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只是为了好玩而使用 Ti钾z。
\draw (0,0)--(6,0)--(6,1)--(0,1)--cycle;
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\path (0,1) edge [bend left=40] node[above, left=10mm] {6} (6,1);
使用带字体的 mathcha 只是为了好玩iwona
。无 MWE 的 PS 用户。
%% Compile and read me!
First word
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\draw (100,129.2) -- (368.5,129.2) (145,125.2) -- (145,133.2)(190,125.2) -- (190,133.2)(235,125.2) -- (235,133.2)(280,125.2) -- (280,133.2)(325,125.2) -- (325,133.2) ;
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%Shape: Arc [id:dp47364655068525563]
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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\caption{A special drawing.}