我也不是设计师,但你说得对,用 做这样的事情很容易TikZ
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,inner sep=20mm,text=white]
\node[anchor=north west,inner sep=0mm,outer sep=0mm] at (current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=420.5mm,height=1189mm]{example-image}};
\node[anchor=north east,inner sep=0mm,outer sep=0mm,minimum width=420.5mm,minimum height=1189mm,fill=black] at (current page.north east) {};
\node[anchor=north west,text width=420.5mm,font=\fontsize{35mm}{40mm}\selectfont] at (current page.north west) {Organised by\newline University of Science};
\node[anchor=north east,text width=420.5mm,font=\fontsize{35mm}{32mm}\selectfont,align=right] at (current page.north east) {\hfill 23TH\newline \hspace*{\fill} OCT\newline 10AM};
\node[anchor=south west,text width=420.5mm,font=\fontsize{35mm}{40mm}\selectfont] at (current page.south west) {Other information};
\node[anchor=south west,text width=420.5mm,font=\fontsize{75mm}{90mm}\selectfont,inner sep=30mm] at (current page.center){ART \mbox{EXHIBIT}};
\node[anchor=north west,text width=380.5mm,font=\fontsize{25mm}{35mm}\selectfont,inner sep=30mm] at (current page.center){consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at suscipit elit. Cras fermentum est non elit tristique, ut rutrum justo ultrices.};
\node(address)[anchor=south west,text width=420.5mm,font=\fontsize{25mm}{30mm}\selectfont,xshift=30mm,yshift=30mm] at (current page.south) {123 Avenue Street\newline Phone 555\,1244\,4241\newline Email: [email protected]\newline\fontsize{30mm}{30mm}\selectfont WWW.WEBPAGE.COM};
\draw[line width=3mm,white] (address.north west) -- (address.south west);
海报不需要 TikZ。在我的回答中,我利用eso-pic
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Adventor}
% remove parindents and page numbers
% add background
% picture in the left half
% black box on the right
% set up grid
% horizontal grid position for stuff on the left side
% we want to text blok to end before half of the image so it is 10 - leftstart - 1
% fonts
% place content on a specified place on the grid
\smallerfont\maincolor #1%
\smallerfont\maincolor #1%
\largerfont\maincolor \raggedleft #1%
\largestfont\maincolor #1%
\smallestfont\maincolor #1%
% turn off justification
\logo{Organized by\\ University of Science}
\otherinfo{\textbf{Other information}}
\eventdescription{consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at suscipit elit. Cras fermentum est non elit tristique, ut rutrum justo ultrices.}
\eventplace{123 AVenue Street\\Phone: 555 111 222\\Email: [email protected]\\\textbf{www.webpage.com}}
% add background
% picture in the left half
% black box on the right
\smallerfont\maincolor #1%
这会将徽标插入到第二行的左列(页面按命令分为 40 行\TPGrid{20}{40}