

通常,带句点的年份是我的条目中的最后一个字段。但是,如果存在 URL,则它应该是最后一个,并且应该用逗号与年份分隔。我如何更改年份分隔符,以便仅在存在 URL 时才影响它?





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        title = {Normung in Europa \textendash{} technische Anforderungen \textendash{} harmonisierte Normen \textendash{} CE-Kennzeichnung},
        author = {{Europ\"aische Kommision}},
        date = {2020},
        url = {},
        urldate = {2020-05-29}
        title = {Statistical Analysis of Dimensional Accuracy in Additive Manufacturing Considering {{STL}} Model Properties},
        author = {Baturynska, Ivanna},
        date = {2018},
        journaltitle = {The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology},
        volume = {97},
        pages = {2835--2849},
        number = {5}
        title = {Generative Fertigung mit Kunststoffen: Konzeption und Konstruktion f\"ur Selektives Lasersintern},
        shorttitle = {Generative Fertigung mit Kunststoffen},
        author = {Breuninger, Jannis and Becker, Ralf and Wolf, Andreas and Rommel, Steve and Verl, Alexander},
        date = {2013},
        publisher = {{Springer Vieweg}},
        location = {{Berlin/Heidelberg}},
        title = {Orthese},
        booktitle = {Lexikon Orthop\"adie und Unfallchirurgie},
        author = {Greitemann, Bernhard},
        editor = {Englehardt, Marting},
        date = {2017},
        publisher = {{Springer}},
        url = {}
        title = {Powder ageing and material properties of laser sintered polyamide 12 using low refresh rates},
        booktitle = {Neue Entwicklungen in der Additiven Fertigung},
        author = {Josupeit, Stefan and Tutzschky, Sabine and Gessler, Monika and Schmid, Hans-Joachim},
        editor = {Witt, Gerd and Wegner, Andreas and Sehrt, J. T.},
        date = {2015},
        pages = {63--78},
        publisher = {{Springer}},
        location = {{Berlin/Heidelberg}}
        title = {Material Properties of Laser Sintered Polyamide 12 as Function of Build Cycles Using Low Refresh Rates},
        author = {Josupeit, Stefan and Lohn, Johannes and Hermann, Eduard and Gessler, Monika and Tenbrink, Stephan and Schmid, Hans-Joachim},
        date = {2015},
        pages = {540--548},
        location = {{Austin}},
        eventtitle = {26th {{International Sold Free Form Symposium}} \textendash{} {{An Additive Manufacturing Conference}}}

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%%%% rearange pages and date







title强制在, booktitle(和maintitle)后添加句点的一种方法是将\printunit调用添加到相应的 bibmacros 末尾。 Unlike\setunit \printunit不会被后续\setunit调用覆盖,因此我们可以保证在这些标题字段后添加句点。

在 MWE 中,我重新排序并更新了部分代码(主要使用 of\DeclareDelimFormat而不是 of\renewcommand来重新定义上下文敏感的分隔符)。我还尝试恢复似乎被某些自动缩进功能破坏的代码的更合理缩进。



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    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{booksubtitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{booksubtitle}}

    test {\iffieldundef{maintitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{mainsubtitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{maintitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{mainsubtitle}}



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%%%% rearange pages and date



  title   = {Normung in Europa -- technische Anforderungen
             -- harmonisierte Normen -- CE-Kennzeichnung},
  author  = {{Europäische Kommision}},
  date    = {2020},
  url     = {},
  urldate = {2020-05-29},
  title        = {Statistical Analysis of Dimensional Accuracy in
                  Additive Manufacturing Considering {STL} Model Properties},
  author       = {Baturynska, Ivanna},
  date         = {2018},
  journaltitle = {The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology},
  volume       = {97},
  pages        = {2835--2849},
  number       = {5},
  title      = {Generative Fertigung mit Kunststoffen},
  subtitle   = {Konzeption und Konstruktion für Selektives Lasersintern},
  author     = {Breuninger, Jannis and Becker, Ralf and Wolf, Andreas
                and Rommel, Steve and Verl, Alexander},
  date       = {2013},
  publisher  = {Springer Vieweg},
  location   = {Berlin and Heidelberg},
  title     = {Orthese},
  booktitle = {Lexikon Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie},
  author    = {Greitemann, Bernhard},
  editor    = {Englehardt, Marting},
  date      = {2017},
  publisher = {Springer},
  url       = {},
  title     = {Powder ageing and material properties of laser sintered
               polyamide 12 using low refresh rates},
  booktitle = {Neue Entwicklungen in der Additiven Fertigung},
  author    = {Josupeit, Stefan and Tutzschky, Sabine
               and Gessler, Monika and Schmid, Hans-Joachim},
  editor    = {Witt, Gerd and Wegner, Andreas and Sehrt, J. T.},
  date      = {2015},
  pages     = {63--78},
  publisher = {Springer},
  location  = {Berlin/Heidelberg},
  title      = {Material Properties of Laser Sintered Polyamide 12
                as Function of Build Cycles Using Low Refresh Rates},
  author     = {Josupeit, Stefan and Lohn, Johannes and Hermann, Eduard
                and Gessler, Monika and Tenbrink, Stephan and Schmid, Hans-Joachim},
  date       = {2015},
  pages      = {540--548},
  location   = {Austin},
  eventtitle = {26th International Sold Free Form Symposium
                -- An Additive Manufacturing Conference},



Baturynska, I.:考虑 STL 模型属性的增材制造尺寸精度统计分析。《国际先进制造技术杂志》第 97 卷第 5 期,第 2835-2849 页,2018 年。

