垂直时间轴 latex

垂直时间轴 latex

例如,2000、2005 点之间的距离将是 2010、2020 点之间的距离的一半

from the second link:


% code by Andrew:
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/28452/13304



  column 2/.append style={#1}
 timeline color/.store in=\vtmlcolor,
 timeline color=red!80!black,
 timeline color st/.style={fill=\vtmlcolor,draw=\vtmlcolor},
 use timeline header/.is if=vtimelinetitle,
 use timeline header=false,
 add bottom line/.is if=vtimebottomline,
 add bottom line=false,
 timeline title/.store in=\vtimelinetitle,
 timeline title={},
 line offset/.store in=\lineoffset,
 line offset=4pt,

\begin{tikzpicture}[column 1/.style={anchor=east},
 column 2/.style={anchor=west},
 text depth=0pt,text height=1ex,
 row sep=1ex,
 column sep=1em,
\matrix(vtimeline\thevtml)[matrix of nodes]{\BODY};
\path[timeline color st] 
($(vtimeline\thevtml-1-1.north east)!0.5!(vtimeline\thevtml-1-2.north west)$)--
($(vtimeline\thevtml-\endmtx-1.south east)!0.5!(vtimeline\thevtml-\endmtx-2.south west)$);
\foreach \x in {1,...,\endmtx}{
 \node[circle,timeline color st, inner sep=0.15pt, draw=white, thick] 
 (vtimeline\thevtml-c-\x) at 
 \draw[timeline color st](vtimeline\thevtml-c-\x.west)--++(-3pt,0);
  \draw[timeline color st]([yshift=\lineoffset]vtimeline\thevtml.north west)--
  ([yshift=\lineoffset]vtimeline\thevtml.north east);
   at (vtimeline\thevtml-1-1.north west) 
   {\textsc{Timeline \thevtml}: \textit{\vtimelinetitle}};
   \draw[timeline color st]([yshift=-\lineoffset]vtimeline\thevtml.south west)--
  ([yshift=-\lineoffset]vtimeline\thevtml.south east);


\begin{vtimeline}[timeline color=cyan!80!blue, add bottom line, line offset=2pt]
1947 & AT and T Bell Labs develop the idea of cellular phones\endlr
1968 & Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre envisage the `Dynabook'\endlr
1971 & Busicom 'Handy-LE' Calculator\endlr
1973 & First mobile handset invented by Martin Cooper\endlr
1978 & Parker Bros. Merlin Computer Toy\endlr
1981 & Osborne 1 Portable Computer\endlr
1982 & Grid Compass 1100 Clamshell Laptop\endlr
1983 & TRS-80 Model 100 Portable PC\endlr
1984 & Psion Organiser Handheld Computer\endlr
1991 & Psion Series 3 Minicomputer\endlr



该特定方法使用\matrix来布局时间线,因此无法直接调整行距。另一种方法是使用pgfplots并使用实际绘图来制作时间线。可以使用 添加文本nodes near coords



\pgfplotstableread[col sep=semicolon]{
year ; label
1947 ; AT and T Bell Labs develop the idea of cellular phones 
1968 ; Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre envisage the `Dynabook'
1971 ; Busicom 'Handy-LE' Calculator 
1973 ; First mobile handset invented by Martin Cooper 
1978 ; Parker Bros. Merlin Computer Toy 
1981 ; Osborne 1 Portable Computer 
1982 ; Grid Compass 1100 Clamshell Laptop 
1983 ; TRS-80 Model 100 Portable PC 
1984 ; Psion Organiser Handheld Computer 
1991 ; Psion Series 3 Minicomputer

  y dir=reverse,
  hide x axis,
  axis y line=left,
  axis line style={-, draw=none},
  nodes near coords,
  nodes near coords align=right,
  point meta=explicit symbolic,
  yticklabel style={
    /pgf/number format/set thousands separator={},
    inner sep=1pt
  scale only axis,
  tick align=outside,
  every tick/.append style={thin, cyan}
  \addplot [mark=*,cyan,mark size=2, shorten <=-2mm, shorten >=-2mm, thick] table[y index=0, x expr=1, meta=label] {\datatable};


