考试班级成绩表 - 报告平均分数?

考试班级成绩表 - 报告平均分数?


我已经创建了一个 MWE,它得到了一些东西关闭通过劫持奖励积分机制(我不使用)来实现我想要的效果。问题是,我希望能够为常规问题“分配奖励积分”(记录平均分数),而不是像我在 MWE 中所做的那样为此添加单独的部分



% Rename "Bonus Points" entry in grade tables

    \bvpword{Average}  % Vertical Bonus Tables
    \bhpword{Average}  % Horizontal Bonus Tables
    \cvbpword{Average} % Combined Vertical Tables
    \chbpword{Average} % Combined Horizontal Tables

% Combined point table  
% Questions

            \part[20] Why?
            \bonuspart[15] Dummy part to indicate that the average score on this question was 15
            \part[20] Why not?
            \bonuspart[15] Dummy part to indicate that the average score on this question was 15




我想到了一种只在表格打印时修改奖励机制的方法。关键思想是只劫持最低级别的函数(负责从文件中报告奖励积分的函数),并使用开关使其恢复正常。MWE 是




% New variables

  \avgword{Average} % Used in column/row heading

% Command for writing average score to file 

      \ifnum \value{question} > 0\relax
        % Now do bonus points:
            \romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname
% Re-write bonuspointsofquestion to possibly report average points instead (depending on value of \@bonus@is@average)
        \@ifundefined{avgpointsofq@\romannumeral #1}%
        {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
        {\csname avgpointsofq@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
        \@ifundefined{bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral #1}%
       {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
       {\csname bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
% Command for bonus points table

    \def\averagepointtable{% Allow optional argument with default
    \def\i@atable[#1]{% Internal averagepointtable
          % Locally re-label "Bonus Points" row/column as an "Average" row/column
         \bvpword{\@avgword}   % Vertical Bonus Tables
       \bhpword{\@avgword:}  % Horizontal Bonus Tables
         \cvbpword{\@avgword}  % Combined Vertical Tables
         \chbpword{\@avgword:} % Combined Horizontal Tables
       % Locally look up average points, not bonus points
         % The modifications above turn the "combined" table into an "average" table
% Print

\section{Point Tables}

\subsection{Average Points}

    % Re-title average column (optional)
    %\avgword{Average (last year)}

 \subsection{Bonus Points}
% Questions


        \question[20] Why? (The average score for this question was 15) \avgWas{15}
        \question (The average score for this question was 5) \avgWas{5}
            \part[20] Why not?
            \bonuspart[15] Dummy part to indicate that the average score on this question was 15


