

我想要实现的精确图像,在 Microsoft Word 中完成

我希望表格旁边有一个图形,但要有独立的标题,图形标题占据整个列的底部,表格标题位于表格顶部。我使用 MS Word 实现了上面插入的图像,以准确说明我想要的内容。到目前为止,我还没能弄清楚。这是我的表格和图像的代码:

\centerline{\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{Figure 1.png}}
\caption{(a) Setup used for all of the in vivo experiments in this particular case, in the relaxed state and with the probe placed along the fibers. The same setup for the three external vibration sources was maintained in the experiments of the across the fibers set, with only the position of the probe changed to be perpendicular to the one shown here. (b) Flexed arm of the volunteer subject at the exact degree of elbow flexion as the one maintained during the MVC experiments of both sets.}

\caption{Experimental Setup \\ 200-300 Hz $f_v$}
Along the fibers & Across the fibers \\
Relaxed E1 & Relaxed Ac. \\
MVC E1 & MVC Ac. \\
Relaxed E2 \\


%Figure and table in the same column
        \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{Figure 1.png}
        \captionof{figure}{(a) Setup used for all of the in vivo experiments in this particular case, in the relaxed state and with the probe placed along the fibers. The same setup for the three external vibration sources was maintained in the experiments of the across the fibers set, with only the position of the probe changed to be perpendicular to the one shown here. (b) Flexed arm of the volunteer subject at the exact degree of elbow flexion as the one maintained during the MVC experiments of both sets}
        \captionof{table}{Experimental Setup \\ 200-300 Hz $f_v$}
            Along the fibers & Across the fibers \\
            Relaxed E1 & Relaxed Ac. \\
            MVC E1 & MVC Ac. \\
            Relaxed E2 \\
            MVC E2









        \captionof{table}{Experimental Setup 200-300 Hz $f_v$}
            \thead{Along the\\ fibers} & \thead{Across the\\ fibers} \\
            Relaxed E1 & Relaxed Ac. \\
            MVC E1 & MVC Ac. \\
            Relaxed E2 \\
            MVC E2
            \captionof{figure}{(a) Setup used for all of the in vivo experiments in this particular case, in the relaxed state and with the probe placed along the fibers. The same setup for the three external vibration sources was maintained in the experiments of the across the fibers set, with only the position of the probe changed to be perpendicular to the one shown here. (b) Flexed arm of the volunteer subject at the exact degree of elbow flexion as the one maintained during the MVC experiments of both sets}





        \captionof{table}{Experimental Setup 200-300 Hz $f_v$}
            \thead{Along the\\ fibers} & \thead{Across the\\ fibers} \\
            Relaxed E1 & Relaxed Ac. \\
            MVC E1 & MVC Ac. \\
            Relaxed E2 \\
            MVC E2
            \caption{(a) Setup used for all of the in vivo experiments in this particular case, in the relaxed state and with the probe placed along the fibers. The same setup for the three external vibration sources was maintained in the experiments of the across the fibers set, with only the position of the probe changed to be perpendicular to the one shown here. (b) Flexed arm of the volunteer subject at the exact degree of elbow flexion as the one maintained during the MVC experiments of both sets}

        \captionof{table}{Experimental Setup 200-300 Hz $f_v$}
            \thead{Along the\\ fibers} & \thead{Across the\\ fibers} \\
            Relaxed E1 & Relaxed Ac. \\
            MVC E1 & MVC Ac. \\
            Relaxed E2 \\
            MVC E2
            \caption{(a) Setup used for all of the in vivo experiments in this particular case, in the relaxed state and with the probe placed along the fibers. The same setup for the three external vibration sources was maintained in the experiments of the across the fibers set, with only the position of the probe changed to be perpendicular to the one shown here. (b) Flexed arm of the volunteer subject at the exact degree of elbow flexion as the one maintained during the MVC experiments of both sets}
