当我放大/缩小表格时,分隔线会根据缩放级别出现和消失。我尝试使用多个 pdf 查看器,但都无法解决问题。如果我从表格中删除颜色,则不再存在问题。为什么会发生这种情况?有人能帮我解决这个问题吗?
\caption{Eksempler på søkeord og resultater}
\rowcolor[HTML]{C0C0C0}\textbf{Søkeord} & \textbf{Søkemotor} & \textbf{Antall resultater} & \textbf{Benyttet kilde} \\[6pt] \hline
\rowcolor[HTML]{F0F0F0} 4D & Google Scholar & 2 490 000 & \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{E2E2E2}4D BIM & Google Scholar & 29 200 & \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{F0F0F0} "4D BIM" & Google Scholar & 2 780 & \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{E2E2E2}"4D BIM"\hspace{2pt}Modeling & Google Scholar & 2 710 & \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{F0F0F0}"4D BIM"\hspace{2pt}Modeling & Google Scholar & 1 060 & \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{F0F0F0}(senere enn år 2016) & && \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{E2E2E2}"4D BIM Modeling" & Google Scholar & 17 & Automated Mining of Construction Schedules \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{E2E2E2}(senere enn år 2016) & && for Easy and Quick Assembly of 4D BIM \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{E2E2E2} & & & Simulations\citep{torres-calderon_automated_2019}\\
\rowcolor[HTML]{F0F0F0}\textquotedbl4D BIM\textquotedbl\hspace{1pt}\&\hspace{1pt}\textquotedbl Safety planning\textquotedbl& Google Scholar & 335 & 4D-BIM for Construction Safety Planning \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{F0F0F0} &&& \citep{sulankivi_4d-bim_2010}
此包创建与表格中单元格位置相对应的 PGF/Tikz 节点,并将此信息写入文件中.aux
。在第二次编译中,绘制了所有彩色面板前所有规则。因此,PDF 查看器不会受到干扰(在 创建的 PDF 中colortbl
\caption{Eksempler på søkeord og resultater}
code-before = \rowcolor[HTML]{C0C0C0}{1}
\textbf{Søkeord} & \textbf{Søkemotor} & \textbf{Antall resultater} & \textbf{Benyttet kilde} \\[6pt] \hline
4D & Google Scholar & 2 490 000 & \\
4D BIM & Google Scholar & 29 200 & \\
"4D BIM" & Google Scholar & 2 780 & \\
"4D BIM"\hspace{2pt}Modeling & Google Scholar & 2 710 & \\
"4D BIM"\hspace{2pt}Modeling & Google Scholar & 1 060 & \\
(senere enn år 2016) & && \\
"4D BIM Modeling" & Google Scholar & 17 & Automated Mining of Construction Schedules \\
(senere enn år 2016) & && for Easy and Quick Assembly of 4D BIM \\
& & & Simulations\\
\textquotedbl4D BIM\textquotedbl\hspace{1pt}\&\hspace{1pt}\textquotedbl Safety planning\textquotedbl& Google Scholar & 335 & 4D-BIM for Construction Safety Planning \\