

使用中解释的方法https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/213413/218142我可以在用 定义的列表环境中单击代码lstnewenvironment。学生从中剪切并粘贴他们的代码GlowScript.org进入newglowscriptblock环境,提供一个标题和一个 URL,这样当我单击代码时,我就会进入他们的程序并运行它。我可能可以保持原样,但是有没有办法将其封装到适当定义的环境中?换句话说,有没有办法将框的使用包含在环境定义中,或者定义一个新环境,使这一切就像将代码剪切并粘贴到环境中一样简单?(我定义了一种样式,lstdefinestyle但我没有在这里包含它。)我还希望能够单击图形上的任意位置,而不仅仅是实际代码。这也可以实现吗?

这是我的 MWE 及其输出。

\hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0}

% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/213413/218142
\begin{newglowscriptblock}{Problem 37 Code}{pref2}{}
GlowScript 3.0 VPython

# a Young's modulus problem

Lo = 3   # wire's original length in m
d = 3e-3 # wire's diameter in m
g = 9.8  # surface grav. field strength in N/kg
m = 10   # ball's mass in kg
Y = 2e11 # steel's Young's modulus in N/m^2
# Find DeltaL, the amount the wire stretches.

area = (pi*d**2)/4
Force = m*g
DeltaL = (Force*Lo)/(area*Y)

print ("The wire stretches by ",DeltaL," m")
% The URL here is would the #3 in the definition of newglowscriptenvironment




这可能有用 - 但是 - 没有任何保证!;-)



% Make sure hyperref's \href gets its argument "normalized




Some text. Some text.
Some text. Some text.
\begin{newglowscriptblock}{Problem 37 Code}{pref2}{https://google.com}
GlowScript 3.0 VPython

# a Young's modulus problem

Lo = 3   # wire's original length in m
d = 3e-3 # wire's diameter in m
g = 9.8  # surface grav. field strength in N/kg
m = 10   # ball's mass in kg
Y = 2e11 # steel's Young's modulus in N/m^2
# Find DeltaL, the amount the wire stretches.

area = (pi*d**2)/4
Force = m*g
DeltaL = (Force*Lo)/(area*Y)

print ("The wire stretches by ",DeltaL," m")
Some text. Some text.
Some text. Some text.


nameref-link to listing: \nameref{pref2}

ref-link to listing: \ref{pref2}

pageref-link to listing: \pageref{pref2}

autoref-link to listing: \autoref{pref2}


2020 年 10 月 21 日补遗

在 2020 年 10 月 20 日的评论中,您问道:

如果我不想提供 URL,有没有办法抑制 hyperref 关于空目标的警告,或者我可以提供一些不会使代码在用鼠标单击时突出显示的东西?

我使用的 pdf 查看器在用鼠标单击时不会突出显示内容。我猜想突出显示不是 pdf 文件的原因,而是 pdf 查看程序中“硬连线”的功能。

如果您不介意改变环境参数的顺序,使得保存 URL 的参数不是第三个而是第一个,那么您可以将该参数设为可选,并使用空默认值。

您需要采取一些技巧来使 URL 参数标准化以适应 hyperref。否则,您无法#在 URL 中使用类似字符。

\newglowscriptblockURL然后,您可以添加分叉来检查从 URL 参数定义的宏的扩展是否产生“空白”,即空或仅显式空格标记,并且\href仅在不是这种情况时才应用。这样,如果未提供现在可选的 URL 参数或提供为空,则不会尝试创建超链接:




% Infrastructure for "hyperref-normalizing" an optional argument of a \lstnewenvironment:
\catcode`\^^A=14 %
    \@firstofone{\expandafter} %
  \@ifnextchar[{\catcode \active 5\relax\hyper@normaliseoptarg{\lstenv@testopt\noexpand#1{#2}}}%
% end of Infrastructure for "hyperref-normalizing" an optional argument of a \lstnewenvironment.

    \ifcat $\detokenize\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\@firstoftwo\newglowscriptblockURL{}.}$%
% Make sure hyperref's \href gets its argument "hyperref-normalized" by replacing
% \lstenv@testopt with \lstenv@testhyper@normalizeopt
% in the definition of \newglowscriptblock@.
    \csname\string\newglowscriptblock@\endcsname{}%<-the default for the opt arg is between these braces. The default is empty.
  }{ %




Some text. Some text.
Some text. Some text.
The optional argument is not empty, thus the environment is a hyperlink. %
\begin{newglowscriptblock}[https://google.com#Weird]{Problem 37 Code}{pref2}
GlowScript 3.0 VPython

# a Young's modulus problem

Lo = 3   # wire's original length in m
d = 3e-3 # wire's diameter in m
g = 9.8  # surface grav. field strength in N/kg
m = 10   # ball's mass in kg
Y = 2e11 # steel's Young's modulus in N/m^2
# Find DeltaL, the amount the wire stretches.

area = (pi*d**2)/4
Force = m*g
DeltaL = (Force*Lo)/(area*Y)

print ("The wire stretches by ",DeltaL," m")
The optional argument is not empty, thus the environment is a hyperlink.
Some text. Some text.
Some text. Some text.


Some text. Some text.
Some text. Some text.
The optional argument is empty, thus the environment is not a hyperlink.
\begin{newglowscriptblock}{Problem 37 Code}{pref3}
GlowScript 3.0 VPython

# a Young's modulus problem

Lo = 3   # wire's original length in m
d = 3e-3 # wire's diameter in m
g = 9.8  # surface grav. field strength in N/kg
m = 10   # ball's mass in kg
Y = 2e11 # steel's Young's modulus in N/m^2
# Find DeltaL, the amount the wire stretches.

area = (pi*d**2)/4
Force = m*g
DeltaL = (Force*Lo)/(area*Y)

print ("The wire stretches by ",DeltaL," m")
The optional argument is empty, thus the environment is not a hyperlink.
Some text. Some text.
Some text. Some text.


nameref-link to listing pref2: \nameref{pref2}

ref-link to listing pref2: \ref{pref2}

pageref-link to listing pref2: \pageref{pref2}

autoref-link to listing pref2: \autoref{pref2}

nameref-link to listing pref3: \nameref{pref3}

ref-link to listing pref3: \ref{pref3}

pageref-link to listing pref3: \pageref{pref3}

autoref-link to listing pref3: \autoref{pref3}



为了参考,我附上了这个答案。我发现tcolorbox只需一个命令就可以很简单地完成此操作。框的整个内部都是可点击的(当然,在下面的屏幕截图中它不起作用,但它可以在您的文档中工作),并且可以将 URL 设置为新命令的可选参数。

% !TEX program = lualatexmk
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} % loads the listings library

\definecolor{gsbggray}     {rgb}{0.90,0.90,0.90} % background gray
\definecolor{gsgray}       {rgb}{0.30,0.30,0.30} % gray
\definecolor{gsgreen}      {rgb}{0.00,0.60,0.00} % green
\definecolor{gsorange}     {rgb}{0.80,0.45,0.12} % orange
\definecolor{gspeach}      {rgb}{1.00,0.90,0.71} % peach
\definecolor{gspearl}      {rgb}{0.94,0.92,0.84} % pearl
\definecolor{gsplum}       {rgb}{0.74,0.46,0.70} % plum
\lstdefinestyle{vpython}{%                       % style for listings
  backgroundcolor=\color{gsbggray},%             % background color
  basicstyle=\footnotesize,%                     % default style
  breakatwhitespace=true%                        % break at whitespace
  breaklines=true,%                              % break long lines
  captionpos=b,%                                 % position caption
  classoffset=1,%                                % STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS
  commentstyle=\color{gsgray},%                  % font for comments
  deletekeywords={print},%                       % delete keywords from the given language
  emph={self,cls,@classmethod,@property},%       % words to emphasize
  emphstyle=\color{gsorange}\itshape,%           % font for emphasis
  escapeinside={(*@}{@*)},%                      % add LaTeX within your code
  frame=tb,%                                     % frame style
  framerule=2.0pt,%                              % frame thickness
  framexleftmargin=5pt,%                         % extra frame left margin
  %identifierstyle=\sffamily,%                    % style for identifiers
  keywordstyle=\sffamily\color{gsplum},%         % color for keywords
  language=Python,%                              % select language
  linewidth=\linewidth,%                         % width of listings
  morekeywords={%                                % VPython/GlowScript specific keywords
  morekeywords={print,None,TypeError},%          % additional keywords
  morestring=[b]{"""},%                          % treat triple quotes as strings
  numbers=left,%                                 % where to put line numbers
  numbersep=10pt,%                               % how far line numbers are from code
  numberstyle=\bfseries\tiny,%                   % set to 'none' for no line numbers
  showstringspaces=false,%                       % show spaces in strings
  showtabs=false,%                               % show tabs within strings
  stringstyle=\color{gsgreen},%                  % color for strings
  upquote=true,%                                 % how to typeset quotes

\NewTCBListing[auto counter,list inside=gsprogs]{tcbglowscriptblock}{ O{} D(){glowscript.org} m }{%
  code = \newpage,%
  hyperurl interior = https://#2,%
  label = {gs:\thetcbcounter},%
  left = 8mm,%
  list entry = \texttt{GlowScript} Program \thetcbcounter:  #3,%
  listing only,%
  listing style = vpython,%
  nameref = #3,%
  title = \texttt{GlowScript} Program \thetcbcounter:  #3,%
  width = 0.9\textwidth,%


\begin{tcbglowscriptblock}(google.com){A short \texttt{GlowScript} Program}
GlowScript 3.0 vpython

scene.width = 400
scene.height = 760
# constants and data
g = 9.8       # m/s^2
mball = 0.03  # kg
Lo = 0.26     # m
ks = 1.8      # N/m
deltat = 0.01 # s

# objects (origin is at ceiling)
ceiling = box(pos=vector(0,0,0), length=0.2, height=0.01, 
ball = sphere(pos=vector(0,-0.3,0),radius=0.025,
spring = helix(pos=ceiling.pos, axis=ball.pos-ceiling.pos,

# initial values
pball = mball * vector(0,0,0)      # kg m/s
Fgrav = mball * g * vector(0,-1,0) # N
t = 0

# improve the display
scene.autoscale = False        # turn off automatic camera zoom
scene.center = vector(0,-Lo,0) # move camera down
scene.waitfor('click')         # wait for a mouse click

# initial calculation loop
# calculation loop
while t < 10:
    # we need the stretch
    s = mag(ball.pos) - Lo
    # we need the spring force
    Fspring = ks * s * -norm(spring.axis)
    Fnet = Fgrav + Fspring
    pball = pball + Fnet * deltat
    ball.pos = ball.pos + (pball / mball) * deltat
    spring.axis = ball.pos - ceiling.pos
    t = t + deltat

The program \ref{gs:1} is nice. It's called \nameref{gs:1} on page \pageref{gs:1}.


MWE 输出
