



% The page frame
\node at (0.5\paperwidth,0) {\wb{80}{34}{E}\rule[55pt]{.3\textwidth}{0.4pt}%
  \makebox[.4\textwidth]{\ \fontsize{24}{29}\selectfont\scshape Open Bar }}%
\node at (2.4,-0.5\textheight) {\rule{0.4pt}{.82\textheight}};
\node at (19.1,-0.5\textheight) {\rule{0.4pt}{.82\textheight}};
\node at (0.5\paperwidth,-\textheight) {\wb{80}{80}{G}\rule[-10pt]{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\wb{80}{34}{H}} ;

% colorize text

% a tabular* for each food group

% to format each entry

  \centering{\sffamily#1 & #2}}

% to format each subentry
  \centering{\hspace*{1em}\footnotesize #1}}




\begin{Group}{Mixed Drink}
\Entry{Michelada}{} \\
\Expl{Beer, Clamato Juice, Lime Juice,} \\
\Entry{Palomas}{} \\
\Expl{Squirt and Tequila} \\
\Entry{Jack, Coke}{} \\
\Expl{Jack Daniels, Coca-Cola} \\
\Entry{Margarita}{} \\
\Expl{Tequila, Lime Juice, Orange liqueur, Kosher Salt, Tajin} \\



\Entry{Corona}{} \\ 
\Expl{} \\
\Entry{Modelo}{} \\ 
\Expl{} \\



\Entry{Water Bottle}{} \\ 
\Expl{} \\
\Entry{Coca-Cola}{} \\ 
\Expl{} \\
\Entry{Squirt}{} \\ 
\Expl{} \\
\Entry{Dr Perpper}{} \\ 
\Expl{} \\

Hello, I was trying to manipulate this file but I cannot get the gold text to the center. If anyone can let me know where to make changes in the code. I would appreciate it. I know there is other errors in there.

 \textbf{\heart Because no great story ever started with a salad.\heart}   

