我正在尝试制作一个枚举列表,该列表应使用 tikz 节点和自动编号生成列表,例如问题 1:,问题1.1:, 和问题2:。
我编写了仅生成单个的 tikz 代码问题我自己就提到了这个号码。
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
text width=1\textwidth-1cm,
rounded corners=0.2cm,
inner sep=0.5cm,
\noindent\tikz \node[problem](instructions) {#1};
\problem{\tb{Problem 1:} Explain the term Least Significant Bit (LSB).}
\problem{\tb{Problem 2:} Explain the term Most Significant Bit (MSB).}
\problem{\tb{Problem 2.1:} Why MSB is used?}
\problem{\tb{Problem 2.2:} Why LSB is used in x86 architecture?}
\problem{\tb{Problem 3:} Assemble the given program and update the values of the registers after single step execution.}
如何使用枚举环境生成类似的列表,并使用 tikz 节点样式(红色背景颜色和边框)自动编号问题 1:,问题 1.1:和问题 2:?
我会通过 tcolorbox 和两个计数器来实现这一点:
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro\mysep{4mm}% 4mm = default of tcolorbox for left, right
boxrule=0.4pt, % default value TikZ
colframe=red!60!black, colback=red!10,
top=\mysep, bottom=\mysep,
left=\mysep, right=\mysep, %boxsep=0mm,
tcbox width=forced left,
beforeafter skip=1.125\baselineskip,
before upper={%
\textbf{Problem \themainno.\thesubno:}~
after upper=\end{varwidth}, #1}
before upper={%
\textbf{Problem \themainno:}~
after upper=\end{varwidth}, #1}
% \subbox{Sub item}
\mainbox{Main item}
\mainbox{Main item}
\subbox{Sub item}
\subbox{Sub item}
\mainbox{Main item}
\subbox{Sub item. This ia a very long text. This ia a very long text. This ia a very long text. This ia a very long text.}
% \mainbox{Main item}
% \subbox{Sub item}
% \subbox{Sub item}