

我需要帮助,尝试删除摘要和文档中包含的所有内容。有人能立即帮助我吗?我发布的是 wlscirep 和 main.tex。


% An unofficial LaTeX class for Scientific Report articles.
% Copyright Overleaf (WriteLaTeX) 2016.
% Based on the SelfArx document class.
% \ProvidesClass{wlscirep}[18/03/2016, v1.1]
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% \ProvidesClass{wlscirep}[27/02/2017, v1.3]
\ProvidesClass{wlscirep}[08/08/2020, v1.4]

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% Settings for the author block


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% Set up of the bibliography style

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%% Nov 3, 2016: Support DOI
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  [\ \textbullet\ ]  
%\setlist{nolistsep} % Uncomment to remove spacing between items in lists (enumerate, itemize)

% Remove brackets from numbering in List of References

% article meta data

\typeout{^^J^^J PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY \string\begin\space \string\end^^J
\gdef\theabstract{\vskip12pt BADLY FORMED ABSTRACT: PLEASE DO
NOT USE {\tt\string\begin...\string\end} COMMANDS WITHIN
THE ABSTRACT\vskip12pt}\let\go\relax\fi

% custom title page 
{\raggedright\sffamily\bfseries\fontsize{20}{25}\selectfont \@title\par}%
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%% Automatically abbreviate journal names

这是 main.tex


\affil[1]{Affiliation, department, city, postcode, country}

\affil[*]{[email protected]}

%\keywords{Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3}

Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations.

% * <[email protected]> 2015-02-09T12:07:31.197Z:
%  Click the title above to edit the author information and abstract

\noindent Please note: Abbreviations should be introduced at the first mention in the main text – no abbreviations lists. Suggested structure of main text (not enforced) is provided below.

\section*{Section 1: Introduction}

\section*{Section 2: Results}


\subsection{Throrem 1}

\item First item
\item Second item

 a^n + b^n = c^n   

\frac{dx}{dt} &=& ax + by +cxy ~~~  \text{when} x>0 \\
\frac{dy}{dt} &=& cx + dy+ e\sqrt{xy} ~~~\text{when}~y<\infty

\subsubsection*{Third-level section}

Topical subheadings are allowed.


The Discussion should be succinct and must not contain subheadings.


Topical subheadings are allowed. Authors must ensure that their Methods section includes adequate experimental and characterization data necessary for others in the field to reproduce their work.


\noindent LaTeX formats citations and references automatically using the bibliography records in your .bib file, which you can edit via the project menu. Use the cite command for an inline citation, e.g.  \cite{Hao:gidmaps:2014}.

For data citations of datasets uploaded to e.g. \emph{figshare}, please use the \verb|howpublished| option in the bib entry to specify the platform and the link, as in the \verb|Hao:gidmaps:2014| example in the sample bibliography file.

\section*{Acknowledgements (not compulsory)}

Acknowledgements should be brief, and should not include thanks to anonymous referees and editors, or effusive comments. Grant or contribution numbers may be acknowledged.

\section*{Author contributions statement}

Must include all authors, identified by initials, for example:
A.A. conceived the experiment(s),  A.A. and B.A. conducted the experiment(s), C.A. and D.A. analysed the results.  All authors reviewed the manuscript. 

\section*{Additional information}

To include, in this order: \textbf{Accession codes} (where applicable); \textbf{Competing interests} (mandatory statement). 

The corresponding author is responsible for submitting a \href{http://www.nature.com/srep/policies/index.html#competing}{competing interests statement} on behalf of all authors of the paper. This statement must be included in the submitted article file.

\caption{Legend (350 words max). Example legend text.}

Condition & n & p \\
A & 5 & 0.1 \\
B & 10 & 0.01 \\
\caption{\label{tab:example}Legend (350 words max). Example legend text.}

Figures and tables can be referenced in LaTeX using the ref command, e.g. Figure \ref{fig:stream} and Table \ref{tab:example}.




% noabstractprob.tex  SE 564380

\usepackage{comment}  % PW added
\title{Report on Factoring Forms}

\author[1]{Sam Osakue}
\affil[1]{Affiliation, department, city, postcode, country}

\affil[*]{[email protected]}
\date{september 22, 2020}

%\keywords{Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3}

\begin{comment} % PW added
Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations. Example Abstract. Abstract must not include subheadings or citations.
\end{comment} % PW added


% an so and so forth until \end{document}
