如何在 Beamer 幻灯片的逐项列表中将要点放在定理/证明/示例/等之前

如何在 Beamer 幻灯片的逐项列表中将要点放在定理/证明/示例/等之前

我在 Ubuntu 20.04 上使用 LaTeX。我本来一切正常,然后卸载了某些程序,导致部分 LaTeX 软件包被卸载,于是我重新安装了 LaTeX 软件包,现在当我在 Beamer 中执行示例(或定义、定理或证明等)时,项目符号出现在示例之后,而不是在同一行之前。




\beamertemplateboldtitlepage \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty
\renewcommand{\raggedright}{\leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt plus 0cm }








\author{Dr. Jeffrey Rolland}
\institute{Math 001 - Intro to Counting \\
Department of Mathematics \\
My School}
\date{Fall, 2020}


\title{Test Section}



\frametitle{Test Frame} 

    \item<+-> \begin{Example} This is an example; the bulletpoint appears after and a line below. \end{Example} 
    \item<+-> Here, the bulletpoint appears before and on the same line. I would like all bulletpoints like this one.





Example用 包围并minipage添加一些\vspace命令来调整位置和间距,得到以下更简约的示例:





\frametitle{Test Frame} 

    \item \begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth}
              This is an example; the bulletpoint appears after and a line below. 
    \item Here, the bulletpoint appears before and on the same line. I would like all bulletpoints like this one.
    \item the next item

