我正在尝试使用 pgfornaments 为婚礼仪式创建一个简单的证书。我一直无法真正理解如何定位节点。我希望图案围绕边框,就像诗歌示例一样。为什么连接 CNE 和 CNW 的线不起作用?梅威瑟:
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[xshift = 3cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=north] (CNW) at (current page.north west)
\node [xshift = -3cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=north] (CNE) at (current page.north east)
{\pgfornament[width=4cm, symmetry=v]{61}};
\node[xshift = 3cm, yshift=1cm, anchor=south] (CSW) at (current page.south west)
\node[xshift = -3cm, yshift=1cm, anchor=south] (CSE) at (current page.south east)
{\pgfornament[width=4cm, symmetry=c]{61}};
\documentclass[a4paper, landscape]{article}
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[xshift = 3cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=north] (CNW) at (current page.north west)
\node [xshift = -3cm, yshift=-1cm, anchor=north] (CNE) at (current page.north east)
{\pgfornament[width=4cm, symmetry=v]{61}};
\node[xshift = 3cm, yshift=1cm, anchor=south] (CSW) at (current page.south west)
\node[xshift = -3cm, yshift=1cm, anchor=south] (CSE) at (current page.south east)
{\pgfornament[width=4cm, symmetry=c]{61}};
\path ([yshift=-5mm]CNW.north east) to [ornament=87] ([yshift=-5mm]CNE.north west);
\path[yscale=-1, transform shape] ([yshift=-5mm]CSW.south east) to [ornament=87] ([yshift=-5mm]CSE.south west);