

由于某些原因,我的表格标题和标题被推到了右边,但表格的其余部分却位于中心 - 知道这里发生了什么吗?

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, doublespacing, nolistspacing, chapterinoneline, parskip, liststotoc]{article}

\usepackage{booktabs} % \toprule
\usepackage{subcaption} % subcaption
\usepackage{siunitx} % S column type (align by decimal)
\sisetup{parse-numbers=false} % allow parentheses in number column

\usepackage{mathpazo} % font





\caption{Estimates and standard errors of probit regression of binary EWEB on independent variables}\\
{} & \textbf{Binary EWEB}\\

\caption{Estimates and standard errors of probit regression of binary EWEB on independent variables - continued}\\
& \textbf{Binary EWEB}\\

\multicolumn{2}{r}{(\emph{Continued on next page...})}

\multicolumn{2}{l}{*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1} \\

    \rowgroup{\textbf{Income (Linear)}} & \textbf{-0.250**} \\
          & (0.111) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Income (Quadratic)} & \textbf{0.029**}} \\
          & (0.012) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Income (Cubic)}} & \textbf{-0.001**} \\
          & (0.000) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Relative Wealth}} & 0.126 \\
          & (0.079) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Work-Life Balance (Linear)}} & 0.368 \\
          & (0.290) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Work-Life Balance (Quadratic)}} & -0.041 \\
          & (0.033) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Social Capital (Linear)}} & \textbf{1.333*} \\
          & (0.788) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Social Capital (Quadratic)}} & \textbf{-0.258*} \\
          & (0.154) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Injunctive Norm}} & -0.041 \\
          & (0.208) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Descriptive Norm}} & \textbf{1.527***} \\
          & (0.543) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Personal Norm}} & \textbf{0.998***} \\
          & (0.379) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Descriptive Norm \# Personal Norm}} & \textbf{-1.569***} \\
          & (0.566) \\
          &  \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Age (Linear)}} & -0.027 \\
          & (0.043) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Age (Quadratic)}} & 0.000 \\
          & (0.000) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Female}} & -0.107 \\
          & (0.148) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Heath}} & 0.256*** \\
          & (0.045) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Non-White}} & -0.244 \\
          & (0.202) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Highest Qualification}} &  \\ \\
    \textbf{GCSE level or equivalent} & -0.558 \\
          & (0.490) \\
    \textbf{A-levels or equivalent} & -0.414 \\
          & (0.467) \\
    \textbf{Undergraduate degree} & -0.318 \\
          & (0.462) \\
    \textbf{Masters degree} & -0.391 \\
          & (0.596) \\
    \textbf{PhD} & -0.010 \\
          & (0.574) \\
    \rowgroup{\textbf{Personality Traits}} &  \\ \\
    \textbf{Extraversion} & 0.071 \\
          & (0.054) \\
    \textbf{Agreeable} & -0.027 \\
          & (0.068) \\
    \textbf{Conscientious} & 0.009 \\
          & (0.089) \\
    \textbf{Neuroticism} & -0.169*** \\
          & (0.046) \\
    \textbf{Openness} & 0.025 \\
          & (0.081) \\
    \textbf{Optimistic} & 0.236*** \\
          & (0.065) \\
    \textbf{Adaptive} & 0.116** \\
          & (0.057) \\
