

是否可以用相当简单的 Latex 复制品来复制以下玫瑰图像:




最终,我想用“Latex 玫瑰”(包含一个或两个单词)替换 Latex 中产生的盒子(例如下面的),以便介绍书中的新章节。




一朵玫瑰...用 Mathcha 画...


\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt      
%uncomment if require: \path (0,439); %set diagram left start at 0, and has height of 439

%Shape: Triangle [id:dp8966526263440768] 
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (334.24,270.96) -- (306.37,286.02) -- (302.75,274.36) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp2836988033968444] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (325.1,204.69) .. controls (309.16,208) and (298.01,219.19) .. (300.19,229.69) .. controls (302.37,240.19) and (317.05,246.02) .. (332.99,242.72) .. controls (348.92,239.41) and (360.07,228.22) .. (357.89,217.72) .. controls (355.26,205.04) and (354.61,198.05) .. (355.92,196.73) .. controls (354.61,198.05) and (344.33,200.7) .. (325.1,204.69) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp288253063079859] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (259.5,218.3) .. controls (279.79,214.09) and (298.01,219.19) .. (300.19,229.69) .. controls (302.37,240.19) and (287.68,252.12) .. (267.39,256.33) .. controls (247.09,260.54) and (228.87,255.44) .. (226.69,244.94) .. controls (224.06,232.26) and (221.68,225.63) .. (219.53,225.02) .. controls (221.68,225.63) and (235,223.38) .. (259.5,218.3) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Pie [id:dp5120212632053505] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (306.49,77.85) .. controls (326.98,80.92) and (342.54,96.06) .. (342.54,114.28) .. controls (342.54,134.71) and (322.96,151.28) .. (298.79,151.28) .. controls (274.63,151.28) and (255.04,134.71) .. (255.04,114.28) .. controls (255.04,99.56) and (265.2,86.85) .. (279.91,80.89) -- (298.79,114.28) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp5535788958689252] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (287.37,102.56) .. controls (287.37,102.56) and (287.37,102.56) .. (287.37,102.56) .. controls (287.37,102.56) and (287.37,102.56) .. (287.37,102.56) .. controls (299.37,113.98) and (299.85,132.97) .. (288.43,144.98) .. controls (277.01,156.98) and (258.03,157.46) .. (246.02,146.04) .. controls (234.01,134.62) and (233.53,115.64) .. (244.95,103.63) .. controls (258.73,89.14) and (265.56,79.56) .. (265.45,74.89) .. controls (265.56,79.56) and (272.87,88.78) .. (287.37,102.56) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp5000564586031293] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (287.37,102.56) .. controls (295.53,135.03) and (315.35,157.97) .. (331.63,153.79) .. controls (347.91,149.61) and (354.48,119.9) .. (346.31,87.43) .. controls (342.37,101.85) and (333.81,112.54) .. (322.01,115.57) .. controls (310.22,118.6) and (297.65,113.33) .. (287.37,102.56) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp5949145834269645] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (296.7,125.74) .. controls (280.82,152.23) and (256.64,166.93) .. (242.68,158.57) .. controls (228.73,150.21) and (230.29,121.95) .. (246.16,95.46) .. controls (246.1,109.39) and (251.26,121.32) .. (261.37,127.38) .. controls (271.48,133.44) and (284.44,132.36) .. (296.7,125.74) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp6478429282324447] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (333.88,94.51) .. controls (333.74,116.6) and (317.95,134.4) .. (298.62,134.28) .. controls (279.3,134.15) and (263.74,116.15) .. (263.88,94.05) .. controls (272.28,102.68) and (284.79,108.19) .. (298.79,108.28) .. controls (312.8,108.37) and (325.38,103.02) .. (333.88,94.51) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp9055944285562285] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (354.4,132.41) .. controls (354.4,132.41) and (354.4,132.41) .. (354.4,132.41) .. controls (354.4,132.41) and (354.4,132.41) .. (354.4,132.41) .. controls (366.03,143.49) and (357.22,163.97) .. (334.73,178.17) .. controls (312.24,192.36) and (284.57,194.9) .. (272.95,183.83) .. controls (261.32,172.75) and (270.12,152.27) .. (292.62,138.07) .. controls (319.77,120.94) and (334.49,109.69) .. (336.79,104.34) .. controls (334.49,109.69) and (340.36,119.05) .. (354.4,132.41) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp029259060568209927] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 208; green, 2; blue, 27 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (296.7,125.74) .. controls (296.7,125.74) and (296.7,125.74) .. (296.7,125.74) .. controls (315.68,139.24) and (321.5,163.64) .. (309.7,180.24) .. controls (297.89,196.83) and (272.93,199.33) .. (253.95,185.83) .. controls (234.96,172.32) and (229.14,147.92) .. (240.95,131.32) .. controls (255.19,111.3) and (261.56,98.1) .. (260.04,91.72) .. controls (261.56,98.1) and (273.79,109.43) .. (296.7,125.74) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da6066444677487759] 
\draw    (238,236) -- (280.5,234) ;
%Shape: Trapezoid [id:dp656123975124739] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (291,389) -- (297.45,190) -- (306.05,190) -- (312.5,389) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da36096148600738487] 
\draw    (250,252) -- (277.5,243) ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp9381043746948583] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (355.98,146.55) .. controls (360.45,168.19) and (338.86,190.94) .. (307.77,197.37) .. controls (276.67,203.79) and (247.83,191.47) .. (243.36,169.83) .. controls (251.66,187.54) and (278.11,196.86) .. (306.45,191) .. controls (334.79,185.14) and (355.38,166.1) .. (355.98,146.55) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da43346633822675784] 
\draw    (315,223) -- (352.5,210) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da06894090327915348] 
\draw    (318,229) -- (345.5,233) ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp9158823263976328] 
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 139; green, 87; blue, 42 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (271.11,319.79) -- (302.79,319.35) -- (300.6,331.36) -- cycle ;




\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt        
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 126; green, 211; blue, 33 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 184; green, 233; blue, 134 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (315.73,214.88) -- (322.94,393.73) -- (303.61,394.11) -- (303.64,215.12) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Moon [id:dp6198007041185263] 
\draw  [color={rgb, 255:red, 131; green, 179; blue, 82 }  ,draw opacity=1 ][fill={rgb, 255:red, 160; green, 214; blue, 100 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (364.07,146.11) .. controls (374.93,181.86) and (354.97,219.58) .. (319.5,230.35) .. controls (284.02,241.12) and (246.47,220.87) .. (235.61,185.11) .. controls (256.29,183.37) and (278.78,179.08) .. (301.81,172.08) .. controls (324.83,165.09) and (345.92,156.16) .. (364.07,146.11) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp24653128302961091] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 190; green, 19; blue, 40 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (241.88,150.76) .. controls (241.88,150.76) and (241.88,150.76) .. (241.88,150.76) .. controls (236.73,169.55) and (246.75,188.68) .. (264.25,193.48) .. controls (281.76,198.28) and (300.13,186.93) .. (305.28,168.14) .. controls (310.43,149.35) and (300.42,130.22) .. (282.91,125.42) .. controls (261.77,119.63) and (250.58,115.54) .. (249.33,113.14) .. controls (250.58,115.54) and (248.1,128.08) .. (241.88,150.76) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp48418373498632095] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 190; green, 19; blue, 40 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (260.26,144.1) .. controls (260.26,144.1) and (260.26,144.1) .. (260.26,144.1) .. controls (260.26,144.1) and (260.26,144.1) .. (260.26,144.1) .. controls (253.79,167.67) and (264.19,191.08) .. (283.49,196.36) .. controls (302.78,201.65) and (323.66,186.83) .. (330.12,163.25) .. controls (336.59,139.67) and (326.19,116.27) .. (306.89,110.98) .. controls (283.6,104.59) and (271.31,99.93) .. (270.01,97) .. controls (271.31,99.93) and (268.06,115.63) .. (260.26,144.1) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp9913812118283272] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 203; green, 53; blue, 71 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (291.38,126.95) .. controls (291.38,126.95) and (291.38,126.95) .. (291.38,126.95) .. controls (291.38,126.95) and (291.38,126.95) .. (291.38,126.95) .. controls (273.78,143.93) and (270.77,169.36) .. (284.66,183.76) .. controls (298.55,198.15) and (324.07,196.06) .. (341.67,179.09) .. controls (359.27,162.11) and (362.27,136.68) .. (348.38,122.29) .. controls (331.95,105.25) and (323.52,96.95) .. (323.1,97.36) .. controls (322.77,97.01) and (312.19,106.88) .. (291.38,126.95) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp8743320111586002] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 200; green, 24; blue, 46 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (274.48,162.44) .. controls (274.48,162.44) and (274.48,162.44) .. (274.48,162.44) .. controls (295.72,168.34) and (309.34,186.06) .. (304.91,202.02) .. controls (300.48,217.99) and (279.67,226.15) .. (258.44,220.26) .. controls (237.2,214.37) and (223.58,196.65) .. (228.01,180.68) .. controls (233.36,161.41) and (235.17,150.65) .. (233.44,148.41) .. controls (235.17,150.65) and (248.85,155.33) .. (274.48,162.44) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp06529253074145047] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (331.37,267.93) -- (311.86,278.17) -- (309.44,265.79) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp5613117809992467] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 169; green, 220; blue, 112 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (315.69,289.27) .. controls (307.3,301.11) and (292.04,312.03) .. (274.41,317.57) .. controls (247.23,326.1) and (224.73,318.61) .. (224.15,300.83) .. controls (224.13,300.31) and (224.13,299.79) .. (224.15,299.26) -- (273.35,285.38) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (315.69,289.27) .. controls (307.3,301.11) and (292.04,312.03) .. (274.41,317.57) .. controls (247.23,326.1) and (224.73,318.61) .. (224.15,300.83) .. controls (224.13,300.31) and (224.13,299.79) .. (224.15,299.26) ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp4888472946932019] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 169; green, 220; blue, 112 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (314.41,290.84) .. controls (315.41,289.13) and (315.92,287.51) .. (315.87,286.01) .. controls (315.58,276.99) and (295.19,276.02) .. (270.33,283.82) .. controls (249.43,290.38) and (232.02,301.07) .. (227.19,309.66) -- (270.87,300.14) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (314.41,290.84) .. controls (315.41,289.13) and (315.92,287.51) .. (315.87,286.01) .. controls (315.58,276.99) and (295.19,276.02) .. (270.33,283.82) .. controls (249.43,290.38) and (232.02,301.07) .. (227.19,309.66) ;

%Shape: Arc [id:dp7863746929597304] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 174; green, 219; blue, 127 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (313.62,316.73) .. controls (318.54,327.9) and (330.26,333.25) .. (343.65,329.04) .. controls (360.98,323.6) and (374.53,304.22) .. (373.93,285.75) .. controls (373.92,285.41) and (373.9,285.09) .. (373.88,284.76) -- (342.55,295.6) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (313.62,316.73) .. controls (318.54,327.9) and (330.26,333.25) .. (343.65,329.04) .. controls (360.98,323.6) and (374.53,304.22) .. (373.93,285.75) .. controls (373.92,285.41) and (373.9,285.09) .. (373.88,284.76) ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp9935527042623047] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 174; green, 219; blue, 127 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (316.68,321.1) .. controls (316.39,320.26) and (316.22,319.36) .. (316.19,318.39) .. controls (315.89,309.03) and (328.49,297.4) .. (344.34,292.43) .. controls (358.63,287.94) and (370.69,290.39) .. (373.14,297.79) -- (344.89,309.38) -- cycle ; \draw  [draw opacity=0] (316.68,321.1) .. controls (316.39,320.26) and (316.22,319.36) .. (316.19,318.39) .. controls (315.89,309.03) and (328.49,297.4) .. (344.34,292.43) .. controls (358.63,287.94) and (370.69,290.39) .. (373.14,297.79) ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp9844400683196859] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (331.33,370.88) -- (309.3,370.22) -- (313.27,358.25) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp02649939092463871] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (289.83,255.76) -- (311.74,253.39) -- (309.44,265.79) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Triangle [id:dp6604794158903664] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 141; green, 197; blue, 78 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (291.71,341.53) -- (315.6,342.38) -- (309.29,353.3) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Tear Drop [id:dp8789476339204596] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0][fill={rgb, 255:red, 210; green, 44; blue, 64 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (318.33,146.65) .. controls (318.33,146.65) and (318.33,146.65) .. (318.33,146.65) .. controls (318.33,146.65) and (318.33,146.65) .. (318.33,146.65) .. controls (292.79,155.12) and (277.19,177.38) .. (283.49,196.36) .. controls (289.78,215.35) and (315.6,223.88) .. (341.14,215.4) .. controls (366.68,206.93) and (382.28,184.67) .. (375.98,165.68) .. controls (368.38,142.77) and (365.56,129.91) .. (367.52,127.12) .. controls (365.56,129.91) and (349.16,136.42) .. (318.33,146.65) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Resistor [id:dp855989959293115] 
\draw   (241.95,309.79) -- (252.75,306.76) -- (249.61,305.96) -- (265.49,304.87) -- (259.21,303.27) -- (275.08,302.17) -- (268.8,300.57) -- (284.68,299.48) -- (278.4,297.87) -- (294.27,296.78) -- (291.13,295.98) -- (301.93,292.95) ;
%Shape: Resistor [id:dp4675455647263771] 
\draw   (333.72,322.89) -- (338.84,318.03) -- (346.42,313.7) -- (335.8,318.03) -- (350.96,309.38) -- (340.35,313.71) -- (355.51,305.06) -- (344.89,309.38) -- (360.06,300.74) -- (349.44,305.06) -- (357.02,300.74) -- (362.14,295.88) ;



您可以将图像加载到inkscape,选择Path | Trace Bitmap获取 svg 文件(仅使用 8 种颜色),然后使用svg2tikz使用 tikz 将 svg 文件转换为 tex 文件。结果如下图所示。


tex 源太大,无法在这里发布;它看起来像这样。



\def \globalscale {1.000000}
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-\globalscale, xscale=\globalscale, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]

    \path[fill=cfcfbfb,line width=0.212pt] (235.3658,101.2083) -- (235.3658,25.9344) -- (293.3095,25.9344) -- (351.2533,25.9344) -- (351.2533,101.2083) -- (351.2533,176.4823) -- (293.3095,176.4823) -- (235.3658,176.4823) -- cycle;

  % 7 more path statements, some up to 40000 characters long.


