我想垂直定位节点“我邀请你参加”和“到我家参加某个活动”低于分别以上名称,但水平方向我想将位置设置为10 mm
这是我的 MWE:
\clip (0,0) rectangle (154,111);
\node[draw] at (77,55.292) (name) {\LARGE Name of a Person};
\node[draw,align=left, above of=name, anchor=west] {Herby I invite};
\node[draw,align=left, below of=name, anchor=west] {to some event at my place};
\node[draw,align=left, anchor=west] at (10,30) (sender) {Yours Me};
\node[draw,align=left, anchor=west,yshift=-1cm] at (sender.south west) {My Place};
\documentclass[tikz, border=1cm]{standalone}
\path (#1);
test/.code args={#1 at #2}{
\clip (0,0) rectangle (154,111);
\node[draw] at (77,55.292) (name) {\LARGE Name of a Person};
\node[draw,align=left, above of=name, anchor=west, test=name at 10mm] {Herby I invite};
\node[draw,align=left, below of=name, anchor=west, test=name at 10mm] {to some event at my place};
\node[draw,align=left, anchor=west] at (10,30) (sender) {Yours Me};
\node[draw,align=left, anchor=west,yshift=-1cm] at (sender.south west) {My Place};