如何在 TikZ 中注释随机矩阵

如何在 TikZ 中注释随机矩阵


  1. 修正顶部和右侧单元格的形状

  2. 添加色调(第二个例子中为蓝色)

  3. 将其分成轮廓块(第二个示例)

       \foreach \y in {0.1,0.2,...,.9} {
           \foreach \x in {0.1,0.2,...,.9} {
                   \node[fill=MyColor,inner sep=0.1cm,outer sep=0pt,anchor=center] at (\x,\y) {}; 

输出(示例 1):


我在示例 2 中演示了这些步骤,但我只能通过预先生成的 pdf 文件来使其工作:

     \node[inner sep=0pt] (tumor1to4) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[trim=0 400 400 0,clip,width=20ex,height=20ex]{Plots/Clipart/heatmap.pdf}};

     \node[right=1ex of tumor1to4,font=\fontsize{20}{0}\selectfont, thick] (el1) {...};
     \node[inner sep=0pt, right= 0.5ex of el1] (tumorp) {\includegraphics[trim=0 400 475 0,clip,height=20ex]{Plots/Clipart/heatmap.pdf}};
     \node[right=0.5ex of tumorp,font=\fontsize{20}{0}\selectfont, thick] (el2) {...};
     \node[inner sep=0pt, right= 0.5ex of el2] (tumorP) {\includegraphics[trim=475 400 0 0,clip,height=20ex]{Plots/Clipart/heatmap.pdf}};
    \node[below=3ex of tumor1to4,font=\fontsize{20}{0}\selectfont, thick, rotate=90] (el3) {...};
     \node[inner sep=0pt, below =5.5ex of tumor1to4] (tumorK) {\includegraphics[trim=0 300 400 178,clip,width=20ex]{Plots/Clipart/heatmap.pdf}};

     \node[right=1ex of tumorK,font=\fontsize{20}{0}\selectfont, thick] (el5) {...};
     \node[inner sep=0pt, right= 0.5ex of el5] (tumorKp) {\includegraphics[trim=0 300 475 178,clip,width=5ex]{Plots/Clipart/heatmap.pdf}};
     \node[right=0.5ex of tumorKp,font=\fontsize{20}{0}\selectfont, thick] (el6) {...};
     \node[inner sep=0pt, right= 0.5ex of el6] (tumorKP) {\includegraphics[trim=475 300 0 178,clip,height=5ex]{Plots/Clipart/heatmap.pdf}};
     \node[draw=red,size=3pt,rectangle,fit=(tumorp) (tumorKp)] {};

输出(示例 2):


现在的问题是,如何像示例 2 一样注释示例 1?


首先,inner sep=0.1cm每个节点实际上只有 0.2cm x 0.2cm 的大小。这导致顶部和右侧单元格的形状出现问题。

这里我使用inner sep=0pt, minimum size=1cm代替。您可以分别选择另一种基色和随机颜色范围来代替blue[-75, 75]



\begin{tikzpicture}[inner sep=0pt, minimum size=1cm]
    \foreach \y in {1, ..., 9} {
        % add vertical shift and dots
            \path node at (5, \y+1) {\huge$\vdots$};
        \foreach \x in {1, ..., 9} {
            % add horizontal shift and dots
              \path node at (\x-1, 5) {\huge\ldots}
                    node at (\x-1, 1) {\huge\ldots};
            % get random color
            \pgfmathparse{int(150*rnd-75)} % [-75, 75]
            % color range: blue!75!white .. blue!100 .. blue!75!black
            % draw filled square
            \node[fill=MyColor] at (\x,\y) {};

