如何使用 titlesec 更改单个章节的节号?

如何使用 titlesec 更改单个章节的节号?


0.1 章节标题

我不想在那里使用零(即我希望简介的第一部分编号为 1)。但对于所有其他章节,我确实希望章节编号包含在节编号中(例如,我希望第 1 章的第 2 节编号为 1.2)。有没有办法让章节编号单个章节忽略章节号?谢谢!

以下是 MWE:

\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{report}

\usepackage[explicit]{titlesec} %adjust titles


\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} %removes subsubsections from toc

%%%%%%%%%removes dots from toc




\section{Here's a Section}

I want this section just to be numbered `1' rather than `0.1'. I would also like it to be numbered `1' instead of `0.1' in the table of contents.

\section{And Here's Another One}

This one should be numbered `2' rather than `0.2'.

\chapter{The First Chapter}

\section{Here's Another Section}

This section is numbered correctly.

\section{And Here's Another One}

And so is this one.




% secnumprob.tex  SE 561571
\documentclass[12pt, twoside]{report}

\usepackage[explicit]{titlesec} %adjust titles


\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} %removes subsubsections from toc

%%%%%%%%%removes dots from toc



\renewcommand{\thesection}{\arabic{section}}  % PW ADDED

\section{Here's a Section}

I want this section just to be numbered `1' rather than `0.1'. I would also like it to be numbered `1' instead of `0.1' in the table of contents.

\section{And Here's Another One}

This one should be numbered `2' rather than `0.2'.

\chapter{The First Chapter}
\renewcommand{\thesection}{\thechapter.\arabic{section}} % PW ADDED

\section{Here's Another Section}

This section is numbered correctly.

\section{And Here's Another One}

And so is this one.

