


\title{Week 2 Question}
\date{October 2020}




% Prove that $T(x, y)=\frac{x \cdot y}{x+y-x \cdot y}$ is a t-norm, and provide the expression of its dual t-conorm $S(x, y)=1-T(1-x, 1-y)$

    \mathlarger{\textrm{Prove that } T(x, y)=\frac{x \cdot y}{x+y-x \cdot y} \textrm{ is a t-norm, and provide the expression }}

    \mathlarger{\textrm{ of its dual t-conorm } S(x, y)=1-T(1-x, 1-y)}


% Neutral element, Commutativity, Monotonicity and Associativity

% Upside down A means "for all"

% I am trying to solve a tnorm equation, but I can't find a simple / for dummies explanation anywhere online and the way I have been explained it, in class makes no sense to me, therefore I am stuck, I don't expect you to answer the following question but I really really need some advice of where I even begin to solve it: https://i.gyazo.com/98b4f79cde3767b397af6d043e1b2952.png I know I need, Neutral element, Commutativity, Monotonicity and Associativity but I just do not know where to even start, the explanations everywhere seem so bad I don't understand at all, please help.

\subsection*{Neutral/Identity element:}




  \item Gupta, M.M. and Qi, J. (1991) Theory of T-norms and fuzzy inference methods. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 40(3), pp. 431–450.
  \item Lecture 2 - Lecture slides (Slides 36 to 50)
  \item Mathworks Additional Fuzzy Operators. Available from: \url{https://uk.mathworks.com/help/fuzzy/foundations-of-fuzzy-logic.html\#bp78l70-6} [Accessed 17/10/20].


对于上面的代码,第 34 行到第 40 行(含)中的两个元素处于数学模式,我一直试图对齐页面左侧的第二个公式,但在数学模式下它不允许我这样做,如果我使用 $ 来指示其在乳胶中的数学而不是数学模式,那么我就不能使用 \mathlarger,所以这里的一个好的解决方案是什么,以便我可以保持文本大但左对齐?




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\title{Week 2 Question}
\date{October 2020}




% Prove that $T(x, y)=\frac{x \cdot y}{x+y-x \cdot y}$ is a t-norm, and provide the expression of its dual t-conorm $S(x, y)=1-T(1-x, 1-y)$

 Prove that $ T(x, y)=\frac{x \cdot y}{x+y-x \cdot y}$  is a t-norm, and provide the expression   
 of its dual $t$-conorm $S(x, y)=1-T(1-x, 1-y)$


% Neutral element, Commutativity, Monotonicity and Associativity

% Upside down A means "for all"

% I am trying to solve a tnorm equation, but I can't find a simple / for dummies explanation anywhere online and the way I have been explained it, in class makes no sense to me, therefore I am stuck, I don't expect you to answer the following question but I really really need some advice of where I even begin to solve it: https://i.gyazo.com/98b4f79cde3767b397af6d043e1b2952.png I know I need, Neutral element, Commutativity, Monotonicity and Associativity but I just do not know where to even start, the explanations everywhere seem so bad I don't understand at all, please help.

\subsection*{Neutral/Identity element:}




  \item Gupta, M.M. and Qi, J. (1991) Theory of T-norms and fuzzy inference methods. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 40(3), pp. 431–450.
  \item Lecture 2 - Lecture slides (Slides 36 to 50)
  \item Mathworks Additional Fuzzy Operators. Available from: \url{https://uk.mathworks.com/help/fuzzy/foundations-of-fuzzy-logic.html\#bp78l70-6} [Accessed 17/10/20].






\title{Week 2 Question}
\date{October 2020}



Prove that $T(x, y)=\frac{xy}{x+y-xy}$ is a t-norm, and 
provide the expression of its dual t-conorm $S(x, y)=1-T(1-x, 1-y)$.


Something to answer the question.




