{every pin/.style = {pin edge = {<-}},
> = stealth,
flow/.style =
{decoration = {markings, mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{>}}},
postaction = {decorate}
flow/.default = 0.5,
main/.style = {line width=1pt}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round]
\draw [main,->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5)
node [label={[above]$y$}] {};
\draw [main,->] (-5,0) -- (5,0)
node [label={[right,yshift=-0.5ex]$x$}] {};
\draw [main, domain=-4:4,color=red] plot (\x, {0.25*\x*\x});
我不太理解代码。稍后我想对其进行修改,因为我想生成其他图形,固定在图形上方,但仅针对正 x,绘制在图形上方,但仅针对负 x,由图形和垂直轴界定,等等...
像这样 ?
{every pin/.style = {pin edge = {<-}},
> = stealth,
flow/.style =
{decoration = {markings, mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{>}}},
postaction = {decorate}
flow/.default = 0.5,
main/.style = {line width=1pt}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round]
\draw [main, domain=-4:4,color=red,fill=pink] plot (\x, {0.25*\x*\x});
\draw [main,->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5)
node [label={[above]$y$}] {};
\draw [main,->] (-5,0) -- (5,0)
node [label={[right,yshift=-0.5ex]$x$}] {};
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3.14159mm]{standalone}
> = stealth,
every pin/.style = {pin edge = {<-}},
flow/.style = {decoration = {markings, mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{>}}},
postaction = {decorate}
flow/.default = 0.5,
main/.style = {color=#1, line width=1pt, line cap=round, line join=round},
main/.default = black
% shading function on negative domain
% it is here that it is on background of image
\fill [domain=-4:0, red!50] plot (\x, 0.25*\x*\x) |- cycle;
% axis
\draw [main,->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) node [above] {$y$};
\draw [main,->] (-5, 0) -- (5,0) node [right] {$x$};
% function + marked
\draw [domain=-4:4, main=red, flow=0.75]
plot (\x, 0.25*\x*\x);
% function + pin
\coordinate[pin=above left:{$0.35x^2$}] (aux) at (3,0.25*3*3);