我试图找到向量“P”在“P2”上的投影“d”, 任何帮助,将不胜感激。
\usepackage{tikz} %TikZ is required for this to work. Make sure this exists before the next line
\usepackage{tikz-3dplot} %requires 3dplot.sty to be in same directory, or in your LaTeX installation
\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} %generates a tightly fitting border around the work
\definecolor{lava}{rgb}{0.81, 0.06, 0.13}
\definecolor{myblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.30, 0.60}
\usetikzlibrary{angles, arrows.meta, quotes}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=5,tdplot_main_coords,ang/.style = {draw, Straight Barb-Straight Barb, anchor=west,angle radius = 8mm, angle eccentricity=1},arr/.style = {cap=round,-Straight Barb},]
\coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[anchor=north east]{$x$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[anchor=north west]{$y$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[anchor=south]{$z$};
\draw[-stealth,color=myblue] (O) -- (P);
\draw[-stealth,color=myblue] (O) -- (P2);
\pic [ang, "$\phi$"] {angle = P2--O--P};
P 在 P2 上投影得到的矢量长度为 |P|cos(phi)。
(0.8*cos(60-30)) 是 P2 上的投影点。
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=5,tdplot_main_coords,ang/.style = {draw, Straight Barb-Straight Barb, anchor=west,angle radius = 8mm, angle eccentricity=1},arr/.style = {cap=round,-Straight Barb},]
\coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[anchor=north east]{$x$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[anchor=north west]{$y$};
\draw[thick,->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[anchor=south]{$z$};
\draw[-stealth,color=myblue] (O) -- (P);
\draw[-stealth,color=myblue] (O) -- (P2);
\pic [ang, "$\phi$"] {angle = P2--O--P};
\draw[-stealth,color=red, dashed] (O) -- (P5);