我正在尝试创建一份简历,但当我使用带有副标题的 itemize 时,项目符号会出现在两行之间,我希望它水平放置在顶行旁边。tex 文件是
%Edit these values as you see fit
\setlength{\outerbordwidth}{1pt} % Width of border outside of title bars
\definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{0.95} % Outer background color of title bars (0 = black, 1 = white)
\definecolor{shadecolorB}{gray}{0.95} % Inner background color of title bars
%Margin setup
%Custom commands
\renewcommand{\turnthepage}{\itshape [Please turn over]}
\newcommand{\resitem}[1]{\item #1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\framebox[\textwidth][l]{\setlength{\fboxsep}{4pt}\fcolorbox{shadecolorB}{shadecolorB}{\textbf{\sffamily{\mbox{~}\makebox[6.762in][l]{\large #1} \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}}}
\textbf{#1} & #2 \\
\textit{#3} & \textit{#4} \\
\textbf{\Large Steve Waugh} \\
Ph.D. Student, University of Adelaide & [email protected] / (999) 534-9194\\
\resheading{Work Experience}
\item \ressubheading{Graduate Research Assistant}{}{SY Simulation Center(in collaboration with OperaHouse),Perth}
{May 2015 -- Present}
\resitem{ E.. }
\resitem{ .. }
\resitem{ .. }
\resitem{ .. }
\resitem{ ..}
\item \ressubheading{Junior Research Fellow}{}{Melbourne Institute of Engineering Science and Technology}{May 1912 -- July 1914}
\resitem{AB.. }
\item \ressubheading{Summer Research Fellow}{}{Sydney Institute of Science, Sydney}
{May 1913 -- July 1913}
将 \item 移至 ressubheading 的定义。并创建 2 个表格(而不是 1 个)。
\newcommand{\ressubheading}[4]{ \item \begin{tabular*}{6.5in}{l@{\cftdotfill{\cftsecdotsep}\extracolsep{\fill}}r} \textbf{#1} & #2 \\ \end{tabular*} \begin{tabular*}{6.5in}{l@{\cftdotfill{\cftsecdotsep}\extracolsep{\fill}}r} \textit{#3} & \textit{#4} \\ \end{tabular*} \vspace{-6pt} }
在使用 \ressubheading 之前删除 \item。
\ressubheading{Graduate Research Assistant}{}{SY Simulation Center(in collaboration with OperaHouse), Perth} {May 2015 -- Present}