两个 tikzpicture 图发生冲突

两个 tikzpicture 图发生冲突

我有以下 tex 文档,其中有两张tikz图片,它们发生冲突。


也就是说,运行下面的文档应该给出正确的输出(如下所示 - 以及另一个图)。

\iffalse但是,如果我在第 46 行和第 162 行进行注释,\fi我会得到不同的原始图片。







%%%%%%% Packages to force the plots to work %%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%% for the supervised vs unsupervised plots %%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%% Random Forest %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 % showframe

  red arrow/.style={
    midway,red,sloped,fill, minimum height=3cm, single arrow, single arrow head extend=.5cm, single arrow head indent=.25cm,xscale=0.3,yscale=0.15,
    allow upside down
  black arrow/.style 2 args={-stealth, shorten >=#1, shorten <=#2},
  black arrow/.default={1mm}{1mm},
  tree box/.style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=1em},
  node box/.style={white, draw=black, text=black, rectangle, rounded corners},
%%%%%%%%%% END: Random Forest %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%%%%%%%%%% supservises/unspuervised learning %%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% NOTE: There is a clash between this section and the random forest section %%%%

\iffalse % add a comment around the block of text - chec the end \fi
group style={
  group size=2 by 1,
  horizontal sep=1.5cm
axis lines = left,
xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $y$,
width=5cm, % <-- set size of axes
clip mode=individual, % to avoid \draws being cut off
title style={yshift=1mm, font=\bfseries\sffamily}

\nextgroupplot[title=Supervised learning]
\addplot [blue, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    %cluster 1
    2, 3
    3, 5
    4, 5
    3, 8
    5, 9
    3, 2
    5, 6
    6, 6
    7, 9
    10, 4
    11, 5
    9, 4
\addplot+[red, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    20, 10
    21, 12
    24, 12
    25, 13
    27, 14
    22, 13
    23, 15
    25, 10
    15, 14
 % to be able to use axis coordinates with \draw directly you need
 % \pgfplotsset{compat=1.11} or a higher version
 % if that is not present, use (axis cs:4,14) instead of (4,14),
 % to specify that the values should be interpreted as axis coordinates
 \draw [dashed] (4,14) -- (25,2);

\nextgroupplot[title=Unsupervised learning]
\addplot [blue, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    %cluster 1
    2, 3
    3, 5
    4, 5
    3, 8
    5, 9
    3, 2
    5, 6
    6, 6
    7, 9
    10, 4
    11, 5
    9, 4
\addplot+[red, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    20, 10
    21, 12
    24, 12
    25, 13
    27, 14
    22, 13
    23, 15
    25, 10
    15, 14

 % save a coordinate for use later
 \coordinate (c2) at (23,12);
 % the blue circle is drawn inside the axis environment, and in axis coordinates
 % hence it becomes an ellipse
 \draw [blue, dashed] (6,6) circle[radius=5]; 


% the red circle is drawn outside the axis, so actually looks like a circle,
% but the radius has no relation to the axis coordinates
\draw [red, dashed] (c2) circle[radius=1cm];
\caption{Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning}


  for tree={
     l sep=2em,
     s sep=2mm,
     inner sep=0,
     minimum width=1em,
     minimum height=0.5em,
     where level=2{no edge}{}}
  Training Data, node box
  [sample and feature bagging, node box, alias=bagging, above=4em,s sep=1.1cm
  [,alias=a1[[,alias=a2][]][,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[[][]]
  [,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,red!70,edge label={node[below=1ex,red arrow]{}}][,alias=a3]]]]
  [,alias=b1[,edge label={node[below=1ex,red arrow]{}}[[,alias=b2][]][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}]][[][[][,alias=b3]]]]
  [,alias=c1[[,alias=c2][]][,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,alias=c3][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}]][,alias=c4]]]]
  \node[tree box, fit=(a1)(a2)(a3)](t1){};
  \node[tree box, fit=(b1)(b2)(b3)](t2){};
  \node[tree box, fit=(c1)(c2)(c3)(c4)](tn){};
  \begin{scope}[every node/.append style={below right=0.5em, inner sep=0pt, font=\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries}]
  \node at (t1.north west) {Tree 1};
  \node at (t2.north west) {Tree 2};
  \node at (tn.north west) {Tree $n$};
  \path (t1.south west)--(tn.south east) node[midway,below=4em, node box] (mean) {mean in regression or majority vote in classification};
  \node[below=3em of mean, node box] (pred) {prediction};
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{4mm}] (bagging) -- (t1.north);
  \draw[black arrow] (bagging) -- (t2.north);
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{4mm}] (bagging) -- (tn.north);
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{5mm}] (t1.south) -- (mean);
  \draw[black arrow] (t2.south) -- (mean);
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{5mm}] (tn.south) -- (mean);
  \draw[black arrow] (mean) -- (pred);
  \path (t2) -- node {\dots} (tn); % <-- new node



我无法评论细节,但这似乎与 TikZ 中的节点名称是全局的事实有关(例如有没有办法忘记 TikZ 图片之间的节点名称?c2)。第一个中有一个命名的坐标tikzpicturealias=c2第二个中有一个节点,在fit计算节点时显然存在一些混淆。


\coordinate (cc2) at (23,12);


\draw [red, dashed] (cc2) circle[radius=1cm];


%%%%%%% Packages to force the plots to work %%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%% for the supervised vs unsupervised plots %%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%% Random Forest %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 % showframe

  red arrow/.style={
    midway,red,sloped,fill, minimum height=3cm, single arrow, single arrow head extend=.5cm, single arrow head indent=.25cm,xscale=0.3,yscale=0.15,
    allow upside down
  black arrow/.style 2 args={-stealth, shorten >=#1, shorten <=#2},
  black arrow/.default={1mm}{1mm},
  tree box/.style={draw, rounded corners, inner sep=1em},
  node box/.style={white, draw=black, text=black, rectangle, rounded corners},
%%%%%%%%%% END: Random Forest %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%%%%%%%%%% supservises/unspuervised learning %%%%%%%%%%%%

%%% NOTE: There is a clash between this section and the random forest section %%%%

%\iffalse % add a comment around the block of text - chec the end \fi
group style={
  group size=2 by 1,
  horizontal sep=1.5cm
axis lines = left,
xlabel = $x$,
ylabel = $y$,
width=5cm, % <-- set size of axes
clip mode=individual, % to avoid \draws being cut off
title style={yshift=1mm, font=\bfseries\sffamily}

\nextgroupplot[title=Supervised learning]
\addplot [blue, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    %cluster 1
    2, 3
    3, 5
    4, 5
    3, 8
    5, 9
    3, 2
    5, 6
    6, 6
    7, 9
    10, 4
    11, 5
    9, 4
\addplot+[red, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    20, 10
    21, 12
    24, 12
    25, 13
    27, 14
    22, 13
    23, 15
    25, 10
    15, 14
 % to be able to use axis coordinates with \draw directly you need
 % \pgfplotsset{compat=1.11} or a higher version
 % if that is not present, use (axis cs:4,14) instead of (4,14),
 % to specify that the values should be interpreted as axis coordinates
 \draw [dashed] (4,14) -- (25,2);

\nextgroupplot[title=Unsupervised learning]
\addplot [blue, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    %cluster 1
    2, 3
    3, 5
    4, 5
    3, 8
    5, 9
    3, 2
    5, 6
    6, 6
    7, 9
    10, 4
    11, 5
    9, 4
\addplot+[red, only marks, mark=*, mark size=3, draw = black, fill = blue] table [%
x = x, 
y = y, 
col sep = comma]{
    x, y
    20, 10
    21, 12
    24, 12
    25, 13
    27, 14
    22, 13
    23, 15
    25, 10
    15, 14

 % save a coordinate for use later
 \coordinate (cc2) at (23,12);
 % the blue circle is drawn inside the axis environment, and in axis coordinates
 % hence it becomes an ellipse
 \draw [blue, dashed] (6,6) circle[radius=5]; 


% the red circle is drawn outside the axis, so actually looks like a circle,
% but the radius has no relation to the axis coordinates
\draw [red, dashed] (cc2) circle[radius=1cm];
\caption{Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning}


  for tree={
     l sep=2em,
     s sep=2mm,
     inner sep=0,
     minimum width=1em,
     minimum height=0.5em,
     where level=2{no edge}{}}
  Training Data, node box
  [sample and feature bagging, node box, alias=bagging, above=4em,s sep=1.1cm
  [,alias=a1[[,alias=a2][]][,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[[][]]
  [,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,red!70,edge label={node[below=1ex,red arrow]{}}][,alias=a3]]]]
  [,alias=b1[,edge label={node[below=1ex,red arrow]{}}[[,alias=b2][]][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}]][[][[][,alias=b3]]]]
  [,alias=c1[[,alias=c2][]][,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}[,alias=c3][,red!70,edge label={node[above=1ex,red arrow]{}}]][,alias=c4]]]]
  \node[tree box, fit=(a1)(a2)(a3)](t1){};
  \node[tree box, fit=(b1)(b2)(b3)](t2){};
  \node[tree box, fit=(c1)(c2)(c3)(c4)](tn){};
  \begin{scope}[every node/.append style={below right=0.5em, inner sep=0pt, font=\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries}]
  \node at (t1.north west) {Tree 1};
  \node at (t2.north west) {Tree 2};
  \node at (tn.north west) {Tree $n$};
  \path (t1.south west)--(tn.south east) node[midway,below=4em, node box] (mean) {mean in regression or majority vote in classification};
  \node[below=3em of mean, node box] (pred) {prediction};
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{4mm}] (bagging) -- (t1.north);
  \draw[black arrow] (bagging) -- (t2.north);
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{4mm}] (bagging) -- (tn.north);
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{5mm}] (t1.south) -- (mean);
  \draw[black arrow] (t2.south) -- (mean);
  \draw[black arrow={5mm}{5mm}] (tn.south) -- (mean);
  \draw[black arrow] (mean) -- (pred);
  \path (t2) -- node {\dots} (tn); % <-- new node

