\title{\huge Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format\\
for icma2015 Proceedings Published by IEEE$^{*}$\footnoterule\thanks{$^{*}$This work is partially
supported by NSF Grant \#2003168 to H. Simpson and CNSF Grant \#9972988 to M. King}}
% author names and affiliations
\author{\authorblockN{Karen Garfield and Mickey Mouse}
\authorblockA{\textit{Department of Nuclear Power Engineering}\\
\textit{University of Northland}\\
\textit{Iqaluit, Nunavut, M2M 6H6, Canada}\\
\textit{\{kgarfield, mmouse\}@unorthland.ca}\\}%
\authorblockN{Monkey King, Bajie Zhu, and Seng Tang}
\authorblockA{\textit{Department of Intelligent Robotics}\\
\textit{University of Huaguoshan}\\
\textit{Huaguoshan, Jileshijie Province, China}\\
\textit{[email protected]}\\}
是的,你只需要使用 IEEE 定义的命令:
\title{Some meaningless title which only serves to illustrate my point}
\IEEEauthorblockN{Karen Garfield and Mickey Mouse}
\IEEEauthorblockA{Department of Nuclear Power Engineering\\
University of Northland\\
Iqaluit, Nunavut, M2M 6H6, Canada\\
\{kgarfield, mmouse\}@unorthland.ca}\\%
\IEEEauthorblockN{Monkey King, Bajie Zhu, and Seng Tang}
\IEEEauthorblockA{Department of Intelligent Robotics\\
University of Huaguoshan\\
Huaguoshan, Jileshijie Province, China\\
[email protected]\\}