我第一次尝试将测验上传到 Moodle,并使用包 {Moodle} 生成文件。问题是上传的文件无法识别矩阵环境,并显示代码而不是矩阵形式。有解决方案吗?
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}
\renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][c]{\hskip -\arraycolsep
\array{*\c@MaxMatrixCols #1}}
\begin{quiz}{Revisiting Linear Algebra}
\begin{multi}[points=2]{Matrix Form of a Linear System}
Consider the following system
3.0 x_1 &+2.0 x_2 &+2.0 x_3 & -5.0 x_4 & =8 .0 \\
0.6 x_1 &+ 1.5 x_2 &+1.5 x_3 & -5.4 x_4 & =2.7 \\
1.2 x_1 & -0.3 x_2 & -0.3 x_3 & 2.4 x_4 & =2.1 , \\
which may be written as a single vector equation; i.e, $\mathbf{AB}=\mathbf{B}$.\\
The $\mathbf{A}$ matrix associated with the system is:
3.0 &+2.0 &+2.0 & -5.0 \\
0.6 &+ 1.5 &+1.5 & -5.4 \\
1.2 & -0.3 & -0.3 & 2.4 , \\
\item $
8 .0 \\
2.7 \\
2.1 \\
\item $
x_1 &\\
x_2& \\
x_3 &\\
x_4 &\\
3.0 &+2.0 &+2.0 & -5.0 & 8.0 \\
0.6 &+ 1.5 &+1.5 & -5.4 & 2.7 \\
1.2 & -0.3 & -0.3 & 2.4 , & 2.1\\
\begin{multi}[points=2]{Matrix Form of a Linear System}
Consider the following system
3.0 x_1 &+2.0 x_2 &+2.0 x_3 & -5.0 x_4 & =8 .0 \\
0.6 x_1 &+ 1.5 x_2 &+1.5 x_3 & -5.4 x_4 & =2.7 \\
1.2 x_1 & -0.3 x_2 & -0.3 x_3 & 2.4 x_4 & =2.1 , \\
which may be written as a single vector equation; i.e, $\mathbf{AB}=\mathbf{B}$.\\
The $\mathbf{B}$ matrix associated with the system is:
8 .0 \\
2.7 \\
2.1 \\
3.0 &+2.0 &+2.0 & -5.0 \\
0.6 &+ 1.5 &+1.5 & -5.4 \\
1.2 & -0.3 & -0.3 & 2.4 , \\
x_1 &\\
x_2& \\
x_3 &\\
x_4 &\\
3.0 &+2.0 &+2.0 & -5.0 & 8.0 \\
0.6 &+ 1.5 &+1.5 & -5.4 & 2.7 \\
1.2 & -0.3 & -0.3 & 2.4 , & 2.1\\
这手动的for moodle.sty
(第 10 页) 提到,只有四种环境会被识别并转换为 html:、center
请注意,moodle.sty 不知道如何将任何其他 TEX 或 LATEX 命令转换为 HTML。如果使用其他序列,它们可能 逐字通过XML 文件或可能会导致不可预测的结果。
您可以在 中使用 LaTeX 代码node
。矩阵将由 Moodle 转换为图像,并以 base64 编码存储在文件中.xml
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}
\renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][c]{\hskip -\arraycolsep
\array{*\c@MaxMatrixCols #1}}
\usetikzlibrary{external} % set this
\tikzexternalize % explicitly
\begin{quiz}{Revisiting Linear Algebra}
\begin{multi}[points=2]{Matrix Form of a Linear System}
Consider the following system
\begin{tikzpicture} % matrix inside of tikzpicture node
3.0 x_1 &+2.0 x_2 &+2.0 x_3 & -5.0 x_4 & =8 .0 \\
0.6 x_1 &+ 1.5 x_2 &+1.5 x_3 & -5.4 x_4 & =2.7 \\
1.2 x_1 & -0.3 x_2 & -0.3 x_3 & 2.4 x_4 & =2.1 , \\
which may be written as a single vector equation; i.e, $\mathbf{AB}=\mathbf{B}$.\\
The $\mathbf{A}$ matrix associated with the system is:
\node{ $
3.0 &+2.0 &+2.0 & -5.0 \\
0.6 &+ 1.5 &+1.5 & -5.4 \\
1.2 & -0.3 & -0.3 & 2.4 , \\
\node{ $
8 .0 \\
2.7 \\
2.1 \\
\item \begin{tikzpicture}
x_1 &\\
x_2& \\
x_3 &\\
x_4 &\\
3.0 &+2.0 &+2.0 & -5.0 & 8.0 \\
0.6 &+ 1.5 &+1.5 & -5.4 & 2.7 \\
1.2 & -0.3 & -0.3 & 2.4 , & 2.1\\
生成的 xml 的一部分:
<questiontext format="html">
<text><![CDATA[<p>Consider the following system </P>
<P><IMG SRC=" etc.
最佳实践解决方案似乎是用 Moodle 提出的解决方案来matrix
手动的, 如下:
\begin{quiz}{Revisiting Linear Algebra}
\begin{multi}[points=2]{Matrix Form of a Linear System}
Consider the following system
3.0 x_1 &+2.0 x_2 &+2.0 x_3 & -5.0 x_4 & =8.0\\
0.6 x_1 &+ 1.5 x_2 &+1.5 x_3 & -5.4 x_4 & =2.7\\
1.2 x_1 & -0.3 x_2 & -0.3 x_3 & 2.4 x_4 & =2.1 , \\
which may be written as a single vector equation; i.e, $\mathbf{AB}=\mathbf{B}$.\\
The $\mathbf{A}$ matrix associated with the system is:
\item* First answer
3.0 &+2.0 &+2.0 & -5.0 \\
0.6 &+ 1.5 &+1.5 & -5.4 \\
1.2 & -0.3 & -0.3 & 2.4 , \\
\item Second answer
软件包版本 0.5 已过时,并且存在无法处理的错误\\
。您必须从下载最新版本这里. 安装指南如下这里。