我的表格不符合 IEEE 会议格式。如何使其适合

我的表格不符合 IEEE 会议格式。如何使其适合
\caption{An environmental details for the experiment.}
\begin{tabular}{ | c | c | }
    Room & Living room   \\ \hline
    Sensors and camera position & Ceiling   \\ \hline
    Sensor and camera Distance from floor  & 2.6 m \\ \hline    
    Room Temperature & $24^{\circ}$C   \\ \hline
    Subject & Human   \\ \hline
    Position of subject to sensor & All positions possible    \\ \hline
    Activities & Walking, Sitting, Standing, Falling, Lying, Action change    \\ \hline
    Subject & 5 person  \\ \hline


  • 您需要将表格中的单元格内容分成两行。例如,使用表格tabularx(在同名包中定义)。
  • 对于单位我会使用siunitx
  • 有关更好的表格设计,请参阅@mico 答案。
  • 我将按如下方式输入您的表格:

\usepackage{makecell, tabularx}

\caption{An environmental details for the experiment.}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ |l | L | }
    Room & Living room   \\ \hline
    Sensors and camera position & Ceiling   \\ \hline
    Sensor and camera Distance from floor  & \SI{2.6}{m} \\ \hline
    Room Temperature & \SI{24}{\celsius}   \\ \hline
    Subject & Human   \\ \hline
    Position of subject to sensor & All positions possible    \\ \hline
    Activities & Walking, Sitting, Standing, Falling, Lying, Action change    \\ \hline
    Subject & 5 person  \\ \hline




我建议您从 a 环境切换tabular到 atabularx环境,将其宽度设置为\columnwidth,并使用X-type columns 允许在单元格内换行。在下面显示的解决方案中,我定义了一种新的列类型,称为L,它基于X列类型并执行悬挂缩进。我建议左对齐而不是将两列居中。我还建议您通过省略所有垂直线并使用更少但间距适当的水平线来使表格具有更开放的“外观”。最后,要排版数字及其相关单位,请使用包\SI的宏siunitx



\caption{Environmental details for experiment.}
\begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{ @{} LL @{} }
  Room & Living room  \\ 
\midrule % optional, feel free to omit
  Sensors and camera position & Ceiling  \\ 
  Sensor and camera distance from floor & \SI{2.6}{\meter} \\   
  Room Temperature & \SI{24}{\celsius}  \\ 
  Subject & Human  \\ 
  Position of subject to sensor & All positions possible  \\ 
  Activities & Walking, sitting, standing, falling, lying, action change  \\ 
  Subject & 5 persons  \\ 
