% Source
% * https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/101839/how-to-draw-a-venn-diagram-in-tikz
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{scrartcl}
[circle, text width = 3cm,
draw, ultra thick] {};
[circle, text width = 3cm,
left = -1cm of secondcircle,
draw = orange, ultra thick] {};
[fit = (firstcircle)(secondcircle),
inner sep = 1cm,
draw, ultra thick, rounded corners] {};
\node(universe) at (box.north east)
[anchor = south west, xshift = 0.25cm, yshift = 0.25cm,
draw, ultra thick, rounded corners] {$\Omega$};
\path[draw, ultra thick]
(box.north east) -- (universe.south west);
一个非通用的可能解决方案是使用 使线的两端更长shorten
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{scrartcl}
[circle, text width = 3cm,
draw, ultra thick] {};
[circle, text width = 3cm,
left = -1cm of secondcircle,
draw = orange, ultra thick] {};
[fit = (firstcircle)(secondcircle),
inner sep = 1cm,
draw, ultra thick, rounded corners] {};
\node(universe) at (box.north east)
[anchor = south west, xshift = 0.25cm, yshift = 0.25cm,
draw, ultra thick, rounded corners] {$\Omega$};
\path[draw, red, ultra thick,shorten <=-0.1cm, shorten >=-0.1cm]
(box.north east) -- (universe.south west);