不希望引用包括所有作者,而不是 et al

不希望引用包括所有作者,而不是 et al

然而我的引用出现了更多问题 :(

我正在 overleaf 上撰写论文,并将 Mendeley 的参考文献收集到 BibTeX 文件中,该文件已上传到 overleaf。我使用的是 natbib 包和 agsm 样式。

我觉得两个引文很奇怪,引文中包含了所有作者,而不是缩写为 et al。其余的引文都正常,只有这两个。我有时可以设法让它说 et al,但它不可避免地会返回列出所有作者。这些参考文献的导出方式与其他参考文献相同,所以我不明白它们有什么问题。你能帮忙吗?

abstract = {}
author = {Rowe, Wallace P and Murphy, Frederick A and Bergold, Gernot H and Casals, Jordi and Hotchin, John and Johnson, Karl M and Lehmann-Grube, Fritz and Mims, Cedric A and Traub, Eric and Webb, Patricia A},
doi = {10.1128/JVI.5.5.651-652.1970},
file = {:Users/amelia13/Downloads/Journal of Virology-1970-Rowe-651.full.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0022-538X},
journal = {Journal of Virology},
number = {5},
pages = {651--652},
title = {{Arenoviruses: Proposed Name for a Newly Defined Virus Group}},
volume = {5},
year = {1970}

abstract = {},
author = {Rowe, Wallace P and Pugh, Wendell E and Webb, Patricia A and Peters, Clarence J},
doi = {10.1128/jvi.5.3.289-292.1970},
file = {:Users/amelia13/Downloads/jvirol00291-0015.pdf:pdf},
issn = {0022-538X},
journal = {Journal of Virology},
number = {3},
pages = {289--292},
title = {{Serological Relationship of the Tacaribe Complex of Viruses to Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus}},
volume = {5},
year = {1970}

abstract = {},
author = {Radoshitzky, Sheli R and B{\`{a}}o, Yīm{\'{i}}ng and Buchmeier, Michael J and Charrel, R{\'{e}}mi N and Clawson, Anna N and Clegg, Christopher S and DeRisi, Joseph L and Emonet, S{\'{e}}bastien and Gonzalez, Jean Paul and Kuhn, Jens H and Lukashevich, Igor S and Peters, Clarence J and Romanowski, Victor and Salvato, Maria S and Stenglein, Mark D and de la Torre, Juan C.arlos},
doi = {10.1007/s00705-015-2418-y},
file = {:Users/amelia13/Downloads/Radoshitzky2015{\_}Article{\_}PastPresentAndFutureOfArenavir.pdf:pdf},
issn = {14328798},
journal = {Archives of virology},
number = {7},
pages = {1851--1874},
title = {{Past, present, and future of arenavirus taxonomy}},
volume = {160},
year = {2015}


\documentclass[oneside,a4 paper, 12pt]{report}





Example text \cite{Rowe1970}. Example text \cite{Rowe1970SerologicalVirus}. Example text \cite{Radoshitzky2015}



另外,顺便提一下,我之前直接从 Mendeley 导入参考书目时遇到了一些问题,制作 BibTeX 文件有助于解决这些问题 - 但是当我现在引用时,\cite{} 似乎记住了所有较早的建议,我想知道是否有任何方法可以让它仅建议当前 library.bib 文件中的参考文献?我尝试清除缓存,但没有任何效果。

