我正在使用 titlesec 包来设置 runin 小节标题。但是,我有时只想要这个,如果我尝试用 \ 换行,它要么会抛出错误,要么会添加一些奇怪的缩进。有人能帮忙吗?
% Inline subsection
\titleformat{\subsection}[runin]% runin puts it in the same paragraph
{\bfseries}% formatting commands to apply to the whole heading
{\thesubsection}% the label and number
{0.5em}% space between label/number and subsection title
{\large}% formatting commands applied just to subsection title
[]% punctuation or other commands following subsection title
%\usepackage{xparse} % uncomment if using LaTeX prior to 2020-10-01
\titleformat{\subsection}[runin]% runin puts it in the same paragraph
{\bfseries}% formatting commands to apply to the whole heading
{\thesubsection}% the label and number
{0.5em}% space between label/number and subsection title
{}% formatting commands applied just to subsection title
[]% punctuation or other commands following subsection title
\subsection{Run in}
Some text
\psubsection{Not run in}
Some text
\subsubsection{My header (singled out)}
% paragraph
\singlesubsec{My header (singled out)}
% paragraph
% Inline subsection
\titleformat{\subsection}[runin]% runin puts it in the same paragraph
{\bfseries}% formatting commands to apply to the whole heading
{\thesubsection}% the label and number
{0.5em}% space between label/number and subsection title
{\large}% formatting commands applied just to subsection title
[]% punctuation or other commands following subsection title
\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text
\subsection{Header in-line}
\subsection{Header on own}