\draw[->,line width=2mm] (3.3,4.3) -- (1.5,2.5) ;
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (5.5,5.5) -- (2.5,5.5) ;
我尝试过什么?我尝试用宏调用代替这些坐标,但 TikZ 抱怨它无法理解坐标。在我看来,TikZ 看到的是我的宏,而不是它们的扩展。(我不会说我需要知道如何按特定顺序扩展事物,因为你可能有更好的方法来做所有事情。)
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,6}
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,6} { %% crazy code, watch out!
\ifthenelse{\(\isodd{\x}\and\isodd{\y}\)\OR\(\not\(\isodd{\x}\)\and\not\(\isodd{\y}\)\)}{\filldraw[fill=printgray]}{\draw} (\x, \y) rectangle +(1,-1);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,6} {
\alternatefill{\x} (\x, 6) +(0, 0.2) rectangle +(1, 1+0.2);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,6}
\alternatexfill{\x} (\x, -1) +(0, -0.2) rectangle +(1, 1 - 0.2);
\foreach \y in {0,1,...,5}
\alternatefill{\y} (0, \y) +(-0.2, 0) rectangle +(1 - 0.2,1);
\foreach \y in {0,1,...,5}
\alternatexfill{\y} (7, \y) +(0.2, 0) rectangle +(1 + 0.2,1);
\draw (0, \pos) +(0.3, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle a};
\foreach [count=\x] \c in {b,c, ..., g}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\label{\x + 1}
\draw (\x, \pos) +(0.5, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \c};
\draw (7, \pos) +(0.7, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle h};
\draw (\pos, -1) +(0.5, 0.3) node {\strut\labelstyle 1};
\draw (\pos, 6) +(0.5, 0.7) node {\strut\labelstyle 8};
\foreach \x in {2,...,7}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\xcoord{\x - 2}
\draw (\pos, \xcoord) +(0.5, 0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \x};
\draw (\pos, -1) +(-0.5, 0.3) node {\strut\labelstyle 1};
\draw (\pos, 6) +(-0.5, 0.7) node {\strut\labelstyle 8};
\foreach \x in {2,...,7}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\xcoord{\x - 2}
\draw (\pos, \xcoord) +(-0.5, 0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \x};
\draw (0, \pos) +(0.3, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle a};
\foreach [count=\x] \c in {b,c, ..., g}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\label{\x + 1}
\draw (\x, \pos) +(0.5, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \c};
\draw (7, \pos) +(0.7, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle h};
%% show origin
\filldraw[fill=black] (0,0) circle [radius=1pt] +(0,-0.5) node{origin};
\coordinate (⟨name⟩) at (⟨x⟩,⟨y⟩);
,它通过循环数字 1..8 来形成 x 坐标和 y 坐标并组成 a1 或 h8 等名称,从而为您完成上述操作。
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,6}
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,6} { %% crazy code, watch out!
\ifthenelse{\(\isodd{\x}\and\isodd{\y}\)\OR\(\not\(\isodd{\x}\)\and\not\(\isodd{\y}\)\)}{\filldraw[fill=printgray]}{\draw} (\x, \y) rectangle +(1,-1);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,6} {
\alternatefill{\x} (\x, 6) +(0, 0.2) rectangle +(1, 1+0.2);
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,6}
\alternatexfill{\x} (\x, -1) +(0, -0.2) rectangle +(1, 1 - 0.2);
\foreach \y in {0,1,...,5}
\alternatefill{\y} (0, \y) +(-0.2, 0) rectangle +(1 - 0.2,1);
\foreach \y in {0,1,...,5}
\alternatexfill{\y} (7, \y) +(0.2, 0) rectangle +(1 + 0.2,1);
\draw (0, \pos) +(0.3, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle a};
\foreach [count=\x] \c in {b,c, ..., g}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\label{\x + 1}
\draw (\x, \pos) +(0.5, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \c};
\draw (7, \pos) +(0.7, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle h};
\draw (\pos, -1) +(0.5, 0.3) node {\strut\labelstyle 1};
\draw (\pos, 6) +(0.5, 0.7) node {\strut\labelstyle 8};
\foreach \x in {2,...,7}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\xcoord{\x - 2}
\draw (\pos, \xcoord) +(0.5, 0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \x};
\draw (\pos, -1) +(-0.5, 0.3) node {\strut\labelstyle 1};
\draw (\pos, 6) +(-0.5, 0.7) node {\strut\labelstyle 8};
\foreach \x in {2,...,7}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\xcoord{\x - 2}
\draw (\pos, \xcoord) +(-0.5, 0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \x};
\draw (0, \pos) +(0.3, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle a};
\foreach [count=\x] \c in {b,c, ..., g}{
\pgfmathsetmacro\label{\x + 1}
\draw (\x, \pos) +(0.5, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle \c};
\draw (7, \pos) +(0.7, -0.5) node {\strut\labelstyle h};
%% show origin
\filldraw[fill=black] (0,0) circle [radius=1pt] +(0,-0.5) node{origin};
% Delivers with trailing space the sequence of digit-tokens
% that comes from a TeX-number-quantity.
% Be aware that with LaTeX-counters you need to use
% \value{counter}%
% or
% \arabic{counter}%
% in order to have a TeX-number-quantity.
\expandafter\@firstofone\expandafter{\number#1} %
% #1 - lower bound for x-component
% #2 - upper bound for x-component
% #3 - lower bound for y-component
% #4 - upper bound for y-component
% #1 - to be incremented (lower) bound for x-component
% #2 - upper bound for x-component
% #3 - to be incremented (lower) bound for y-component
% #4 - upper bound for y-component
% #5 - lower bound for x-component
% #6 - lower bound for y-component
\coordinate (\@alph{#1}#3) at %
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (a1) -- (h1);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (f2) -- (a2);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (f3) -- (a3);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (f4) -- (c4);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (f5) -- (c5);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (f6) -- (c6);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (f7) -- (a7);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (h8) -- (a8);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (a1) -- (h8);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (a8) -- (h1);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (h7) -- (h2);
\draw[->,line width=2mm] (a4) -- (a6);