在书的版权页中,我想包含一些承认使用 TeX 和相关软件的信息。
Composed by the author using the \LaTeX2e{} Document \\
Preparation System originally developed by Leslie Lamport\\
(based on the \TeX{} system created by Donald Knuth),\\
the \textsf{memoir} \LaTeX document class (created by\\
Peter Wilson and maintained by Lars Madsen),\\
and the \textsf{amsmath} macros.\\
Typeset in \textsf{newtxtext} text fonts (based upon \textsf{\TeX Gyre Termes} fonts)\\
and MathTime\textregistered{} Professional II math fonts.\\
MathTime is a trademark of Publish or Perish, Inc.
- 完全没有必要;或
- 不是关于版权或商标的要求;或
- 涉及版权或商标但尚未包含;或
- 可取但尚未包括;或
- 陈述错误?