

我觉得过去几年我使用 LaTeX 写作的能力已经不错了。但是,我似乎无法弄清楚如何对内联章节进行编号。



    \chapter{Editing compile}
    \section{First Compile}
    how to compile basic hello world into a pdf.
    Write your favorite text editor create file and copy/paste the following (with hello.tex):
    \subsection{Output formats}
    different output formats (dvi, pdf)
    The output of this command \$latex hello.tex will be a dvi 
    file (hello.dvi). This file (.dvi) can be converted by \$dvipdf 
    hello.dvi The get an pdf file from tex file, run this 
    command \$texi2pdf hello.tex
    \chapter{Document Structure}
    \section{Reserved Characters}
    The following symbols characters are reserved by LATEX because 
    they introduce a command and have a special meaning.

整个标题是“第 1 章”。但章节标题是“编辑编译”。是否可以执行类似“1. 编辑编译”的操作
