我想在某人的上一篇文章中做类似的事情这里。但它不适用于我的论文。我几乎所有的参考书目条目都带有“注释”,其中包括指向特定网站的网址。大多数时候都有 doi 网页。我想实现指向所有网址的超链接,这些网址将在参考书目中显示为可点击的标题。所以假设我有这两个条目(一个带有 doi,一个带有一些 http/https 链接):
author = {He, Q.F. and Ding, Z.Y. and Ye, Y.F. and al., et},
journal = {JOM},
volume = {7},
number = {69},
language = {English},
pages = {2092--2098},
title = {Design of High-Entropy Alloy: A Perspective from Nonideal Mixing},
year = {2017},
doi = {10.1007/s11837-017-2452-1},
note = {doi: \url{https://doi.org/10.1007/s11837-017-2452-1}},
author = {Wróbel, M. and Burbelko, A.},
year = {2014},
pages = {79--84},
title = {Metoda CALPHAD – nowoczesna technika pozyskiwania danych termodynamicznych},
volume = {14},
journal = {Archives of Foundry Engineering},
note = {Dostęp na 02.04.2020: \url{http://www.afe.polsl.pl/index.php/pl/4073/metoda-calphad-nowoczesna-technika-pozyskiwania-danych-termodynamicznych.pdf}},