Ryong and Clegg, J. Christopher S. and de la Torre, Juan Carlos and de Lamballerie, Xavier and DeRisi, Joseph L. and Digiaro, Michele and Drebot, Mike and Ebihara, Hideki and Elbeaino, Toufic and Erg{\"{u}}nay, Koray and Fulhorst, Charles F. and Garrison, Aura R. and G{\={a}}o, George Fú and Gonzalez, Jean-Paul J. and Groschup, Martin H. and G{\"{u}}nther, Stephan and Haenni, Anne-Lise and Hall, Roy A. and Hewson, Roger and Hughes, Holly R. and Jain, Rakesh K. and Jonson, Miranda Gilda and Junglen, Sandra and Klempa, Boris and Klingstr{\"{o}}m, Jonas and Kormelink, Richard and Lambert, Amy J. and Langevin, Stanley A. and Lukashevich, Igor S. and Marklewitz, Marco and Martelli, Giovanni P. and Mielke-Ehret, Nicole and Mirazimi, Ali and M{\"{u}}hlbach, Hans-Peter and Naidu, Rayapati and Nunes, Márcio Roberto Teixeira and Palacios, Gustavo and Papa, Anna and Paw{\c{e}}ska, Janusz T. and Peters, Clarence J. and Plyusnin, Alexander and Radoshitzky, Sheli R. and Resende, Renato O. and Romanowski, Víctor and Sall, Amadou Alpha and Salvato, Maria S. and Sasaya, Takahide and Schmaljohn, Connie and Sh{\'{i}}, Xiǎohóng and Shirako, Yukio and Simmonds, Peter and Sironi, Manuela and Song, Jin-Won and Spengler, Jessica R. and Stenglein, Mark D. and Tesh, Robert B. and Turina, Massimo and W{\`{e}}i, Tàiyún and Whitfield, Anna E. and Yeh, Shyi-Dong and Zerbini, F. Murilo and Zhang, Yong-Zhen and Zhou, Xueping and Kuhn, Jens H.},
    number = {3},
    month = {3},
    pages = {927--941},
    volume = {164},
    url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s00705-018-04127-3},
    isbn = {2163684814},
    doi = {10.1007/s00705-018-04127-3},
    issn = {0304-8608},
    pmid = {30663021}

2 - 我不断收到此错误消息,因为两个参考文献中的作者太多。我使用 natbib,因为 agsm 书目样式最接近我需要的参考样式。




BibTeX you've exceeded 250, the entry-string-size, for entry Maes2018Taxonomy2018b

3 - 最后,这一点真的不重要,但我更希望将参考书目称为参考文献,但我不知道如何更改它。我已将报告的整个前言包含在内,以防您需要查看?

\documentclass[oneside,a4 paper, 12pt]{report}









抱歉问了这么多问题(可能信息量也太大了),但我仍在努力掌握 LaTeX……我也很乐意接受任何改进建议 :)



我已清理了.tex页眉和页脚的片段并添加了新内容。以下是完整的 MWE,应该可以解决您的疑问。

\documentclass[oneside,a4paper, 12pt]{report}



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\chapter{Right-hand bottom Page Number}

\cite{Maes2019Taxonomy2018, Greener2020, M19, Na2020}

More \cite{green20} % added few extra references to show 2 (two) pages of References

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\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} %<---this would change the name 'Bibliography' to 'References'

\bibliographystyle{agsm} %
\bibliography{biblio} % reference bib file


将参考文献保存在文件中biblio.bib。需要注意的是,在bib文件中,除了您提供的参考文献外,我还添加了一些额外的参考文献,以显示 2(两)页参考文献。

author={Maes, Piet and Adkins, Scott and Alkhovsky, Sergey V. and Av{\v{s}}i{\v{c}}-{\v{Z}}upanc, Tatjana
and Ballinger, Matthew J. and Bente, Dennis A. and Beer, Martin and Bergeron, {\'E}ric and Blair, Carol D. and Briese, Thomas and Buchmeier, Michael J. and Burt, Felicity J. and Calisher, Charles H. and Charrel, R{\'e}mi N. and Choi, Il Ryong and Clegg, J. Christopher S. and de la Torre, Juan Carlos and de Lamballerie, Xavier and DeRisi, Joseph L. and Digiaro, Michele and Drebot, Mike and Ebihara, Hideki and Elbeaino, Toufic and Erg{\"u}nay, Koray and Fulhorst, Charles F. and Garrison, Aura R. and G{\={a}}o, George F{\'u} and Gonzalez, Jean-Paul J. and Groschup, Martin H. and G{\"u}nther, Stephan and Haenni, Anne-Lise and Hall, Roy A. and Hewson, Roger and Hughes, Holly R. and Jain, Rakesh K. and Jonson, Miranda Gilda and Junglen, Sandra and Klempa, Boris and Klingstr{\"o}m, Jonas and Kormelink, Richard and Lambert, Amy J. and Langevin, Stanley A. and Lukashevich, Igor S. and Marklewitz, Marco and Martelli, Giovanni P. and Mielke-Ehret, Nicole and Mirazimi, Ali and M{\"u}hlbach, Hans-Peter and Naidu, Rayapati and Nunes, M{\'a}rcio Roberto Teixeira and Palacios, Gustavo and Papa, Anna and Paw{\k{e}}ska, Janusz T. and Peters, Clarence J. and Plyusnin, Alexander and Radoshitzky, Sheli R. and Resende, Renato O. and Romanowski, V{\'i}ctor and Sall, Amadou Alpha and Salvato, Maria S. and Sasaya, Takahide and Schmaljohn, Connie and Sh{\'i}, Xi{\v{a}}oh{\'o}ng and Shirako, Yukio and Simmonds, Peter and Sironi, Manuela and Song, Jin-Won and Spengler, Jessica R. and Stenglein, Mark D. and Tesh, Robert B. and Turina, Massimo and W{\`e}i, T{\`a}iy{\'u}n and Whitfield, Anna E. and Yeh, Shyi-Dong and Zerbini, F. Murilo and Zhang, Yong-Zhen and Zhou, Xueping and Kuhn, Jens H.},
title={Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: second update 2018},
journal={Archives of Virology},
abstract={In October 2018, the order Bunyavirales was amended by inclusion of the family Arenaviridae, abolishment of three families, creation of three new families, 19 new genera, and 14 new species, and renaming of three genera and 22 species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).},

   title={SDSS-IV MaNGA: spatially resolved dust attenuation in spiral galaxies},
   journal={Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
   publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)},
   author={Greener, Michael J and Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso and Merrifield, Michael R and Peterken, Thomas G and Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia and Masters, Karen L and Krawczyk, Coleman M and Boardman, Nicholas F and Boquien, Médéric and Andrews, Brett H and et al.},

   title={The deep Chandra survey in the SDSS J1030+0524 field},
   journal={Astronomy \& Astrophysics},
   publisher={EDP Sciences},
   author={Nanni, R. and Gilli, R. and Vignali, C. and Mignoli, M. and Peca, A. and Marchesi, S. and Annunziatella, M. and Brusa, M. and Calura, F. and Cappelluti, N. and et al.},

   title={The SDSS-HET Survey of Kepler Eclipsing Binaries. Description of the Survey and First Results},
   journal={The Astrophysical Journal},
   publisher={American Astronomical Society},
   author={Mahadevan, Suvrath and Bender, Chad F. and Hambleton, Kelly and Fleming, Scott W. and Deshpande, Rohit and Conroy, Kyle and Matijevič, Gal and Hebb, Leslie and Roy, Arpita and Ak, Hasan and et al.},

    title={Spectroscopic and Photometric Periods of Six Ultracompact Accreting Binaries},
    author={Matthew J. Green and Thomas R. Marsh and Philip J. Carter and Danny Steeghs and Elmé Breedt and V. S. Dhillon and S. P. Littlefair and Steven G. Parsons and Paul Kerry and Nicola P. Gentile Fusillo and R. P. Ashley and Madelon C. P. Bours and Tim Cunningham and Martin J. Dyer and Boris T. Gänsicke and Paula Izquierdo and Anna F. Pala and Chuangwit Pattama and Sabrina Outmani and David I. Sahman and Boonchoo Sukaum and James Wild},
