我已经创建了一个索引列表,并希望确保显示与索引中出现的条目相对应的所有页面(即,如果术语“urbanization”出现在第 34、120、150 页,则这三个页面将显示在索引中。)除了手动执行此操作(搜索 urbanization 以查找整个文本并在每次出现时添加命令 \index),有没有更快的方法?谢谢。
\usepackage{makeidx} \makeindex
\UndoBoundary{-} % allow hyphens!!
Mr. So and So, from the
WHO, % organization, must be indexed
who % common word, must be not indexed
has announced yesterday in the UK and the USA that the
ELISA % method acronym, must be indexed
test to detect antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 \newpage\newpage\newpage
in COVID-19 patients with with first signs of the disease is useless,
said now that even PCR methods, \newpage\newpage
like RT-PCR \newpage
nested PCR,\newpage
quantitative PCR,\newpage\newpage\newpage\newpage
and Multiplex-PCR test, \newpage\newpage\newpage
used too early in the course of infection
are not enough sensitives.\newpage
On the other hand, the researcher
Elisa % Woman name, must be not indexed
Whoknow proposed a WHO meetings to discuss the
disgnostic protocols of SARS and RNA virus and the sensitivity of a new indirect antibody test.
\StopList {index}