


%======== Outils linguistiques ===

%======== Mathematiques ==========

%======== Mise en forme du texte =====

\usepackage{setspace}% espace entre les lignes

%\usepackage[Lenny]{fncychap} % Lenny, Conny ,Bjarne, Rejne, Glenn, Sonny
%======== Marges ===============

%====== Encadrement =========

%===== Les couleurs ===========

%======= entêtes et bas de page ======

\chead{ }
\rhead{ }
\lfoot{ }
\cfoot{Page \thepage\ sur \pageref{LastPage}}
%===== Les theoremes ============

\newtheoremstyle{break}% name
  {\topsep}%   Space above, empty = `usual value'
  {\topsep}%   Space below
  {\itshape}%  Body font
  {}%          Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
  {\bfseries}% Thm head font
  {.}%         Punctuation after thm head
  {\newline}%  Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
  {}%          Thm head spec

%% This has a default type size 10pt.  Other options are 11pt and 12pt
%% This are set by replacing the command above by
%% \documentclass[11pt]{amsart}
%% or
%% \documentclass[12pt]{amsart}
%% Some mathematical symbols are not included in the basic LaTeX
%% package.  Uncommenting the following makes more commands
%% available. 


%% The following is commands are used for importing various types of
%% grapics.

%\usepackage{epsfig}        % For postscript
%\usepackage{epic,eepic}       % For epic and eepic output from xfig

%% The following is very useful in keeping track of labels while
%% writing.  The variant   \usepackage[notcite]{showkeys}
%% does not show the labels on the \cite commands.


%%%% The next few commands set up the theorem type environments.
%%%% Here they are set up to be numbered section.number, but this can
%%%% be changed.


%% If some other type is need, say conjectures, then it is constructed
%% by editing and uncommenting the following.


%%% The following gives definition type environments (which only differ
%%% from theorem type invironmants in the choices of fonts).  The
%%% numbering is still tied to the theorem counter.


%% Again more of these can be added by uncommenting and editing the
%% following. 


%%% The following gives remark type environments (which only differ
%%% from theorem type invironmants in the choices of fonts).  The
%%% numbering is still tied to the theorem counter.



%%% The following, if uncommented, numbers equations within sections.


%%% The following show how to make definition (also called macros or
%%% abbreviations).  For example to use get a bold face R for use to
%%% name the real numbers the command is \mathbf{R}.  To save typing we
%%% can abbreviate as


%% The comment after the defintion is not required, but if you are
%% working with someone they will likely thank you for explaining your
%% definition.  
%% Now add you own definitions:

%%% Mathematical operators (things like sin and cos which are used as
%%% functions and have slightly different spacing when typeset than
%%% variables are defined as follows:

\DeclareMathOperator{\dist}{dist} % The distance.

%% This is the end of the preamble.


%% The title of the paper goes here.  Edit to your title.


%% Now edit the following to give your name and address:

\address{Department of Mathematics, University of}
%\urladdr{www.math.sc.edu/$\sim$howard} % Delete if not wanted.

%% If there is another author uncomment and edit the following.

%\author{Second Author}
%\address{Department of Mathematics, University of ***,}

%\author{Third Author}
%\address{Department of Mathematics, University of ***,}
%% If there are three of more authors they are added in the obvious
%% way. 

%%% The following is for the abstract.  The abstract is optional and
%%% if not used just delete, or comment out, the following.




%%  LaTeX will not make the title for the paper unless told to do so.
%%  This is done by uncommenting the following.


%% LaTeX can automatically make a table of contents.  This is done by
%% uncommenting the following:


%%  To enter text is easy.  Just type it.  A blank line starts a new
%%  paragraph. 
These systems are expressed as follows\\
X^{\prime}(t) &=& f(t,X(t))\quad t_{0}<t<t_{n+1}=T, t \neq t_{k},\\
\bigtriangleup X(t_{k})&=& I_{k}(X(t_{k}))\quad k \in \theta_{m}^{n},\\ 
X(t_{0})&=& X_{0}.\;\;\;

\dfrac{d u(t)}{dt}=Au(t)+f(t),\; t\in ]0,T[\\
u(0)=x\in X.








%======== Outils linguistiques ===

%======== Mathematiques ==========

%======== Mise en forme du texte =====

\usepackage{setspace}% espace entre les lignes

%\usepackage[Lenny]{fncychap} % Lenny, Conny ,Bjarne, Rejne, Glenn, Sonny
%======== Marges ===============

%====== Encadrement =========

%===== Les couleurs ===========

%======= entêtes et bas de page ======

\chead{ }
\rhead{ }
\lfoot{ }
\cfoot{Page \thepage\ sur \pageref{LastPage}}
%===== Les theoremes ============

\newtheoremstyle{break}% name
  {\topsep}%   Space above, empty = `usual value'
  {\topsep}%   Space below
  {\itshape}%  Body font
  {}%          Indent amount (empty = no indent, \parindent = para indent)
  {\bfseries}% Thm head font
  {.}%         Punctuation after thm head
  {\newline}%  Space after thm head: \newline = linebreak
  {}%          Thm head spec

%% This has a default type size 10pt.  Other options are 11pt and 12pt
%% This are set by replacing the command above by
%% \documentclass[11pt]{amsart}
%% or
%% \documentclass[12pt]{amsart}
%% Some mathematical symbols are not included in the basic LaTeX
%% package.  Uncommenting the following makes more commands
%% available. 


%% The following is commands are used for importing various types of
%% grapics.

%\usepackage{epsfig}        % For postscript
%\usepackage{epic,eepic}       % For epic and eepic output from xfig

%% The following is very useful in keeping track of labels while
%% writing.  The variant   \usepackage[notcite]{showkeys}
%% does not show the labels on the \cite commands.


%%%% The next few commands set up the theorem type environments.
%%%% Here they are set up to be numbered section.number, but this can
%%%% be changed.


%% If some other type is need, say conjectures, then it is constructed
%% by editing and uncommenting the following.


%%% The following gives definition type environments (which only differ
%%% from theorem type invironmants in the choices of fonts).  The
%%% numbering is still tied to the theorem counter.


%% Again more of these can be added by uncommenting and editing the
%% following. 


%%% The following gives remark type environments (which only differ
%%% from theorem type invironmants in the choices of fonts).  The
%%% numbering is still tied to the theorem counter.



%%% The following, if uncommented, numbers equations within sections.


%%% The following show how to make definition (also called macros or
%%% abbreviations).  For example to use get a bold face R for use to
%%% name the real numbers the command is \mathbf{R}.  To save typing we
%%% can abbreviate as


%% The comment after the defintion is not required, but if you are
%% working with someone they will likely thank you for explaining your
%% definition.  
%% Now add you own definitions:

%%% Mathematical operators (things like sin and cos which are used as
%%% functions and have slightly different spacing when typeset than
%%% variables are defined as follows:

\DeclareMathOperator{\dist}{dist} % The distance.

%% This is the end of the preamble.


%% The title of the paper goes here.  Edit to your title.


%% Now edit the following to give your name and address:

\address{Department of Mathematics, University of}
%\urladdr{www.math.sc.edu/$\sim$howard} % Delete if not wanted.

%% If there is another author uncomment and edit the following.

%\author{Second Author}
%\address{Department of Mathematics, University of ***,}

%\author{Third Author}
%\address{Department of Mathematics, University of ***,}
%% If there are three of more authors they are added in the obvious
%% way. 

%%% The following is for the abstract.  The abstract is optional and
%%% if not used just delete, or comment out, the following.




%%  LaTeX will not make the title for the paper unless told to do so.
%%  This is done by uncommenting the following.


%% LaTeX can automatically make a table of contents.  This is done by
%% uncommenting the following:


%%  To enter text is easy.  Just type it.  A blank line starts a new
%%  paragraph. 


These systems are expressed as follows
X^{\prime}(t) &= f(t,X(t))\quad t_{0}<t<t_{n+1}=T, t \neq t_{k}\;,\\
\bigtriangleup X(t_{k})&= I_{k}(X(t_{k}))\quad k \in \theta_{m}^{n}\;,\\ 
X(t_{0})&= X_{0}\;.

\dfrac{\diff u(t)}{\diff t} &=Au(t)+f(t)\;,\quad t\in ]0,T[\\
u(0)&=x\in X.


These systems are expressed as follows
X^{\prime}(t) &= f(t,X(t))\quad t_{0}<t<t_{n+1}=T, t \neq t_{k}\\\
\bigtriangleup X(t_{k})&= I_{k}(X(t_{k}))\quad k \in \theta_{m}^{n}\\ 
X(t_{0})&= X_{0}

\dfrac{\diff u(t)}{\diff t} &=Au(t)+f(t)\;,\quad t\in ]0,T[\\
u(0)&=x\in X.




\section{Some section}








[...all the same...]

These systems are expressed as follows
X^{\prime}(t) &= f(t,X(t))\quad t_{0}<t<t_{n+1}=T, t \neq t_{k},\\
\bigtriangleup X(t_{k})&= I_{k}(X(t_{k}))\quad k \in \theta_{m}^{n},\\
X(t_{0})&= X_{0}.
\dfrac{d u(t)}{dt}=Au(t)+f(t),\; t\in \mathopen]0,T\mathclose[\\
u(0)=x\in X.


我对您的代码做了一些修正。切勿使用\\来结束普通文本中的行,更不要使用 来“留下空白行”。连续显示不应位于单独的equation环境中。



These systems are expressed as follows
X^{\prime}(t) &= f(t,X(t))\quad t_{0}<t<t_{n+1}=T, t \neq t_{k},\\
\bigtriangleup X(t_{k})&= I_{k}(X(t_{k}))\quad k \in \theta_{m}^{n},\\
X(t_{0})&= X_{0}.
\dfrac{d u(t)}{dt}=Au(t)+f(t),\; t\in \mathopen]0,T\mathclose[\\
u(0)=x\in X.

