如何让 IEEE 会议模板在标题中显示会议名称?

如何让 IEEE 会议模板在标题中显示会议名称?

我想让会议标题如图所示显示,这(对于IEEEtran课堂)可以使用 来完成\markboth{\textbf{\textit{2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica}}}{}。但是,当传递选项 时conference,标题会完全消失






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    % ===== The Paper Title =====
    \title{Statistical Analysis of Wind Power Using Weibull Distribution to Maximize Energy Yield}
    % ===== Author names =====
    \author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Al-Motasem I. Aldaoudeyeh}
            \textit{Tafila Technical University}
            \textit{Electrical Power and Mechatronics Engineering Department}
            Tafila, Jordan
            [email protected]
        \IEEEauthorblockN{Khaled Alzaareer}
            \textit{Electrical Engineering Department}
            \textit{Quebec University (ETS) }
            Montreal, Canada 
            [email protected]
    % ===== Conference Name =====
    \markboth{\textbf{\textit{2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica}}}{}

    % ===== Title =====
    % ===== The Abstract =====
    % ===== Keywords =====
        power-speed characteristics, capacity factor, wind energy yield
    % ===== Copyright =====
        \adjustbox{raise=-2.5\baselineskip}{\makebox[\columnwidth]{\space\textbf{978-1-7281-6746-6/20/\$31.00~\copyright2020 IEEE} \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{~}}







    % for the first page

        \parbox{20cm}{\textbf{\textit{2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica}}}

以下是根据该问题得出的 MWE:




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    % for the first page

    \parbox{20cm}{\textbf{\textit{2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica}}}
    % ===== The Paper Title =====
    \title{Statistical Analysis of Wind Power Using Weibull Distribution to Maximize Energy Yield}
    % ===== Author names =====
    \author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Al-Motasem I. Aldaoudeyeh}
            \textit{Tafila Technical University}
            \textit{Electrical Power and Mechatronics Engineering Department}
            Tafila, Jordan
            [email protected]
        \IEEEauthorblockN{Khaled Alzaareer}
            \textit{Electrical Engineering Department}
            \textit{Quebec University (ETS) }
            Montreal, Canada 
            [email protected]
    % ===== Conference Name =====
    \markboth{\textbf{\textit{2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica}}}{}
    % ===== Title =====
    % ===== The Abstract =====
    % ===== Keywords =====
        power-speed characteristics, capacity factor, wind energy yield
    % ===== Copyright =====
        \adjustbox{raise=-2.5\baselineskip}{\makebox[\columnwidth]{\space\textbf{978-1-7281-6746-6/20/\$31.00~\copyright2020 IEEE} \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{~}}

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