
如何让 q5 到 qA 的边缘分成两条线?我看了其他帖子,似乎都没什么用。
% Homework X, CS 254 (Fall 2020)
% Fill out this information for every assignment. This template has been adapted from one by Layla Oesper.
\newcommand{\thishw}{\bf Homework 6}
\newcommand{\myname}{} % Your name here.
\newcommand{\mypair}{} % Your homework pair, including you.
\newcommand{\mygroup}{} % Your homework group, including you.
% Formatting parameters.
\documentclass[11pt]{article} % 11pt article, want AMS fonts.
\makeatletter % Make '@' accessible.
\pagestyle{myheadings} % We do our own page headers.
\def\@oddhead{\bf CS 254 - \thishw{} \hfill \myname } % Here they are.
%\def\thesection{Component\hskip-1em\ } % Section headlines.
\oddsidemargin=0in % Left margin minus 1 inch.
\evensidemargin=0in % Same for even-numbered pages.
\textwidth=6.5in % Text width (8.5in - margins).
\topmargin=0in % Top margin minus 1 inch.
\headsep=0.2in % Distance from header to body.
\textheight=8in % Body height (incl. footnotes)
\skip\footins=4ex % Space above first footnote.
\hbadness=10000 % No "underfull hbox" messages.
\makeatother % Make '@' special again.
% Import Packages. You can add anything you need here.
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
% Macros.
\newcommand{\component}[1]{\section*{Component #1}} % Component.
\newcommand{\challenge}[1]{\section*{Supplementary Challenge #1}} % Supplementary challenge.
\newcommand{\totaltime}[1]{\subsection*{Time spent} \timespent} % Time spent
\newcommand{\hwpair}{\subsection*{Homework Pair} \mypair } % Homework pair.
\newcommand{\hwgroup}{\subsection*{Homework Group} \mygroup} % Homework group.
\newcommand{\credit}{\subsection*{Other Credit} \mycredit} % Other people to credit.
% Title, time spent and collaborations.
% Note: You shouldn't edit this section.
\noindent \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Note: I will be using \_ to indicate blank space. I am also making the assumption that $i > 0, j > 0, k > 0$.
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=3cm, thin,main node/.style={circle,draw,font=\sffamily}]
\node[main node] (0) {$q_0$};
\node[main node] (1) [right of=0] {$q_1$};
\node[main node] (2) [right of=1] {$q_1$};
\node[main node] (3) [above right of=2] {$q_2$};
\node[main node] (4) [right of=3] {$q_3$};
\node[main node] (5) [below right of=2] {$q_4$};
\node[main node] (6) [right of=5] {$q_5$};
\node[main node] (7) [above right of=6] {$q_A$};
\path[every node/.style={font=\sffamily\small}]
(0) edge node [above] {$\epsilon, \epsilon$;z} (1)
(1) edge node [above] {C,$\epsilon$;c} (2)
(2) edge [loop right] node {C,$\epsilon$;c} (2)
edge node [left] {A,c;$\epsilon$} (3)
edge node [left] {A,$\epsilon$;a} (5)
(3) edge [loop above] node {A,c;$\epsilon$} (3)
edge node [above] {A,z;$\epsilon$} (4)
edge node [below] {T,c;$\epsilon$} (7)
(4) edge [loop above] node {A,$\epsilon$;$\epsilon$} (4)
edge node [right] {T,$\epsilon$;$\epsilon$} (7)
(5) edge [loop below] node {A,$\epsilon$;a} (5)
edge node [below] {T,a;$\epsilon$} (6)
(6) edge [loop below] node {T,a;$\epsilon$} (6)
edge node [below] {T,c;$\epsilon$\\ \_,a;$\epsilon$} (7);
We cannot create a deterministic version of this PDA because it is not possible to check that $i \ne j$ and $j \ne k$ at the same time.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\item [\textbf{10.5:}]
\item [\textbf{10.7}]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\item [\textbf{10.6:}]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\item [\textbf{10.15:}]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\item [\textbf{11.6:}]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPONENT 8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\item [\textbf{11.9:}]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUPPLEMENTARY CHALLENGE 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\item [11.7]
根据您的文档示例,我制作了以下 MWE(最小工作示例):
\documentclass [margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, automata,
node distance = 20mm, on grid,
every edge/.style = {draw, -Stealth, shorten >=1pt},
every edge quotes/.style = {auto,
inner sep=2pt, align=center},
state/.append style = {minimum size=1.5em, inner sep=2pt}
\node (0) {$q_0$};
\node (1) [right=of 0] {$q_1$};
\node (2) [right=of 1] {$q_1$};
\node (3) [above right=of 2] {$q_2$};
\node (4) [right=of 3] {$q_3$};
\node (5) [below right=of 2] {$q_4$};
\node (6) [right=of 5] {$q_5$};
\node (7) [above right=of 6] {$q_A$};
\path (0) edge ["{{$\epsilon, \epsilon$;z}}"] (1)
(1) edge ["{C,$\epsilon$;c}"] (2)
(2) edge [loop right,"{C,$\epsilon$;c}"] (2)
edge ["{A,c;$\epsilon$}"] (3)
edge ["{A,$\epsilon$;a}" '] (5)
(3) edge [loop above,"{A,c;$\epsilon$}"] (3)
edge ["{A,z;$\epsilon$}"] (4)
edge ["{T,c;$\epsilon$}" '] (7)
(4) edge [loop above,"{A,$\epsilon;\epsilon$}"] (4)
edge ["{T,$\epsilon;\epsilon$}"] (7)
(5) edge [loop below,"{A,$\epsilon$;a}"] (5)
edge ["{T,a;$\epsilon$}" '] (6)
(6) edge [loop below,"{T,a;$\epsilon$}"] (6)
edge ["{T,c;$\epsilon$\\ \_,a;$\epsilon$}" '] (7);
在 MWE 中与您的文档示例相比,进行了以下更改:
- 由于只关注图像,
因此使用了仅显示图像的文档类。但是,它对任何文档中图片代码的使用没有任何影响 - 增加了两个库:
- 顶点定位使用库定位中的语法(注意现在
互换),它定义节点边界之间的距离, - 顶点(节点)位于网格上
- 代码被分组
,这样可以编写更短的代码 - 而不是
edge notes
使用边引号。为它们定义了新样式 (every edge quotes
) - 重新定义了使用样式 (
而不是main node
, 样式作为边节点。