\tikzset{main node/.style={circle,fill=black,draw,minimum size=.1cm,inner sep=0pt},}
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\node[main node] (1) {};
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\node[main node] (3) [below right = .5cm and .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (4) [right = .5cm of 1] {};
(1) edge node {} (2);
\node[main node] (1) {};
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\node[main node] (3) [below right = .5cm and .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (4) [right = .5cm of 1] {};
(1) edge node {} (2)
(1) edge node {} (4)
(1) edge node {} (3);
\node[main node] (1) {};
\node[main node] (2) [below = .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (3) [below right = .5cm and .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (4) [right = .5cm of 1] {};
(3) edge node {} (4)
(2) edge node {} (3);
\node[main node] (1) {};
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\node[main node] (3) [below right = .5cm and .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (4) [right = .5cm of 1] {};
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (3)
(3) edge node {} (4)
(4) edge node {} (1);
\node[main node] (1) {};
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\node[main node] (3) [below right = .5cm and .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (4) [right = .5cm of 1] {};
(1) edge node {} (2)
(2) edge node {} (3)
(3) edge node {} (4);
正如@SalimBou 在评论中所说,你应该删除图片之间的空行。空行表示新段落。
关于图片的弯曲或倾斜,这来自于你放置节点的方式。首先有一个节点 1,然后在它下面画第二个 (2),在右边画第四个 (4)。这意味着节点的边界到边界有 0.5 厘米。第三个 (3) 画的是 (0.5cm,-0.5cm),也就是0.5*sqrt(2)=0.7071
在 -45 度的方向上。因为它是从节点的边界到边界画的,这与以前不一样。参见
\node[main node] (1) {};
\node[main node] (2) [below = .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (3) [below right = .5cm and .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (4) [right = .5cm of 1] {};
\draw[|-|,red] (1.0) -- +(0.5cm,0cm);
\draw[|-|,blue] (1.-45) -- +(0.5cm,-0.5cm);
\draw[->,green,dashed] (1.-45) -- +(-45:0.7071cm);
\node[main node] (1) {};
\node[main node] (2) [below = .5cm of 1] {};
\node[main node] (3) [right =.5cm of 2] {};
\node[main node] (4) [right = .5cm of 1] {};