\begin {circuitikz} [scale = 0.7] [american][H]
(0,0) node[op amp] (opamp1) {}
(6,-0.7) node[op amp] (opamp2) {}
(opamp1.-) to [short,-] ++ (-2,0)
to [R, l_=$1K$] ++(-5,0) node[left]{$V_1$}
to [V, l_=$3\;V$] ++(0,-3)
to node[ground]{} ++(0,0)
(-6.5,-4) to node[ground]{} ++(0,0)
to [V, v=$6\;V$, invert] ++(0,3)
to [R, l_=$1K$] ++(3,0)
to [short,-*] ++(0,1.7)
to [short,-] ++(0,3)
to [R, l_=$1K$] ++ (3,0)
to[short,-] ++(0,0) coordinate (leftC)
to (leftC -| opamp1.out)
to[short,-*] (opamp1.out)
(opamp1.+) to [short,-] ++ (-1,0)
to node[ground]{} ++(0,-1)
(opamp1.out) [short,-] ++(0,0)
to [R, l_=$1K$] ++ (2,0)
coordinate (leftC)
to (leftC -| opamp2.-)
to[short,-] (opamp2.-)
(opamp2.-) to [short, *-] ++(0,3)
to [short, -] ++(2,0)
to [R, l_=$2K \Omega$] ++(3,0)
to [short, -] ++(0,-3.7)
coordinate (leftC)
to (leftC -| opamp2.out)
to[short,-] (opamp2.out)
(opamp2.up) to [short, -] ++(0,5)
to [short, -] ++(8,0)
to [V,l_=$15v$] ++(0,-4)
to [V,l_=$15v$] ++(0,-4)
to[short,-] ++(0,0) coordinate (leftC)
to (leftC -| opamp2.down)
to[short,-] (opamp2.down)
(opamp1.up) to [short, -] ++(0,4.3)
to [short, -] ++(6,0)
(opamp1.down) to [short, -] ++(0,-2.15)
to [short, -] ++(6,0)
(opamp2.+) -| ++(0,-0.4) node[ground]{}
(opamp2.out) to [short, -o] ++(3,0) node[right]{$V_o$}
(13.9,0)[short,*-] ++(0,1) to node[ground]{} ++(2,0)
vmargin=2cm, hmargin=2.5cm]{geometry}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\ctikzset{bipoles/length=1cm, nodes width=0.08}
\node[op amp] (oa1) {};
\draw (oa1.out) to [R=1<\kilo\ohm>,*-*] ++ (2,0)
node[op amp,anchor=-] (oa2) {}
(oa1.-) -- ++ (-1,0) coordinate (aux1)
-- ++ (0,1) coordinate (aux2)
to [R=1<\kilo\ohm>] ++ (2,0)
-- (aux2 -| oa1.out) -- (oa1.out)
(oa1.+) -- ++ (0,-0.5) node[ground] {}
(aux1) to [R=1<\kilo\ohm>,*-] ++(-3.5,0) node[left] {$V_1$}
to [V_=3<\volt>] ++ (0,-1.5)
node[ground] {}
(aux1) -- ++ (0,-1)
to [R=1<\kilo\ohm>] ++(-2,0) node[left] {$V_1$}
to [V_=6<\volt>] ++ (0,-1.5)
node[ground] {}
(oa2.out) to [short, -*] ++ (1,0) coordinate (aux3)
(oa2.-) |- ++ (1,1) coordinate (aux4)
to [R=2<\kilo\ohm>] (aux4 -| aux3) -- (aux3)
to [short, -o] ++ (1,0) node[right] {$V_o$}
(oa2.+) -- ++ (0,-0.5) node[ground] {}
%%% suply
(oa1.up) |- ($(oa2.up)+(0,2)$)
-- ++ (4,0) coordinate (aux5)
(oa2.up) -- (oa2.up |- aux5)
(aux5) to [V_=15<\volt>,-*] (aux5 |- oa2.out)
(oa1.down) |- ($(oa2.down)-(0,2)$)
-- ++ (4,0) coordinate (aux6)
(aux5 |- oa2.out) to [V_=-15<\volt>] (aux6)
(aux5 |- oa2.out) -| ++ (1,-0.5) node[ground] {}
上面的 MWE 与您的相比有所改变:
- 双极子的尺寸减小
- 使用的是
单位符号 - 所有电路元件都相对于相邻元件定位,并且略微减小
- 省略图像缩放
- 还省略了未知
编辑: 已更正方案。现在正如楼主所言,有问题。