![如何用 TikZ 绘制比例为 1cm 的等距点纸?](https://linux22.com/image/419657/%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E7%94%A8%20TikZ%20%E7%BB%98%E5%88%B6%E6%AF%94%E4%BE%8B%E4%B8%BA%201cm%20%E7%9A%84%E7%AD%89%E8%B7%9D%E7%82%B9%E7%BA%B8%EF%BC%9F.png)
现在使用了@AlexG 的假设。
\clip (0,12.5) rectangle (25,12.5);
\foreach \x in {0,...,25}
\foreach \y in {0,...,25}
\fill (\x,\y) circle (2pt);
根据 Jon 的评论进行编辑
我使用 Adobe Acrobat 对根据上述代码创建的 PDF 进行了一些测量,结果如下:
等距 A4 纸
\documentclass[tikz,border={0.23cm 0.25cm}]{standalone}
\clip (0,25.5) rectangle (37.5,29);
\foreach \x in {0,...,50}
\foreach \y in {0,...,50}
\fill (\x,\y) circle (2pt);
更新 2:使用 pgfkeys 定义的新坐标系
坐标的格式与 tikz 的原生隐式坐标相同,即用逗号分隔的 3 个数字。它们以iso cs:
as 为前缀,例如:(iso cs:0,1,7)
coordonnee/.code args={#1,#2,#3}
\begin{tikzpicture}[>={Triangle[angle=45:4pt 3]}]
\newcommand{\nbx}{11}%<--number of point on one row
\newcommand{\nby}{9}%<-- number of point on one column
\foreach \j in {0,...,\the\numexpr\nby-1} {
\foreach \i in {0,...,\the\numexpr\nbx-1}
\draw[very thick,red,->](0,0)--node[sloped,below]{$y=6$}(iso cs:0,4,0);
\draw[very thick,blue,->](iso cs:0,4,0)-- node[sloped,above]{$x=2$}++(iso cs:2,0,0);
\draw[very thick,red,->](iso cs:2,4,0)-- node[sloped,below]{$z=3$}++(iso cs:0,0,3);
% Arrows showing the newest coordinate system "iso"
\draw [blue,thick,->](0,4)--node[below]{x}++(iso cs:1,0,0);
\draw [red,thick,->](0,4)--node[left]{y}++(iso cs:0,1,0);
\draw [violet,thick,->](0,4)--node[left]{z}++(iso cs:0,0,1);
\node[below,align=center,draw,fill=white] at (iso cs:0,1,2.7){New \textbf{iso} \\ coordinate system};
\begin{scope}[shift={(iso cs:2,4,3)}]
\draw[blue,thick] (iso cs:0,0,0)--++ (iso cs:3,0,0)
--++ (iso cs:0,3,0)
--++ (iso cs:0,0,3)
--++ (iso cs:-3,0,0)
--++ (iso cs:0,-3,0)
--++(iso cs:0,0,-3)
(0,3)--++(iso cs:3,0,0)--+(0,-3)
(iso cs:0,3,0)--+(iso cs:0,3,0);
(应 Tobi 的要求)
它的缺点是比较冗长,因为你必须写 3 个坐标而不是 2 个。
使用 keyvals 因为这里的键是用keyval
包定义的,所以我们可以定义默认值,例如(trio cs:x,y=2,z)
用 代替(trio cs:x=0,y=2,z=0)
\newcommand{\nbx}{11}%<--number of point on one row
\newcommand{\nby}{9}%<-- number of point on one column
\foreach \j in {0,...,\the\numexpr\nby-1} {
\foreach \i in {0,...,\the\numexpr\nbx-1}
\draw[very thick,red,->](0,0)--node[sloped,below]{$y=6$}(trio cs:x=0,y=4,z=0);
\draw[very thick,red,->](trio cs:x,y=4,z)-- node[sloped,above]{$x=2$}++(trio cs:x=2,y,z);
\draw[very thick,red,->](trio cs:x=2,y=4,z)-- node[sloped,below]{$z=3$}++(trio cs:x,y,z=3);
% Arrows showing the newest coordinate system "trio"
\draw [blue,thick,->](0,4)--node[below]{x}++(trio cs:x=1,y,z);
\draw [red,thick,->](0,4)--node[left]{y}++(trio cs:x,y=1,z);
\draw [violet,thick,->](0,4)--node[left]{z}++(trio cs:x,y,z=1);
\node[below,align=center] at (trio cs:x,y=1,z=3){New trio \\ coordinate system};
\begin{scope}[shift={(trio cs:x=2,y=4,z=3)}]
\draw[blue,thick] (trio cs:x,y,z)--++ (trio cs:x=3,y,z)
--++ (trio cs:x,y=3,z)
--++ (trio cs:x,y,z=3)
--++ (trio cs:x=-3,y,z)
--++ (trio cs:x,y=-3,z)
--++(trio cs:x,y,z=-3)
(0,3)--++(trio cs:x=3,y,z)--+(0,-3)
(trio cs:x,y=3,z)--+(trio cs:x,y=3,z);
\draw[very thick,red,->](0,0)--(tri cs:x=0,y=7);
\draw[very thick,red,->](tri cs:x=0,y=7)--++(tri cs:x=2,y=0);
% new coordinate system called triangular
% end of new coordinate system
\tikzaliascoordinatesystem{tri}{triangular}%<-- define the alias tri for triangular
\newcommand{\nbx}{11}%<--number of dots in a single row
\newcommand{\nby}{9}%<-- number of dots in a single column
% Drawing of the isometric grid
\foreach \j in {0,...,\the\numexpr\nby-1} {
\foreach \i in {0,...,\the\numexpr\nbx-1}
% The following code below shows how to draw on this grid
% Arrows showing the new coordinate system
\draw [blue,thick,->](0,4)--node[below]{x}++(tri cs:x=1,y=0);
\draw [red,thick,->](0,4)--node[left]{y}++(tri cs:x=0,y=1);
% Big red arrow going from the bottom left to the perspective cube
\draw[very thick,red,->](0,0)--node[sloped,below]{$y=7$}(tri cs:x=0,y=7);
\draw[very thick,red,->](tri cs:x=0,y=7)-- node[sloped,above]{$x=2$}++(tri cs:x=2,y=0);
% Cube perspective drawing
\begin{scope}[shift={(tri cs:x=2,y=7)}]
\draw (tri cs:x=0,y=0)circle(3pt)--++ (tri cs:x=3,y=0)
--++ (tri cs:x=0,y=3)
--++ (0,3)
--++ (tri cs:x=-3,y=0)
--++ (tri cs:x=0,y=-3)
(0,3)--++(tri cs:x=3,y=0)--+(0,-3)
(tri cs:x=0,y=3)--+(tri cs:x=0,y=3);
只是为了好玩,一个纯 PostScript 解决方案,用于制作 1 厘米比例的等距点状纸。可以直接发送到 PostScript 打印机。
如果您需要 PDF,请使用它ps2pdf
;但它比 PS [242 B] 大得多 [38 kB]。(PS 代码针对大小进行了一定程度的优化,但为了不牺牲可读性,优化得不是太过分。)
<</PageSize [595 842]>> setpagedevice
/cm {28.346457 mul} def
[.866 .5 -.866 .5 595 2 div 842 41 cm sub 2 div] concat
0 1 41 { cm
0 1 41 { cm 1 index exch moveto
gsave initmatrix currentpoint 2 0 360 arc fill grestore
} for pop
} for
为即可。点间距仍为 1 厘米。true
/letter false def % replace with `true' for Letter paper
letter {/width 612 def /height 792 def} {/width 595 def /height 842 def} ifelse
<</PageSize [width height]>> setpagedevice
/cm2bp {28.346457 mul} def % conversion
/dots height width 60 sin 60 cos div div add 1 cm2bp div cvi def % # dots filled rhombus height [cm]
[30 cos 30 sin 60 sin neg 60 cos width 2 div height dots cm2bp sub 2 div] concat % axes rotated (30°, 60°) & translated
0 1 dots { cm2bp
0 1 dots { cm2bp 1 index exch moveto
gsave initmatrix currentpoint 2 0 360 arc fill grestore
} for pop
} for
\begin{tikzpicture}[isometric view ,declare function={a=3;b=3;h=3;
foreach \X in {-1,...,5}
{foreach \Y in {-1,...,5}
{foreach \Z in {-1,...,3}
{(\X,\Y,\Z)node[circle,inner sep=1pt,fill]{}}}}
(0,0,0) coordinate (A)
(a,0,0) coordinate (B)
(a,b,0) coordinate (C)
(0,b,0) coordinate (D)
(0,0,h) coordinate (E)
(a,0,h) coordinate (F)
(a,b,h) coordinate (G)
(0,b,h) coordinate (H)
\draw (E)-- (F) -- (G) -- (H) --cycle
(E) -- (A) -- (D) -- (H)
(A) -- (B) -- (F)